1. How to Write a Letter 1
2. The Different Kinds of Letters 13
3. Punctuation 22
4. How to Use Capital Letters 26
CHAPTER Ⅱ Specimens of Social Letters 29
1. From a Little Boy to His Grandpapa 29
2. A Little Girl's First Letter to Her Mamma 29
3. From a Little Boy to His Parents on New Year's Day 29
4. From a Little Girl to Her Grandmamma, Inviting Her to Pay the Family a Visit 30
5. From a Little Girl at School to Her Parents 30
6. From a Little Boy at School to His Parents 31
7. From a Son at School, Asking His Father's Leave to Pay a Visit 32
8. Answer, Affirmatively 32
9. Answer, Negatively 33
10. Letter of Thanks for Being Permitted to Pay a Visit 34
11. A Lady Desiring Her Son to Visit an Old Friend 34
12. Respecting a Visit to a Friend Made at the Desire of the Writer's Mother 35
13. Inclosing a Remittance to a Son with a Word of Advice 36
14. From a Young Lady at School to Her Sister, Describing a Visit to the Country 37
15. From a Lady to Her Daughter at School, Respecting Her Disobedience 38
16. Answer to the Above, Penitently 39
17. From a Lady to Her Daughter at School 39
18. From a Young Lady at School to Her Mother 40
19. Letter from a Governess to Her Mother, Saying that She Is Unhappy in Her Situation 41
20. A Son's Letter to His Father, Relating to Changing His Situation 42
21. From a Father, Complaining of His Son's Negligence 43
22. Answer to the Above 44
23. From a Father to His Son, Respecting a Profession 45
24. Answer to the Above 46
25. From a Father to His Son at School, Respecting His Conduct 47
26. From a Son at School to His Father, Complaining 49
27. From a Father to His Son at School, Respecting a Complaint 50
28. From a Gentleman to the Principal of a School, Respecting His Son 51
29. From a Little Girl to Her Brother, with News of Home 52
30. From a Little Girl to Her Sister in the Country, Describing a Party 53
31. Answer to the Above 54
32. From a Young Lady at School to Her Sister, Request-ing Books 55
33. Answer to the Above, Sending Some Books 56
34. From a Little Boy to His Uncle, Thanking Him for a Present 56
35. From a Little Boy to His Uncle in India 57
36. From a Young Lady to Her Cousin, with a Description of the New House 58
37. From a Father to His Son at School 59
38. From a Son at School to His Father 61
39. From a Lady to Another, Respecting Her Daughter at School 62
40. Answer to the Above 63
1. Invitation to a Picnic Party 64
2. Reply 64
3. Reply, Declining 65
4. From a Lady, Inviting Her Son's Friend (an Invalid) to Visit the Family 65
5. Thanking a Friend for Hospitality After a Visit 66
6. Asking for an Invitation 67
7. Reply 67
8. Invitation to a Dinner Party 67
9. Invitation to a Garden Party 68
10. Asking a Friend to Call upon Another Friend of the Writer 68
11. Reply to the Foregoing 69
12. From a Lady, Inviting Another to Meet a Friend 69
13. Answer, Accepting Invitation 70
14. Answer to Invitation, Negatively 71
15. From a Lady Reminding Another of a Former Intimacy, and Inviting Her to Pay a Visit 72
16. Answer, Affirmatively 73
17. Answer, Negatively 74
18. From a Lady, Inviting Another to Visit Her in Painful Circumstances 74
19. Answer, Affirmatively 75
20. Answer, Negatively 76
21. Invitation to Stay in the Country 76
22. Reply 77
23. From a Lady, Inviting an Acquaintance to Visit Her at the Seaside 77
24. Answer, Accepting an Invitation 78
1. A Wedding Invitation 79
2. An Invitation to Attend a Birthday Celebration 79
3. Official Reception 80
4. Invitation to a Tea 80
5. Invitation to Dinner 80
6. Acceptation 80
7. Regret 80
8. Another Regret 81
1. Letter Respecting Lost Luggage 81
2. To the Sanitary Inspector, Complaining of Defective Drains 82
3. From a Lady to Her Landlord, Respecting Repairs 82
4. Requesting a Friend to Engage Apartments 83
5. From a Lady, Requesting Another to Settle a Bill and Ask for Abatement 83
6. Answer to the Above 84
7. From a Lady, Requesting Another to Make a Purchase on Her Behalf 85
8. Answer to the Foregoing 85
9. From a Lady, Inviting Another to Aid a Charity 86
10. Answer, Affirmatively 87
11. Answer, Negatively 87
12. Asking for the Loan of a Book. 88
13. Requesting that a Letter Inclosed May Be Redirected 88
14. Letter to a Stranger. Asking for the Address of a Friend 88
15. Requesting an Introduction for Business Purposes 89
16. Reply to the Above 89
17. Requesting an Introduction to an Acquaintance 90
18. Soliciting the Loan of Money from a Friend 90
19. Answer, Affirmatively 91
20. Answer, Negatively 92
