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大学英语创意口语  第4册  学生用书
大学英语创意口语  第4册  学生用书

大学英语创意口语 第4册 学生用书PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Martin Cortazzi主编;Ian Smallwood,Li Po Lung编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:781095539X
  • 页数:152 页
《大学英语创意口语 第4册 学生用书》目录

MODULE ONE:"Yes,but what is culture?" 2

UNIT 1:Drawing attention to aspects of culture,the meaning of gestures,listening to draw inferences;naming countries and nationalities,word families 2

Culture corner:What is culture,then?Differences between and within cultures 10

UNIT 2:Contrasting customs in different countries,stereotyping people from other cultures,commenting on the importance of features of culture,using prefixes 13

Creative speaking:Making a brief presentation about culture 16

MODULE TWO:"How did we manage without computers?" 22

UNIT 3:Discussing the influence of computers and the development of inventions;using varied expressions of time;using a summary to present information 22

Culture corner:Asking questions informal contexts 29

UNIT 4:Sequencing instructions for downloading pictures and programmes 32

Creative speaking:Preparing and delivering a set of instructions 37

MODULE THREE:"We're destroying our own planet!" 42

UNIT 5:Making brief notes on environmental issues,questioning and asking for information;drawing inferences and conclusions,noting effects 42

Culture corner:A linear way and/or a circular way:different ways of presenting arguments 48

UNIT 6:Identifying environmental problems and solutions;making comparisons and drawing conclusions 51

Creative speaking:Making a group presentation on the environment 56

MODULE FOUR:"News is news...but is it all good?" 60

UNIT 7:Discussing news reports and photos;making complaints;using question tags;listening for facts and figures 60

Culture corner:Cultural tendencies in news reporting 66

UNIT 8:Notetaking about misrepresentation in the media;formulating arguments for and against an issue;pronoun references 68

Creative speaking:...and the good news is...Writing and presenting good news stories 73

MODULE FIVE:"What should I do with my money?" 78

UNIT 9:Discussing and taking notes on changes in European currency systems;making genera-lizations to agree or disagree;listening to check the accuracy ofstatements 78

Culture corner:Expressing feelings and emotions in different cultures 85

UNIT 10:Handling expressions used to discuss finance and banking;role playing opening a bank account;listening to complete a form 87

Creative speaking:Role playing:questions from the public to a finance Minister 91

MODULE SIX:"It's playing,not winning that's important" 96

UNIT 11:Describing different sports and explaining the rules;notetaking;listening for inference 96

Culture corner:Aspects of competitiveness in different cultures 102

UNIT 12:Understanding and using general idioms which come from different sports;considering ethics in sports;listening for key points 105

Creative speaking:Inventing a game and explaining it 111

MODULE SEVEN:"Let me think!" 116

UNIT 13:Giving reasons for likes and dislikes;listening to discriminate answers or to reconstruct a context 116

Culture corner:Puzzles in learning and learning in puzzles—cultural views of classroom events 122

UNIT 14:Making comparisons in different contexts,drawing attention to differences and discussing the relative merits of products 126

Creative speaking:Giving creative solutions to real-life puzzles 131

MODULE EIGHT:"How things change!" 136

UNIT 15:Making predictions about changes in society and in one's own life;notetaking on past and predicted changes;using expressions to show degrees of certainty 136

Culture corner:Facing a new situation:changes when living in another country 143

UNIT 16:Describing changes in the past,present and future in vehicle design and household inventions;referring to periods of time;listening for inferences 145

Creative speaking:Changes in homes:memories and predictions 149
