- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)理查兹(JackC.Richards),(英)洛克哈特(CharlesLockhart)著;武尊民导读
- 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7107139789
- 页数:218 页
Introduction:Teacher development through exploring classroom processes 1
1 Approaches to classroom investigation in teaching 6
Journals 7
Lesson reports 9
Surveys and questionnaires 10
Audio or video recording of Iessons 11
Observation 12
Action research 12
Appendixes 16
2 Exploring teachers' beliefs 29
The source of teachers' beliefs 30
Beliefs about English 32
Beliefs about learning 34
Beliefs about teaching 36
Beliefs about the program and the curriculum 38
Beliefs about language teaching as a profession 40
Follow-up activities 42
Appendixes 44
3 Focus on the learner 52
Learner belief systems 52
Cognitive styles 59
Learning strategies 63
Follow-up activities 67
Action research case study #1:Learner strategies 69
Appendixes 72
4 Teacher decision making 78
Planning decisions 78
Interactive decisions 83
Evaluative decisions 87
Follow-up activities 90
Action research case study #2:Negotiating course content with Iearners 91
Appendixes 93
5 The role of the teacher 97
The nature of roles 97
Roles reflecting institutional factors 98
Roles reflecting a teaching approach or method 101
Roles reflecting a personal view of teaching 104
Cultural dimensions of roles 107
Follow-up activities 109
Action research case study #3:Renegotiating teacher-learner roles to increase student motivation 110
6 The structure of a language lesson 113
Openings 114
Sequencing 118
Pacing 122
Closure 124
Follow-up activities 125
Action research case study #4:Transitions during lessons 126
Appendixes 129
7 Interaction in the second language classroom 138
The teacher's action zone 138
Interactional competence 141
Learner interactional patterns 144
Grouping arrangements 146
Follow-up activities 154
Action research case study #5:Grouping arrangements in the classroom 157
Appendixes 159
8 The nature of language learning activities 161
Types of language learning activities 162
Dimensions of language learning activities 167
Follow-up activities 173
Action research case study #6:Student performance on learning activities 178
Appendix 181
9 Language use in the classroom 182
How teachers modify their language 182
Teachers' questions 185
Feedback 188
Learner language use in the classroom 193
Follow-up activities 199
Aetion research case study #7:Error correction 200
Epilogue 202
References 205
Index 215
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