- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈挥主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509178010
- 页数:577 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
走近顾健人 3
第二部分 学术贡献 27
一、顾健人院士的学术成就与学术思想 29
顾健人院士的学术贡献 29
二、顾健人院士主要学术论文 37
(一)肿瘤分子生物学(癌基因谱)(1985—1988年) 37
从乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原阳性母亲流产的胎儿查出乙型肝炎病毒标志 37
人原发性肝癌及7402细胞株和髓细胞白血病细胞株(K562)的癌基因(转化基因)的共同属性——N-ras基因 43
Molecular Aspects of Human Hepatic Carcinogenesis 49
(二)肝癌的基因异常与缺陷(1993—2003年) 59
Aberrations of p53 Gene in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma From China 59
Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Inhibits p53 Sequence-specific DNA Binding,Transcriptional Activity,and Association with Transcription Factor ERCC3 68
A Novel Growth Suppressor Gene on Chromosome 17p13.3 with a High Frequency of Mutation in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma 76
Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Gene(C17orf25)from the Deletion Region on Chromosome 17p13.3 in Hepatocelular Carcinoma 83
Allelic Loss and Gain,But Not Genomic Instability,as the Major Somatic Mutation in Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma 91
Cloning,Mapping,and Characterization of a Human Homologue of the Yeast Longevity Assurance Gene LAG1 99
The Minimum LOH Region Defined on Chromosome 17p13.3 in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Gene Content Analysis 107
(三)肿瘤整合生物学与系统调控(2004—) 118
Large-scale cDNA Transfection Screening for Genes Related to Cancer Development and Progression 118
The Growth and Metastasis of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Xenografts Are Inhibited by Small Interfering RNA Targeting to the Subunit ATP6L of Proton Pump 128
Identification and Characterization of a Novel Peptide Ligand of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor for Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics 138
Identification of Carboxypeptidase of Glutamate Like-B as a Candidate Suppressor in Cell Growth and Metastasis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma 149
Ex vivo Nicotine Stimulation Augments the Efficacy of Therapeutic Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cell Vaccination 160
CD133 Positive Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Possess High Capacity for Tumorigenicity 169
Analysis of ABCG2 Expression and Side Population Identifies Intrinsic Drug Efflux in the HCC Cell Line MHCC-97L and its Modulation by Akt Signaling 179
Dysfunction of Murine Dendritic Cells Induced by Incubation with Tumor Cells 192
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Receptor α Subunit-Modulated Multiple Downstream Signaling Pathways in Hepatic Cancer Cell Lines and Their Biological Implications 202
Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of microRNAs in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma 214
Elevated Expression of DKK1 is Associated With Cytoplasmic/Nuclear β-catenin Accumulation and Poor Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinomas 225
MicroRNA-30d Promotes Tumor Invasion and Metastasis by Targeting Galphai2 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 236
Dickkopf-1 Autoantibody is a Novel Serological Biomarker for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer 247
Cancer stem/progenitor Cells are Highly Enriched in CD133+CD44+Population in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 255
Gain of miR-151 on Chromosome 8q24.3 Facilitates Tumour Cell Migration and Spreading Through Downregulating RhoGDIA 268
Temporal Acquisition of Sequential Mutations in the Enhancer II and Basal Core Promoter of HBV in Individuals At High Risk for Hepatocellular Carcinoma 281
Acetylcholinesterase,a Key Prognostic Predictor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma,Suppresses Cell Growth and Induces Chemosensitization 291
Genome-Wide Copy Number Analyses Identified Novel Cancer Genes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 303
Nicotine Stimulated Dendritic Cells Could Achieve Anti-Tumor Effects in Mouse Lung and Liver Cancer 314
Activation of Androgen Receptor Induces ID1 and Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Migration and Invasion 323
Serum DKK1 as a Protein Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma:a Large scale,Multicentre Study 333
Identification and Impact of Hepatitis B Virus DNA and Antigens in Pancreatic Cancer Tissues and Adiacent Non-cancerous Tissues 346
Acetylcholine Acts on Androgen Receptor to Promote the Migration and Invasion but Inhibit the Apoptosis of Human Hepatocareinoma 357
Monoamine Oxidase A Suppresses Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis by Inhibiting the Adrenergic System and Its Transactivation of EGFR Signaling 369
三、顾健人院士的主要学术著作 381
基因治疗 381
Primary Liver Cancer Challenges and Perspectives 405
原发性肝癌——挑战与展望(译文) 418
四、顾健人院士学术年表 451
顾健人院士论文目录 451
顾健人院士主要奖项目录 493
顾健人院士主要荣誉 495
顾健人院士主要学术任职 497
第三部分 治学之道 499
自述:求索之路——漫长、曲折和甘苦 501
把握科学前沿的顾健人老师 507
耕耘人生 509
第四部分 大师风范 515
我所尊敬的老师——顾健人院士 517
山高水长 师恩难忘 519
言传身教,师者楷模——我的恩师顾健人院士 524
何为良师——向顾健人老师致敬 526
引领——我所认识的顾健人院士 528
我眼中的顾健人院士 532
第五部分 社会影响 535
德技双馨、真才实学的战略科学家 537
一位真正的科学家 541
最早关注与疾病相关基因的科学家 543
学者、智者、师者的追求 545
引领着我国癌基因研究的前沿 548
我和顾健人先生是名副其实的忘年交 550
顾健人:“人生当淡泊,求索无止境” 554
第六部分 人生风采 557
多彩人生 559
学术活动 563
国际交流 566
成果荣誉 569
领导关怀 571
珍贵合影 573
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