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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:阎昌琪主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787566109781
  • 页数:259 页

Lesson 1 Nuclear Fission 1

1.1 Discovery of Fission 1

1.2 Coulomb and Nuclear Forces 2

1.3 Fission Energy 3

1.4 Products of Fission 4

1.5 Cross Sections for Particle Interaction 5

1.6 Particle Attenuation 8

1.7 Neutron Diffusion 9

Self-test 9

关键字解释 10

词汇 11

课文注释 13

Lesson 2 The Principle of Nuclear Reactors 14

2.1 The Chain Reaction 14

2.2 The Neutron Cycle in a Thermal Reactor 15

2.3 Formalism for Describing the Multiplication Factor 16

2.4 Conversion and Breeding 18

2.5 Fuel Cycles 20

Self-test 22

关键字解释 23

词汇 24

课文注释 26

Lesson 3 Nuclear Reactor Concepts 27

3.1 History of Commercial Reactor Development 27

3.2 Power Reactors 28

3.3 Fast Breeder Reactors 32

Self-test 34

关键字解释 35

词汇 36

课文注释 38

Lesson 4 Pressurized Water Reactor 40

4.1 General 40

4.2 Pressurized Water Reactor Components 41

4.3 Introduction to the Nuclear Steam Supply System 80+ 43

Self-test 46

关键字解释 47

词汇 48

课文注释 49

Lesson 5 Reactor Vessel and Internals 51

5.1 Reaetor Vessel 51

5.2 Reaetor Vessel Internals 54

Self-test 56

关键字解释 57

词汇 58

课文注释 59

Lesson 6 Reactor Core and Fuel 60

6.1 Introduction 60

6.2 Core 60

6.3 Fuel Rod 61

6.4 Fuel Assembly 62

6.5 Control Element Assemblies and Drive Mechanisms 64

6.6 Control Element Drive Mechanisms(CEDM) 65

6.7 Neutron Sources 66

6.8 Burnable Absorber Rod Assembly 66

Self-test 67

关键字解释 67

词汇 68

课文注释 70

Lesson 7 The Main Components in PWR Coolant System 71

7.1 Steam Generators 71

7.2 Pressurizer 73

7.3 Reactor Coolant Pumps and Motors 76

Self-test 77

关键字解释 78

词汇 79

课文注释 80

Lesson 8 Pressurized Water Reactor Systems and Containment 82

8.1 Plant Heat Balance and the Steam Cycle 82

8.2 PWR Primary and Secondary Loops 83

8.3 Auxiliary System for Primary Loop 84

8.4 Containment 86

Self-test 90

关键字解释 91

词汇 92

课文注释 93

Lesson 9 Nuclear Safety 95

9.1 Safety and Hazards in Nuclear Power 95

9.2 Reactor Accidents 96

9.3 The Accident at Three Mile Island 97

9.4 The Accident at Chernobyl 98

Self-test 101

关键字解释 102

词汇 103

课文注释 104

Lesson 10 Small Nuclear Plants for Special Use 105

10.1 Deep-sea Reactor X(DRX) 105

10.2 Space Reactor Power System TOPAZ Ⅱ 108

Self-test 113

关键字解释 114

词汇 115

课文注释 116

Lesson 11 Radiation 117

11.1 Radioactivity 117

11.2 Excitation and Ionization by Electrons 119

11.3 Heavy Charged Particle Slowing by Atoms 119

11.4 Heavy Charged Particle Scattering by Nuclei 120

11.5 Gamma Ray Interactions with Matter 121

11.6 The Properties of Alpha.Beta and Gamma Radiation 123

Self-test 124

关键字解释 124

词汇 126

课文注释 127

Lesson 12 Nuclear Fuel Cycle 129

12.1 Characteristics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 129

12.2 Uranium Mining and Milling 131

12.3 Conversion 136

12.4 Enrichment of Uranium 137

Self-test 139

关键字解释 140

词汇 141

课文注释 143

Lesson 13 Back End of Fuel Cycle 145

