- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钟南山主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509177686
- 页数:456 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
钟南山院士成长历程 3
第二部分 学术贡献 15
一、钟南山院士的学术成就与学术思想 17
二、钟南山院士的主要学术论文 22
Treatment with Convalescent Plasma for Influenza A(H5N1)Infection 22
Effect of Carbocisteine on Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(PEACE Study):A Randomised Placebo-controlled Study 24
Carbocisteine for Acute Exacerbations of COPD 33
Using siRNA in Prophylactic and Therapeutic Regimens against SARS Coronavirus in Rhesus Macaque 36
What We Have Learnt from SARS Epidemics in China 48
Community Based Integrated Intervention for Prevention and Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)in Guangdong,China:Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial 52
Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in China——A Large,Population-based Survey 66
Prevalence of Asthma among Chinese Adolescents Living in Canada and in China 77
Bronchial H yperresponsiveness in Young Students of Southern China:Relation to Respiratory Symptoms,Diagnosed Asthma,and Risk Factors 88
Why Did Outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Occur in Some Hospital Wards but Not in Others? 96
Efficiency of Neural Drive during Exercise in Patients with COPD and Healthy Subjects 106
The Efficacy and Safety of Combination Salmeterol(50μg)/Fluticasone Propionate(500μg)Inhalation Twice Daily Via Accuhaler in Chinese Patients With COPD 113
Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in the Brain:Potential Role of the Chemokine Mig in Pathogenesis 122
A Multicentre Study Assessing the Prevalence of Sensitizations in Patients with Asthma and/or Rhinitis in China 131
Distinguishing Obstructive From Central Sleep Apnea Events:Diaphragm Electromyogram and Esophageal Pressure Compared 143
Chinese Response to Allergy and Asthma in Olympic Athletes 153
Biomass Fuels are the Probable Risk Factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Rural South China 162
Absence of Relationships Between Tuberculin Responses and Development of Adult Asthma With Rhinitis and Atopy 174
A Prospective,Multicenter Survey on Causes of Chronic Cough in China 181
Neural Respiratory Drive during Apnoeic Events in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea 195
Influence of Degree of Specific Allergic Sensitivity on Severity of Rhinitis and Asthma in Chinese Allergic Patients 205
A Double-blind,Placebo-controlled Study of House Dust Mite Immunotherapy in Chinese Asthmatic Patients 216
Antitumor Effect of Malaria Parasite Infection in a Murine Lewis Lung Cancer Model through Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immunity 224
Detection of Mouse Cough Based on Sound Monitoring and Respiratory Airflow Waveforms 238
Does Unrestrained Single-chamber Plethysmography Provide a Valid Assessment of Airway Responsiveness in Allergic BALB/c Mice? 248
Ag85B DNA Vaccine Suppresses Airway Inflammation in a Murine Model of Asthma 260
Infrared Thermal Imaging as a Novel Evaluation Method for Deep Vein Thrombosis in Lower Limbs 268
Non-smoking-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:A Neglected Entity? 278
Efficacy and Safety of Budesonide/Formoterol Via a Dry Powder Inhaler in Chinese Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 283
Measurement of Nasal Airway Resistance and Response in Mice 293
Inhibitory Effect of Emodin on Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice 296
Establishment and Characterization of a New Drug Surviving Cell Line Am1010,Derived Directly from Muscle Metastases of a H uman Lung Adenocarcinoma Patient with Multi-drug-resistance to Cisplatin,Taxol,and Gefitinib 307
COPD in Chinese nonsmokers 316
三、钟南山院士学术年表 328
钟南山院士论文目录 328
钟南山院士著作目录 339
钟南山院士译著目录 339
钟南山院士主要科技奖项目录 339
第三部分 治学之道 341
无人问津的学科,他却做出了大名堂 343
令英国人叹服的演讲 346
英国进修,挑战权威 350
实事求是做事,扎扎实实工作 353
钟南山当选为院士 356
医德传承,耳濡目染 358
第四部分 社会影响 361
世界卫生组织官员对钟南山的评价 363
病人对钟南山的称赞:视病人如亲人 366
SARS疫情让钟南山赢得世界声誉 369
威望与使命:维护正义 敢于谏言 372
尊重科学、敢说敢为的医学专家 375
中央电视台采访钟南山 379
钟南山被评为中央电视台“感动中国2003年度人物” 383
2003年感动中国人物颁奖词 385
钟南山的“好言相劝”并非无稽之谈 386
站在抗击非典最前沿——记广东医疗救护专家钟南山 388
评钟南山:好个追求非典“未知数” 394
重奖钟南山 奖医技更奖良知 396
就应像人大代表钟南山那样高调问政 398
谁来回应“钟南山之问” 400
谁是钟南山炮轰的“套话代表”和“空话代表” 402
为钟南山“开炮”鼓掌 403
仗义执言的钟南山,求真务实的卫生部 404
为何又是钟南山质疑甲流数据 405
钟南山唱唱对台戏又有何不可 407
真诚的人 优美的书——评叶依《钟南山传》 408
钟南山“向我开炮”精神值得尊敬 410
钟南山力挺中医催人深思 411
钟南山 412
全国敬业奉献模范——钟南山 414
中国需要钟南山们的“悲愤” 415
钟南山:我的复兴中国医学之梦 417
“非典十年”钟南山谈养生健康是个易碎的玻璃球 423
钟南山:医者风骨 议政勇士 428
钟南山“后非典”十年 431
做道德模范同行者,照亮民族复兴光明前景 435
非典十年之钟南山:做尊重事实的人 436
第五部分 人生风采 439
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