- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:贺林主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509177518
- 页数:448 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
贺林小传 3
贺林传记 5
第二部分 学术贡献 17
一、贺林院士的主要学术论文 19
精神分裂症的基因组学研究进展 19
精神分裂症中拷贝数变异的研究新进展 30
转化医学:从基础科研到临床应用 36
Mutations in IHH,Encoding Indian Hedgehog,Cause Brachydactyly Type A-1 42
A Family-Based and Case-Control Association Study of the NOTCH4 Gene and Schizophrenia 47
Family-Based Association Studies of COMT Gene Polymorphisms and Schizophrenia in the Chinese Population 52
Family-Based Association Study of DTNBP1 in 6 p22.3 and Schizophrenia 54
Polymorphisms within 5′End of the Neuregulin 1 Gene are Genetically Associated with Schizophrenia in the Chinese Population 56
Association of SNPs and Haplotypes in GABAA Receptor β2 Gene with Schizophrenia 58
No Association Between Polymorphisms of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene and Schizophrenia in Both Chinese and Scottish Populations 66
SHEsis,a Powerful Software Platform for Analyses of Linkage Disequilibrium,Haplotype Construction,and Genetic Association at Polymorphism Loci 69
Rates of Adult Schizophrenia Following Prenatal Exposure to the Chinese Famine of 1959-1961 71
Further Evidence for the Association Between G72/G30 Genes and Schizophrenia in Two Ethnically Distinct Populations 78
Family-Based Association Study of Epsin 4 and Schizophrenia 88
MPZL1/PZR,a Novel Candidate Predisposing Schizophrenia in Han Chinese 93
Meta-Analysis Supports Association Between Serotonin transporter(5-HTT)and Suicidal Behavior 98
A Study of Rare Structural Variants in Schizophrenia Patients and Normal Controls from Chinese Han Population 107
Identification of Loci Associated with Schizophrenia by Genome-wide Association and Follow-up 110
A Mutation in Ihh that Causes Digit Abnormalities Alters its Signalling Capacity and range 115
A Partition-Ligation-Combination-Subdivision EM Algorithm for Haplotype Inference with Multiallelic Markers:Update of the SHEsis(http://analysis.bio-x.cn) 125
Copy-Number Mutations on Chromosome 17q24.2-q24.3 in Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis Terminalis with or without Gingival Hyperplasia 129
The Sequence and de Novo Assembly of the Giant Panda Genome 137
Asymmetric DNA Origami for Spatially Addressable and Index-Free Solution-Phase DNA Chips 147
SHEsisEpi,A GPU-Enhanced Genome-Wide SNP-SNP Interaction Scanning Algorithm,Efficiently Reveals the Risk Genetic Epistasis in Bipolar Disorder 153
Analysis of 10 Independent Samples Provides Evidence for Association Between Schizop-hrenia and a SNP Flanking Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2(FGFR2) 157
Common Variants in Major Histocompatibility Complex Region and TCF4 Gene are Significantly Associated with Schizophrenia in Han Chinese 165
A Positive Role for c-Abl in Atm and Atr Activation in DNA Damage Response 169
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Susceptibility Loci for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on Chromosome 2p16.3,2p21 and 9q33.3 184
Common Variants in the BCL9 Gene Conferring Risk of Schizophrenia 192
Common SNPs and Haplotypes in DGK H are Associated with Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia in the Chinese Han Population 203
A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Association Between Common Variants in An Intergenic Region of 4q25 and High-Grade Myopia in the Chinese Han Population 206
Indian Hedgehog Mutations Causing Brachydactyly Type A1 Impair Hedgehog Signal Transduction at Multiple Levels 215
Gold Nanoparticles for High-Throughput Genotyping of Long-Range Haplotypes 229
Common Variants on 8p12 and lq24.2 Confer Risk of Schizophrenia 237
NMDA Receptor Hypofunction Induces Dysfunctions of Energy Metabolism and Semaphorin Signaling in Rats:A Synaptic Proteome Study 243
GWAS Identifies Novel Susceptibility Loci on 6p21.32 and 21q21.3 for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Carriers 257
Genome-wide Association Study in Han Chinese Identifies four New Susceptibility Loci for Coronary Artery Disease 268
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Eight New Risk Loci for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 275
Genetic Variants at 6p21.1 and 7p15.3 Are Associated with Risk of Multiple Cancers in Han Chinese 283
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Potential metabolite markers of schizophrenia 291
二、贺林院士学术年表 304
(一)代表论文 304
(二)论文总目录 304
(三)参与的学术会议 350
(四)主要成绩 360
(五)承担课题 361
(六)专利申请 362
第三部分 治学之道 365
贺林“既然要做,为什么不做得最好?” 367
贺林院士:做一件事,就要努力做到最好 372
第四部分 大师风范 377
在科学的殿堂里实现自己的梦想 379
贺林:遗传生物学家的X魅力 383
中国出生缺陷问题的探讨 387
破译中国人的“遗传密码” 389
第五部分 社会影响 393
临床转化医学研究中心无锡成立 395
大熊猫钟情竹子的原因有答案 396
基因“失活”大熊猫不爱吃肉 397
2001年中国医药科技十大新闻揭晓 398
人类短指症病因终被揭开 400
上海交大破解短指症病因 402
2011年上海科技奖揭晓交大获奖数十年居首贺林院士荣获2011年度上海市科技功臣奖[图] 403
[交大两会代表言论]政协委员贺林:加强出生缺陷研究 405
Bio-X研究院贺林院士应邀演讲于世博名人堂 407
贺林教授当选为中国侨联特聘科技专家、中国侨联科技专家委员会副主任 408
贺林院士当选为第二十届TWAS发展中国家科学2009年度生物奖的贺词(1) 409
贺林院士当选为第二十届TWAS发展中国家科学2009年度生物奖的贺词(2) 410
贺林院士当选为第二十一届TWAS院士的贺词 411
两成果入选2009年度中国基础科学研究十大新闻[图] 412
不仅是个头衔更是一份责任 414
基因定位[步步快半拍] 416
上海市科技功臣、上海交通大学Bio-X研究院院长贺林快乐科学 418
快乐“帅才” 420
“创新是城市活力和后劲所在” 422
上海科学技术奖公布 周良辅、贺林获“科技功臣奖” 424
周良辅、贺林获科技功臣奖 425
感谢信 426
第六部分 人生风采 427
家庭 431
海外留学、工作 432
科研、教学、社会活动 435
国际交流 443
业余生活 446
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