新视界大学英语 快速阅读 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汪士彬分册主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513509336
- 页数:203 页
Unit 1 A new start 1
Guided reading Yourfirst college semester:Afreshman year that leads to graduation 1
Timed reading 1 The golden rule of packing for study abroad 8
Timed reading 2 Ten tips for surviving freshman year in college 12
Timed reading 3 Maintaining high school friendships at college 17
Timed reading 4 Managing stress and staying healthy:Advice for college students 21
Unit 2 Food for thought 25
Guided reading What the world's healthiest people eat 25
Timed reading 1 Food for thought 32
Timed reading 2 How to keep your vegetables healthy 36
Timed reading 3 How do foods affect our sleep? 40
Timed reading 4 Forgotten and forgiven 44
Unit 3 Face to face 49
Guided reading How to talk to anyone,anyone,anywhere 49
Timed reading 1 A silent boy on the train 57
Timed reading 2 Business etiquette 62
Timed reading 3 All flowers are beautiful 66
Timed reading 4 Body language 70
Unit 4 Love,actually 75
Guided reading Gone with the wind:A true love story 75
Timed reading 1 Soul mate?Ten indications that you may have found one 82
Timed reading 2 Think simple and sweet for Valentine's Day 86
Timed reading 3 Going on a date without breaking the bank 90
Timed reading 4 My Sergei 94
Unit 5 Shopping around 99
Guided reading Shopping experience in the States 99
Timed reading 1 Why women like shopping? 106
Timed reading 2 How to stop spending money:Help for habitual shoppers 110
Timed reading 3 Online shopping trends 114
Timed reading 4 Avoid the Christmas budgeting blues! 118
Unit 6 It runs in the family 123
Guided reading Six tips for better family communication 123
Timed reading 1 He never missed a game 131
Timed reading 2 Taking responsibility for your aging parents 135
Timed reading 3 Baby's first year:What to expect 139
Timed reading 4 The importance of family life 143
Unit 7 Travellers'tales 147
Guided reading Top five most romantic places to holiday in the world 147
Timed reading 1 The Statue of Liberty 155
Timed reading 2 The surprisingly big joys of journeys with small children 159
Timed reading 3 Eco-tourism:Snapshots from four villages 164
Timed reading 4 How to lighten the load when travelling? 168
Unit 8 The green revolution 173
Guided reading Rachel Carson 173
Timed reading 1 Global warming 180
Timed reading 2 Gulf coast oil-spill disaster 184
Timed reading 3 Watering the air 188
Timed reading 4 Air quality 192
Answer keys 196
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