“画里画外”系列 画里画外 轻松学英语口语惯用表达 下PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:斯蒂芬·柯蒂斯
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513548434
- 页数:185 页
1 it's a good job/thing(that)… 幸好…… 6
2 it's a long story 说来话长 8
3 it's beyond me… 我弄不明白…… 10
4 it serves someone right 某人活该 12
5 it's just as well(that)… 幸好…… 14
6 it's no joke 这可不是闹着玩的 16
7 it's no use/good 没用的 18
8 it's up to you 由你来定 20
9 I was wondering if/whether 我想知道是否 22
10 just a minute/second 等一下 24
11 just in case 以防万一 26
12 just you wait 你等着 28
13 keep an eye on 留意 30
14 keep going 继续 32
15 keep your eyes open 睁大眼睛 34
16 keep your fingers crossed 但愿 36
17 keep your voice down 小声点 38
18 knock it off 停下 40
19 leave someone/something alone 别打扰某人;别碰某物 42
20 let's face it 面对现实吧 44
21 look out/watch out 小心 46
22 make/pull a face 做鬼脸 48
23 make/kick up a fuss 大吵大闹 50
24 make do with 将就 52
25 make up your mind 下定决心 54
26 mind your own business 别管闲事 56
27 more or less 几乎,差不多 58
28 my feet are killing me 我的脚痛得要命 60
29 my pleasure 别客气,不用谢 62
30 my treat 我请客 64
31 never mind 没关系 66
32 no doubt about it 毫无疑问 68
33 no end of 许多,大量 70
34 no hard feelings 无恶意,不记仇 72
35 no harm done 没事儿 74
36 no matter how/where/what/who 无论怎样/哪里/什么/谁 76
37 not at all 一点也不 78
38 not have the heart to do something 不忍心做某事 80
39 not in so many words 不明确,不直接 82
40 now and then/again 偶然,不时 84
41 no way 决不 86
42 no wonder 不足为奇,难怪 88
43 of all people 偏偏 90
44 on second thoughts 又一想,再一想 92
45 one after another/the other 相继 94
46 out of breath 上气不接下气 96
47 out of order 出现故障 98
48 over and over again 一次又一次 100
49 play it by ear 见机行事 102
50 ring a bell 引起模糊回忆 104
51 same here 我也一样 106
52 so far so good 到目前为止一切都好 108
53 so to speak 可谓 110
54 sooner or later 迟早 112
55 start/set the ball rolling 开始做某事 114
56 take a rain check 下次吧,改天吧 116
57 take it easy 放轻松,悠着点 118
58 take your time 慢慢来,别着急 120
59 take…for granted 认为……理所当然 122
60 talk of the devil… 说曹操,曹操到…… 124
61 that's life 这就是生活 126
62 that's/it's news to me 我一点儿也不知道 128
63 that's the point 这正是问题的关键 130
64 the mind boggles 难以置信 132
65 there's no need 没必要 134
66 there's no telling 不知道 136
67 there you are 给你;就是这样 138
68 the same old story 老一套 140
69 the thing is(that)… 问题是……,原因是…… 142
70 the trouble is(that)… 问题是…… 144
71 to be honest/to tell you the truth 说实话 146
72 touch wood 但愿好运常在 148
73 trial and error 反复试验 150
74 wait a minute/just a minute 等一下 152
75 watch it 注意,小心 154
76 what are you talking about 你在说什么 156
77 what a shame 太可惜了 158
78 what's the point/use 有什么意义/用处 160
79 what's wrong 怎么了 162
80 whether you like it or not 不论你是否乐意 164
81 with(all)respect 恕我直言 166
82 wouldn't dream of doing something 决不会做某事 168
83 would you mind…? 你是否介意……? 170
84 you can't beat… 没有比……更好的了 172
85 you must be joking 你一定是在开玩笑 174
86 you never know 很难说,很难预料 176
87 your best bet is to… 最好的办法是…… 178
88 you're kidding 你开玩笑吧 180
89 you're telling me 的确如此,说得没错 182
90 you're welcome 不客气 184
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