21. Requesting Shipowners to Take a Youth as an Ap-prentice 92
22. Requesting a Professional Man to Admit a Youth as a Pupil 93
23. Requesting a Merchant to Take a Youth into His Office 94
24. Requesting a Friend to Obtain a Situation for the Writer's Son 94
25. Letter to a Friend, Asking Him to Use Influence to Secure an Appointment for a Son 95
26. Letter to a Friend, Asking for a Nomination for a Boy to a School 96
27. Another to an Acquaintance 97
28. Another to a Stranger 97
29. Asking a Lady to Sing at a Concert 98
1. A Lady, Writing to Her Lover on Christmas Eve 99
2. From a Lady to an Admirer Whom She Has Seen on Several Occasions 99
3. From a Lady to Her Fiancé, Complaining of His Silence 100
4. From a Lady, Upbraiding Her Fiancé for Not Writing 101
5. From a Lady, Complaining of Her Lover's Silence 102
6. From a Young Lady to a Friend, Complaining of Coolness 102
7. Answer to the Foregoing 103
8. Inquiring Why a Lady Has Not Written 104
9. An Answer to a Letter Written on New Year's Day 105
10. A Letter of Expostulation 106
11. From a Lady, Explaining a Misunderstanding 107
12. Congratulating an Engagement 108
13. Another to a Gentleman (Intimate) 108
14. Another to a Relative (Disapproving) 109
15. Fixing an Early Day 110
16. Congratulating a Lady on Her Engagement 111
17. To a Young Lady on Her Engagement 111
18. To a Young Lady on Her Engagement (Disapproving) 112
19. From a Young Married Lady to a Friend After Marriage 113
20. Stating Objections to an Early Marriage 114
1. Congratulating a Gentleman upon His Marriage 115
2. Congratulating a Lady on Her Marriage 115
3. A Letter of Congratulation for Graduation 116
4. A Reply to the Above 117
5. Congratulating a Friend on Passing Successfully a School Examination 118
6. Upon the Birth of a Child (To the Father of the Infant) 118
7. Another (Familiar) 119
8. To a Lady Condoling with Her in Her Bereavement 119
9. Another——Respecting the Death of a Child or Near Relative 120
10. To a Gentleman in His Bereavement 121
11. To a Friend on the Death of a Mother 121
12. To a Friend on the Death of a Brother 122
13. To a Lady Who Has Lost Her Husband; or, To a Gentleman Who Has Lost His Wife 122
14. To a Lady or Gentleman Who Has Lost a Father 123
15. To a Lady Who Has Lost Her Husband (Offcial). 124
1. From a Young Lady Who Has Recently Become Possessed of a Fortune, to One Not So Fortunate 124
2. Answer to the Foregoing 125
3. Before Leaving Town 126
4. Letter on Arrival 127
5. Describing a Visit 129
6. Returning Home 130
7. On the Way Home 131
8. At Home 133
9. Making Inquiries Concerning a School (Boys' or Girls') 134
10. To a Gentleman Going Abroad 134
11. A Letter of Applogy 135
12. Answer to the Above 136
13. Letter to a Stranger, Talking About Various Things 137
14. Answer 139
15. Brief Notes (9 Specimens) 141
CHAPTER Ⅲ Specimens of Business Letters 143
1. Application for a Position as Clerk (Lady) 143
2. Application for a Situation as Cashier 144
3. Another Application (General Form) 144
4. Application for Employment as Bookkeeper 145
5. Application for Employment as Workmistress 146
6. Application for Employment as a General Servant 146
7. Letter of Inquiry as Regards the Character of a General Servant 147
8. Answer to the Above, Favorably 147
9. An Unfavorable Answer 148
10. From a Young Lady, Applying for a Situation as Typist 148
11. From a Lady in Answer to an Advertisement for a Governess 149
12. Answer to the Above, Affirmatively 149
13. Another Answer, Affirmatively 150
14. A Boy's Application for Employment 150
15. A Junior Clerk's Application for Employment 151
16. An Efficient Clerk's Application for Employment 151
17. To a Lady, Refusing Assistance 152
18. Another 152
19. Requesting a Reference on Appointment 153
20. From a Lady, Writing to Another About a Nursery Governess 153
21. Answer, Affimatively 154
22. A Letter of Application for a Brother-in-Law 154
23. An Answer to the Above, Negatively 155
24. From a Servant Who Has Received Notice of Dis-missal, but Desires to Retain His Situation 155
25. A Letter of Application as Salesman 156
26. A Favorable Answer to a Young Man Seeking Em-ployment 157
27. To a Young Man or Woman Seeking Employment(Declining) 158
28. From an Employer, Remonstrating with a Clerk 158
29. From an Employer, Dismissing a Clerk 159
30. From a Confidential Clerk, Resigning His Appointment 160
31. From an Employer, Accepting Resignation 161
1. Application for Warehouseman's Reference 161
2. Unfavorable Reference 162
