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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高巍巍等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787517023265
  • 页数:213 页
图书介绍:本书是《IT职业英语》的第二版。本书以国际IT 企业的实际应用规范为参考,汇集了经验丰富的计算机与英语教师参与编写。全书以一名刚毕业的计算机专业学生从进入公司工作的第一天以及整个业务活动为背景,侧重与工作密切结合的听 、说、读、写多项实用英语技能,融合了信息技术和商务英语两大领域,培养学生能够流利地使用商务口语、技术口语以及高效阅读技术文档的能力和写作商务E-mail和技术报告的能力。本教程适用于高等院校计算机及其相关专业、软件学院、各类职业院校和专业培训机构,也可作为各专业人员自学英语、提高英语应用能力的参考用书。听力文件请登录http://www.wsbookshow.com/自行下载。
标签:编著 职业

Unit 1 First Day at Work 1

Section One Reading 1

Section Two Listening 8

Section Three Speaking 8

Section Four Writing 10

Transcript 16

Unit 2 Software 17

Section One Reading 17

Section Two Listening 22

Section Three Speaking 23

Section Four Writing 24

Unit 3 Office Routine 29

Section One Reading 29

Section Two Listening 37

Section Three Speaking 38

Section Four Writing 38

Transcript 44

Unit 4 Creative Software 46

Section One Reading 46

Section Two Listening 50

Section Three Speaking 50

Section Four Writing 51

Transcript 55

Unit 5 Communicate Online 56

Section One Reading 56

Section Two Listening 62

Section Three Speaking 64

Section Four Writing 64

Transcript 68

Unit 6 Surf the Network 70

Section One Reading 70

Section Two Listening 77

Section Three Speaking 78

Section Four Writing 78

Transcript 84

Unit 7 Selling Products 85

Section One Reading 85

Section Two Listening 90

Section Three Speaking 90

Section Four Writing 91

Transcript 94

Unit 8 With Customers 95

Section One Reading 95

Section Two Listening 102

Section Three Speaking 102

Section Four Writing 103

Transcript 105

Unit 9 Solutions 106

Section One Reading 106

Section Two Listening 111

Section Three Speaking 112

Section Four Writing 113

Transcript 115

Unit 10 Computer Security 116

Section One Reading 116

Section Two Listening 121

Section Three Speaking 122

Section Four Writing 122

Transcript 126

Unit 11 The Development Environment 127

Section One Reading 127

Section Two Listening 135

Section Three Speaking 135

Section Four Writing 136

Transcript 146

Unit 12 New Technology 147

Section One Reading 147

Section Two Listening 153

Section Three Speaking 153

Section Four Writing 154

Transcript 156

Grammar 158

Unit 1 Tenses时态 158

Unit 2 Passive Voice被动语态 160

Unit 3 Sentences句子 161

Unit 4 Nominal Clauses名词性从句 163

Unit 5 Reported Speech间接引语 165

Unit 6 Adverbial Clauses状语从句 166

Unit 7 Relative/Attributive Clauses定语从句 167

Unit 8 Relative/Attributive Clauses and Appositive Clause定语从句和同位语从句 168

Unit 9 Modal Verbs情态动词 169

Unit 10 Inversion倒装 172

Unit 11 Non-finite Verb非谓语动词 176

Unit 12 Infinitive&Gerund不定式&动名词 179

Appendix A Glossary of Readings 181

Appendix B Key to Exercises 189

Key to Grammar Exercises 210
