当东方遇到西方 跨国空间中的国际旅游体验 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李志著
- 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787563730445
- 页数:210 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1
1.1 Greater connectedness across national borders—the context of tourism and leisure in the contemporary world 3
1.2 Rationale for the study 5
1.3 The goals and the objectives of the study 9
1.4 The setting and the delimitations of the study 11
Chapter Ⅱ Tourist Experience and Identity Development 15
2.1 Definition of tourism 17
2.2 Conceptualization of tourist experience 18
2.3 Tourist experience and identity 23
2.4 Educational tourism—overseas study trips 29
Chapter Ⅲ Transnationalism and International Tourism 31
3.1 The concept of transnationalism 33
3.2 Theories of transnational practice 35
3.3 Transnational migration and transmigrants 40
3.4 Transnational orientations from home 43
3.5 Transnational experience and negotiated identities 43
3.6 Transnational space and international tourism 45
Chapter Ⅳ Leisure,Tourism,and Identity Reconsideration in the Changing China 49
4.1 Leisure and tourism tradition in China 51
4.2 Emerging leisure culture and identity in contemporary China 54
4.3 Development of Chinese tourism and its social significance 58
4.4 Summary 62
Chapter Ⅴ Methodology 63
5.1 Interpretive leisure and tourism studies 65
5.2 Interpretivism and the philosophical stance of this study 68
5.3 Data collection 78
5.4 Data analysis 80
5.5 Methods forachieving trustworthiness 81
Chapter Ⅵ Constructing the Transnational Space of Travel 83
6.1 Imagining transnational connections at home 85
6.2 Building transnational connections on the road 97
6.3 Connecting home and destination through travel 112
6.4 Summary 130
Chapter Ⅶ Locating Oneself in the Transnational Space 131
7.1 Living as a foreigner 133
7.2 Journeying as a traveler 137
7.3 Mapping China and being Chinese 141
7.4 Being reflexive as a human being 149
7.5 Summary 153
Chapter Ⅷ Discussion 155
8.1 Trans-cultural learning and understanding through international travel 157
8.2 Formation of transnational space through international travel 159
8.3 International travel and a renewed sense of self 166
Chapter Ⅸ Conclusions 171
9.1 Summary of major findings 173
9.2 Contributions of the study 174
9.3 Limitations of the study 180
9.4 Suggestions for future research 181
9.5 Concluding thoughts 183
References 186
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