3. Favorable Reference 162
4. Reply Referring to Former Employers 163
5. Letter of Engagement 163
6. Letter Asking New Customer for Trade Reference 164
7. Letter Taking up Customer's Reference 164
8. Unfavorable Reference 165
9. Favorable Reference 165
1. A Letter Ordering Goods 166
2. From a Merchant to a Manufacturer, with Order 166
3. Answer to the Foregoing, Executing the Order, Per-fectly 167
4. Refusal to Execute an Order, Owing to Unsatisfactory References 167
5. Refusal to Execute an Order Until References Are Supplied 168
6. Transmitting Order for Goods 169
7. Advising the Completion of an Order 169
8. Giving an Order for Goods 170
9. Executing the Order 170
10. Executing Part of an Order and Drawing for the Amount 171
1. Answer to Inquiry When Next Cape Town Steamer Will Sail. Particulars of Goods Asked for 172
2. Acknowledgment of Mate's Receipt 172
3. Confirmation of Verbal Shipping Rates for Tin Scrap 173
4. Letter Regarding Dispatch of Goods per Passenger Train, Half Rate 173
5. Refusal to Divide Parcels of Drapery into Small Lots 174
6. Advice of Goods Being Shipped 175
7. Reply to a Letter Advising the Arrival of a Shipment 175
1. Transmitting Accounts of a Shipment 176
2.Inclosing Draft Drawn Against Consignment 176
3. Answer Inclosing Acceptance 177
4. Transmitting Account Sales 177
5. Rendering an Account Current 178
6. Letter Requesting Payment 178
7. Letter Requiring Payment 179
8. Letter Demanding Payment 179
9. Customer's Letter, Promising to Pay 179
10. Requesting a Delay in Payment 180
11. Answer to a Request for Payment 180
12. Another Answer 181
13. Stating Inability to Remit 181
14. Remitting in Payment of an Account 182
15. Acknowledgment 182
16. From a Shopkeeper to a Wholesale Dealer, Request-ing Further Time for Payment 182
17. Reply to the Foregoing 183
18. Complaining of Want of Punctuality in Payment 184
19. To a Creditor from a Debtor Who Has Filed His Petition in Bankruptcy 185
20. Letter of Credit 185
21. Tradesman's Letter Handing Quarterly Account 186
22. Customer Objecting to a Tradesman's Bill 186
23. Reply of Tradesman, Declining to Correct Account 187
24. Reply of Tradesman, Reducing Account 187
25. Check Dishonored 188
26. Handing Bill for Acceptance, with Form of Bill. 188
27. Complaining of a Returned Bill of Exchange 189
28. To a Creditor, Asking that a.Bill Be Renewed 190
29. Acknowledging Receipt of Invoice and Returning Bill Accepted 190
30. Advising a Bill Returned Under Protest 191
31. Remitting for the Foregoing Bill 191
32. To a Tradesman, Repudiating Liability for Goods Supplied 192
1. Reply to a Claim on Spices 193
2. Claim for Ullage Case of Sugar 194
3. Acknowledgment of the Above Letter 194
4. Settlement of Claim for Ullage Case 195
5. Complaint of Belgium Glass. Claim for Damage 195
6. Complaint Regarding Quality of Paper 196
7. Letter Urging Speedy Delivery of Cloth 196
8. Apology for Delay in Execution of Order 197
9. Complaining of Delay in the Execution of an Order 198
10. Answer to the Foregoing 199
1. To His Firm from a Traveler 200
2. From a Commercial Traveler to His Employers 200
3. Another 201
4. Another, Expressing Regret for Results 201
1. Admission of a New Partner 202
2. New Partner Advising His Own Customers 203
3. Death of Partner : New Partner Admitted 203
4. Admission of Son as Partner 204
5. Retirement of Partner: Power of Procuration to Chief Clerk 205
6. Circular Advising Dismissal or Resignation of Traveler 205
7. Letter from Seller Regarding Transfer of Business 206
8. Circular Announcing an Amalgamation of Business 207
9. Establishment of a New Branch 208
10. Circular Announcing Removal of Premises 209
11. Letter Announcing the Admission of a Partner. 209
12. Intimating that an Assistant Signs per Procuration 210
13. Intimating the Withdrawal of a Power of Attorney 210
1. Letter Advising Damage by Fire 211
2. Reply from the Insurance Company 211
3. Part Transfer of Insurance from one Premises to Another 212
4. Acknowledgment by the Insurance Company 212
5. Letter Asking for Reduction of Fire Premium 213
6. Letter Asking for Insurance of Additional Premises 214
7. Reply of the Insurance Company to the Above 214
8. Inquiry for Marine Insurance Floating Policy 215
9. Reply to Inquiry for Floating Policy 215
10. Insurance of Goods on Sea Voyage 216
11. Ordering Insurance to Be Effected 216
12. Effecting Insurance 217
1. Offer for Situation 218
2. Situations Wanted 220
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