- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:袁懋梓主编;丁文盛,田少华,刘爱莲,刘晓敏,陈莉,袁建荣,梁明,窦旭霞编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787308130875
- 页数:559 页
第一部分 大学英语常用句型 1
句型1 主语+系动词+表语 1
1.1 主语+系动词+名词/代词例句:Horses are animals 1
1.2 主语+系动词+形容词(+介词短语)例句:He is very angry(with her) 2
1.3 主语+系动词+现在分词(+介词短语)例句:This story is interesting(to me) 4
1.4 主语+系动词+过去分词(+介词短语)例句:Mother is pleased(about it) 5
1.5 主语+系动词+副词例句:The meeting was over 7
1.6 主语+系动词+介词短语例句:Jack is at work 7
1.7 主语+系动词+形容词+不定式例句:I an glad to hear the news 8
1.8 主语+系动词+形容词+不定式复合结构例句:The song is easy for children to sing 10
1.9 主语+系动词+形容词+疑问词+不定式例句:we are not clear when to go 11
1.10 主语+系动词+形容词+疑问从句例句:He is not sure where she lives 11
1.11 主语+系动词+形容词+that从句例句:I am confident that he will win 12
1.12 主语+系动词+动名词(复合结构)例句:What I am afraid ofis(her)being ill 12
1.13 主语+系动词+不定式(复合结构)例句:Her suggestion is(for him)to go by bus 13
1.14 主语+系动词+疑问词+不定式例句:Our difficulty is how to cross the river 14
1.15 主语+系动词+疑问从句例句:The question is why we must wait 15
1.16 主语+系动词+that从句例句:The reason was that he was ill 15
1.17 主语+系动词+名词性关系从句例句:This book is just what I want 16
1.18 主语+系动词+as if/because从句例句:It looks as if it is going to rain 17
1.19 形式主语+系动词+名词/形容词等+不定式(复合结构)例句:It is impossible(for Tom)to lose 17
1.20 形式主语+系动词+形容词+of sb.+不定式例句:It is stupid of him to do so 18
1.21 形式主语+系动词+名词/形容词等+动名词(复合结构)例句:It's no use(your)complaining 19
1.22 形式主语+系动词+名词/形容词等+that从句例句:It is my opinion that the plan won't work 20
1.23 形式主语+系动词+名词/形容词等+疑问从句例句:It is a mystery how it all happened 21
1.24 形式主语+be+被强调的部分+that从句例句:It was Tom that solved the problem 21
句型2 主语+不及物动词 23
2.1 主语+不及物动词例句:The teacher agreed 23
2.2 主语+不带宾语的短语动词例句:The car broke down 23
2.3 主语+不及物动词+状语例句:They livein Chicago 24
2.4 there+be+主语例句:There may have been an accident 25
2.5 there+不及物动词+主语例句:There exist several choices 26
2.6 主语+不及物动词+名词/形容词等例句:He returned quite a different man 26
2.7 主语+不及物动词+不定式例句:I happened to know her 27
2.8 形式主语+不及物动词+不定式(复合结构)例句:lt won't do(for us)to be late 28
2.9 形式主语+不及物动词+that从句例句:It happened that I knew the 28
2.10 形式主语+不及物动词+疑问从句例句:It doesn't matter how you are dressed 29
句型3 主语+及物动词+宾语 30
3.1 主语+及物动词+名词/代词例句:An idea struck me 30
3.2 主语+介词动词+名词/代词例句:He looked at the clock 31
3.3 A 主语+带宾语的短语动词+名词/代词例句:He turned on the lights 32
3.3 B主语+及物动词+名词/代词+副词例句:They will see M ary off 33
3.4 主语+短语介词动词+名词/代词例句:Bob doesn't in for music 34
3.5 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+状语例句:She put some salt in the soup 35
3.6 主语+及物动词+不定式例句:He managed to come 36
3.7 主语+及物动词+疑问词+不定式例句:You must learn how to be patient 36
3.8 主语+及物动词+动名词(复合结构)例句:1 wouldn't mind(his)having a try 37
3.9 主语+及物动词+动名词例句:The garden needs watering 41
3.10 主语+及物动词+that从句例句:He said that it was a mistake 42
3.11 主语+及物动词+疑问从句例句:They don't know who she is 44
3.12 主语+及物动词+名词性关系从句例句:He tasted what I bought 45
3.13 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+that从句例句:Rumour has it that he will resign 46
3.14 形式主语+及物动词+名词/代词+不定式/动名词例句:lt surprised me to hear him say that 47
3.15 形式主语+及物动词+名词/代词+that从句例句:It worries me that he hasn't come 48
3.16 形式主语+及物动词+名词/代词+疑问从句例句:It doesn't concern me why he is absent 48
句型4 主语+及物动词+(间接)宾语+(直接)宾语 49
4.1 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+to+名词/代词例句:She gave a book to Jack 49
4.2 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+for+名词/代词例句:He bought a computer for Kathy 49
4.3 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+名词/代词例句:They fined him$200 50
4.4 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+介词+名词/代词例句:He took the boy by the arm 51
4.5 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+疑问词+不定式例句:They told us where to shop cheaply 53
4.6 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+疑问从句例句:He asked me whether the train was late 53
4.7 主语+及物动词+介词+名词/代词+疑问从句例句:He explained to me what it was all about 54
4.8 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+that从句例句:Peter convinced her that he was right 54
4.9 主语+及物动词+介词+名词/代词+that从句例句:He admitted to me that he was wrong 55
4.10 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+名词性关系从句例句:We denied him what he asked 56
4.11 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+介词+名词/代词+不定式例句:I will leave it to you to buy the tickets 56
4.12 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+介词+名词/代词+that从句例句:I owe it to you that I am still alive 57
4.13 形式主语+及物动词+名词/代词+名词/代词+不定式例句:It took her all afternoon to drive home 57
句型5 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 59
5.1 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+名词例句:They consider her a good teacher 59
5.2 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+形容词/介词短语等例句:They believe him honest 59
5.3 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+as+名词/形容词等例句:He treated my request as ajoke 60
5.4 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+不定式例句:We can't allow you to do that 61
5.5 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+不带to的不定式例句:She watched the children cross the road 63
5.6 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+现在分词例句:You mustn't keep them waiting 64
5.7 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+过去分词例句:I heard my name called 65
5.8 主语+及物动词+名词/代词+名词性关系从句例句:You can call me what you like 66
5.9 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+名词/形容词+不定式/动名词例句:We found it impossible to do this 67
5.10 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+名词/形容词等+that从句例句:I thought it strange that he hadn't come 68
5.11 主语+及物动词+形式宾语+形容词+疑问从句例句:He made it clear why he had failed 68
5.12 形式主语+及物动词+名词/代词+形容词+不定式例句:It made her happy to be invited 69
第二部分 四、六级动词用法 70
A 70
B 98
C 127
D 183
E 218
F 241
G 262
H 280
I 295
J 311
K 314
L 321
M 340
N 356
O 360
P 367
Q 401
R 403
S 436
T 507
U 536
V 540
W 544
Y 559
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