13.1 Handling of Spent Fuel 145

13.2 Reprocessing 146

13.3 Alternative Reprocessing and Fuel Cycle Candidates 148

13.4 Waste Disposal 150

13.5 Categories of Nuclear Waste 151

Self-test 153

关键字解释 154

词汇 155

课文注释 156

Lesson 14 Biological Effects of Radiation 158

14.1 Introduction 158

14.2 Basic Human Physiology 158

14.3 Cell Biology 160

14.4 The Interaction of Radiation with Cells 161

14.5 The Somatic Effects of Radiation 162

14.6 The Hereditary Effects of Radiation 165

14.7 Discussion 166

Self-test 166

关键字解释 167

词汇 167

课文注释 170

Lesson 15 Radiation Units and Maximum Permissible Doses 171

15.1 Absorption of Energy 171

15.2 Ionization 171

15.3 Exposure——the Roentgen 173

15.4 Radiation Absorbed Dose and Dose Equivalent 173

15.5 Dose Rate and Flux 174

15.6 Relationship of Units 175

15.7 The Role of the ICRP 176

15.8 Recommendations of ICRP(Publication 26,1977) 178

15.9 Notes on the Dose Equivalent Limits for Workers 179

15.10 Recommended Dose Equivalent Limits for Individual Members of the Public 180

15.11 Planned Special Exposures 180

15.12 Abnormal Exposures in Emergeneies or Accidents 181

Self-test 182

关键字解释 183

词汇 184

课文注释 185

Lesson 16 Natural and Man-made Radiation 186

16.1 Introduction 186

16.2 Cosmic Radiation 186

16.3 Radiation from Terrestrial Sources 187

16.4 Radioactivity in the Body 187

16.5 Natural Exposures for Humans 187

16.6 Man-made Sources of Radiation 189

16.7 Current Sources otMam-made Radiation 190

16.8 Health Effects from Large Acute Doses 191

16.9 Production of Radioisotopes 192

16.10 Industrial and Research Uses of Radioisotopes and Radiation 193

Self-test 194

关键字解释 195

词汇 196

课文注释 198

Lesson 17 Radiation Detection and Measurement 199

17.1 General PrinciPles 199

17.2 Ionization of a Gas 199

17.3 So1id State Detectors 201

17.4 Photographic Effect 202

17.5 Activation Effect 203

17.6 E1ectrical Circuits 204

Self-test 207

关键字解释 208

词汇 208

课文注释 210

Lesson 18 The External Radiation Hazard 211

18.1 Source of the Hazard 211

18.2 Time 211

18.3 Distance 211

18.4 Shielding 212

18.5 Neutron Sources 215

18.6 Personal Dose Control 216

18.7 Radiation Survey Monitoring 217

18.8 Personnel Monitoring Equipment 219

18.9 Radiation Records 221

Self-test 221

关键字解释 222

词汇 223

课文注释 224

Lesson 19 The Internal Radiation Hazard 225

19.1 Uncontained Radioactivitv 225

19.2 Routes of Entry 225

19.3 Annual Limits of Intake 227

19.4 Control of the Contamination Hazard 228

19.5 Routine Control of Contamination 229

19.6 Radiotoxicity and Laboratory Classifications 231

19.7 Design of Areas for Radioactive Work 232

19.8 Treatment of Contaminated Personnel 234

19.9 Contamination Monitoring 235

Self-test 237

关键字解释 238

词汇 239

课文注释 241

Lesson 20 Radiation Hazards from Reactorsand Radioactive Waste 242

20.1 Radiation Hazards from Reactors 242

20.2 Fuel Storage Ponds 246

20.3 Fuel Reprocessing 247

20.4 Radioactive Waste 248

Self-test 253

关键字解释 254

词汇 255

课文注释 257

Self-test参考答案 258

后记 259
