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  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:钱煦主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509178317
  • 页数:568 页
标签:院士 主编

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

我的往事回顾 3

钱煦院士简介 9

钱煦家族史 13

钱氏家训 14

第二部分 学术贡献 15

一、钱煦院士的学术成就与学术思想 17

二、钱煦院士的主要学术论文 18

Quantitative Evaluation of the Circulatory Adjustment of Splenectomized Dogs to Hemorrhage 18

Comparison of Viscometric Behaviour of Suspensions of Polystyrene Latex and Human Blood Cells 29

Flow Characteristics of Human Erythrocytes Through Polycarbonate Sieves 32

Blood Viscosity:Influence of Erythrocyte Deformation 36

Blood Viscosity:Influence of Erythrocyte Aggregation 39

Blood Rheology and its Relation to Flow Resistance and Transcapillary Exchange,with Special Reference to Shock 43

Abnormal Rheology of Oxygenated Blood in Sickle Cell Anemia 52

Shear Dependence of Effective Cell Volume as a Determinant of Blood Viscosity 62

Strain Energy Function of Red Blood Cell Membranes 65

Rheology of Sickle Cells and Erythrocyte Content 76

In Vivo Measurements of“Apparent Viscosity”and Microvessel Hematocrit in the Mesentery of the Cat 89

Rheology of Sickle Cells and the Microcirculation 105

The Hyperlipidemia of the Nephrotic Syndrome——Relation to Plasma Albumin Concentration,Oncotic Pressure,and Viscosity 108

Determination of Junction Avidity of Cytolytic T Cell and Target Cell 114

Passive Deformation Analysis of Human Leukocytes 120

On the Time-Dependent Diffusion of Macromolecules Through Transient Open Junctions and Their Subendothelial Spread I.Short-Time Model for Cleft Exit Region 134

Molecular Basis of Red Cell Membrane Rheology 153

Blood Cell Deformability and Interactions:From Molecules to Micromechanics and Microcirculation 165

Fluid Shear Stress Induces a Biphasic Response of Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 Gene Expression in Vascular Endothelium 173

The Ras-JNK Pathway Is Involved in Shear-Induced Gene Expression 181

Role of Integrins in Cellular Responses to Mechanical Stress and Adhesion 192

Molecular Mechanism of Endothelial Growth Arrest by Laminar Shear Stress 200

Role of Integrins in Endothelial Mechanosensing of Shear Stress 207

An Extracellular Matrix Microarray for Probing Cellular Differentiation 216

Visualizing the Mechanical Activation of Src 225

Cooperative Effects of Rho and Mechanical Stretch on Stress Fiber Organization 232

Selective Adapter Recruitment and Differential Signaling Networks by VEGF vs.Shear Stress 241

Anisotropic Rheology and Directional Mechanotransduction in Vascular Endothelial Cells 249

Role of MicroRNA-23b in Flow-regulation of Rb Phosphorylation and Endothelial Cell Growth 258

Long-Term Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Selfrenewal on Synthetic Polymer Surfaces 270

Integrin Activation and Internalization on Soft ECM as a Mechanism of Induction of Stem Cell Differentiation by ECM Elasticity 283

Role of Histone Deacetylases in Transcription Factor Regulation and Cell Cycle Modulation in Endothelial Cells in Response to Disturbed Flow 293

Roles of Cell Confluency and Fluid Shear in 3-Dimensional Intracellular Forces in Endothelial Cells 303

Shp2 Plays a Crucial Role in Cell Structural Orientation and Force Polarity in Response to Matrix Rigidity 312

Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Turnover by Endothelial Cell-secreted MicroRNA-126:Role of Shear Stress 321

Antagonism Between Binding Site Affinity and Conformational Dynamics Tunes Alternative Cis-Interactions Within Shp2 335

β-Catenin Phosphorylations and Endothelial Functions 348

Epigenetic Mechanism in Regulation of Endothelial Function by Disturbed Flow:Induction of DNA Hypermethylation by DNMT1 357

Piezol,a Mechanically Activated Ion Channel,is Required for Vascular Development in Mice 365

三、钱煦院士的重要文章 375

父亲,您是完人 375

胡匡政:我的神仙伴侣 379

四、钱煦院士学术年表 384

钱煦院士发表论文目录 384

钱煦院士主编专著目录 429

钱煦院士参编专著目录 430

钱煦院士其他文章和著作 436

钱煦院士简历、荣誉和科学社团服务 439

第三部分 治学之道 447

钱煦院士为人景仰的治学之道与大师风范 449

钱煦教授的探索精神鼓舞我在科研道路上前进 452

一生辛勤耕耘,奉献累累硕果 454

我眼中的钱院士 456

永不停歇的科学巨人:钱煦院士 459

学贯中西的顶级医学科学家,优雅谦冲的中华文化诠释者 460

导师的言传身教是我人生成长的最宝贵财富 461

与钱煦先生的忘年交 463

谦谦君子,学术泰斗——记钱煦院士“一个中国人在美国的教学研究之路”报告 465

生活的乐趣在于学习 生命的意义在于创造 467

第四部分 大师风范 469

医学先知,人生导师——钱煦院士 471

亦师亦友的钱煦院士 472

润物细无声 474

记与钱煦教授相处的难忘岁月 476

大师风范,润物无声 478

我所认识的钱老师(钱煦院士) 480

钱院士的风范 482

让后进如沐春风的钱院士 483

学为人师 行为世范 485

钱煦先生与我的师生缘 487

钱煦院士是影响我一生最大的老师 490

阳煦山立的钱先生 491

为人为学的榜样 492

我所信仰的科学人生——钱煦院士 494

学习的楷模,做人的榜样 495

钱煦先生小记 498

师之能者,传艺授技;师之大者,开智立德 500

我所认识的钱煦老师 502

德术兼修的巨人 503

我眼中的钱煦先生 504

Kindred Spirits-You Speak 506

煦弟政妹八十寿庆 508

为二哥八秩荣寿祝嘏 509

杰出的钱煦:我的终身伴侣 511

我的爸爸 515

我的爸爸,钱煦教授 517

我们与钱煦老师在UCSD 519

第五部分 社会影响 521

钱煦:全球科学家的楷模 523

钱煦先生与中国生理学会 532

利在天下必谋之——《华人世界》钱煦访谈 534

“我的根在杭州”——专访美国四院院士钱煦 538

与钱煦问答 540

美籍华人科学家钱煦:一朝中国人,永为中国人 542

谦谦学者如和煦阳光 543

钱煦:如果只有40岁,我会回国创业 544

盛名之下,心平如镜 546

著名科学家钱煦与“钱学森力学班”师生座谈 547

著名华裔医学家钱煦获哥大杰出成就勋章 548

美国生物医学工程学会“钱煦成就奖”评选颁奖活动今启动 549

第六部分 人生风采 551

成长历程 553

幸福家庭 554

同事友情 558

学术交流 560

珍贵合影 562

关爱学生 565

重回故地 567
