学术英语 理工PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蔡基刚主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787560085272
- 页数:312 页
Unit 1 Choosing a Topic 1
1 Deciding on a topic 2
2 Formulating a research question 11
3 Writing a working title 20
4 Enhancing your academic language 21
Unit 2 Searching for Information 39
1 Finding reliable and better sources 40
2 Scanning and skimming 42
3 Identifying topic sentences for information 47
4 Guessing word meaning 53
5 Using the organization of the text 65
6 Reading critically 70
7 Taking notes 76
8 Writing a summary 78
9 Enhancing your academic language 84
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures 109
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture 110
2 Paying attention to the introduction 111
3 Understanding the ideas through examples 114
4 Following a lecture through signal words 116
5 Memorizing the points by taking notes 120
Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review 125
1 Writing a literature review 126
2 Writing a self-contained literature review 142
3 Writing a literatu rereview as a part of an essay 145
4 Citation 147
5 Documentation 152
6 Avoiding plagiarism 153
7 Paraphrasing 158
8 Enhancing your academic language 170
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay 185
1 Definition 186
2 Two types of research paper 202
3 Writing an introduction 205
4 Writing the body of a secondary research essay 212
5 Writing the body of a primary research essay 222
6 Writing a discussion or/and conclusion 229
7 Writing an abstract 232
8 Writing a reference list 236
9 Academic writing style 238
10 Proofreading 247
11 Enhancing your academic language 253
Unit 6 Making an Oral Presentation 273
1 Preparing your oral presentation 274
2 Organizing the content 274
3 Using proper language 279
4 Delivering your presentation 281
5 Using visual aids 283
6 Dealing with Q and A 285
7 Raising questions in class and in the lecture 286
8 Participating in discussions 287
Appendix 1:Vocabulary 290
Appendix 2:A Student's Paper 307
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