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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:鞠躬主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509177426
  • 页数:474 页

第一部分 奋斗历程 1

鞠躬院士的成长历程 3

第二部分 学术贡献 15

一、鞠躬院士的学术成就 17

二、鞠躬院士的代表性学术论文 18

(一)脊髓损伤 18

Spinal Cord Contusion 18

Early Neurosurgical Intervention of Spinal Cord Contusion:An Analysis of 30 Cases 27

A Modified Ferric Tannate Method for Visualizing A Blood Vessel and Its Usage in The Study of Spinal Cord Injury 34

Beneficial Effect of the Traditional Chinese Drug Shu-Xue-Tong on Recovery of Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat 39

Protective Effects of Batroxobin on Spinal Cord Injury in Rats 46

Beneficial Effects of Thymosin β4 on Spinal Cord Injury in the Rat 53

The Effect of Lycium Barbarum on Spinal Cord Injury,Particularly Its Relationship with M1 and M2 Macrophage in Rats 64

Programmed Death 1 Deficiency Induces the Polarization of Macrophages/Microglia to the M1 Phenotype After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice 76

Different TLR4 Expression and Microglia/Macrophage Activation Induced by Hemorrhage in the Rat Spinal Cord after Compressive Injury 91

Intraneuronal Localization of Nogo-A in the Rat 105

Inactivation of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β and Up-regulation of LINGO-1 are Involved in LINGO-1 Antagonist Regulated Survival of Cerebellar Granular Neurons 116

An In Vitro Study on the Involvement of LINGO-1 and Rho GTPases in Nogo-A Regulated Differentiation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells 123

Silencing of Nogo-A in Rat Oligodendrocyte Cultures Enhances Process Branching 135

Specification and Maintenance of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells from Neural Progenitor Cells:Involvement of MicroRNA-7a 141

Astrocytes in Injured Adult Rat Spinal Cord may Acquire the Potential of Neural Stem Cells 155

Induced Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells of Astrocytic Origin to Motor Neurons in the Rat 165

Direct Protection of Inosine on PCl2 Cells Against Zinc-induced Injury 174

ERK1/2 and p38 Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Mediate iNOS-induced Spinal Neuron Degeneration after Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury 178

(二)哺乳动物垂体前叶的直接神经调节 190

Innervation of the Mammalian Anterior Pituitary:A Mini Review 190

Substance P-Immunoreactive Nerve Fibres in the Pars Distalis of the Anterior Pituitary of Macaques 197

Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide- and Substance P-Like-Immunoreactive Innervation of the Anterior Pituitary in the Rat 206

Peptidergic Innervation of the Pars distalis of the Adenohypophysis 212

An Electron Microscopic Study on Substance P-Like Immunoreactive Nerve Fibers in the Pars Distalis of the Adenohypophysis in the Dog 216

An Electron Microscopical Study of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide-Like Immunoreactive Innervation of the Anterior Pituitary in the Dog 225

Evidence for Axonal Sprouting in the Anterior Pituitary Following Adrenalectomy in the Rat 231

Response of Substance P-Immunoreactive Nerve Fibres in the Anterior Pituitary to Plasma Oestrogen Levels in the Rat 236

Synaptic Relationship of Substance P-like-immunoreactive Nerve Fibers with Gland Cells of the Anterior Pituitary in the Rat 242

Suppression of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Release by Stimulation of the Nerve Fibres in the Anterior Pituitary 249

A Rare Synaptoid Contact between Gland Cells in the Anterior Pituitary 255

(三)终纹床核 257

Studies on the Cellular Architecture of the Bed Nuclei of the Stria Terminalis in the Rat:Ⅰ.Cytoarchitecture 257

Studies on the Cellular Architecture of the Bed Nuclei of the Stria Terminalis in the Rat:Ⅱ.Chemoarchitecture 271

Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide-Like Immunoreactivity and Its Relation With Neurotensin- and Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone-Like Immunoreactive Neurons in the Bed Nuclei of the Stria Terminalis in the Rat 289

Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala and the Lateral Hypothalamic Area on the Oval Nucleus of the Bed Nuclei of the Stria Terminalis and Its Adjacent Areas in the Rat 297

(四)技术类 305

The Glucose Oxidase-DAB-nickel Method in Peroxidase Histochernistry of the Nervous System 305

Third Ventricular Subependymal Oxytocin-Like Immunoreactive Neuronal Plexus in the Rat 308

Fluorogold as a Retrograde Tracer Used in Combination with Immunohistochemistry 317

Optimized and Efficient Preparation of Astrocyte Cultures from Rat Spinal Cord 320

(五)其他方面的文献 329

Primary Sensory Neurons of the Rat Showing Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide Immunoreactivity and Their Relation to Substance P-,Somatostatin-,Galanin-, Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive Ganglion Cells 329

Immunohistochemical Evidence for A Spinothalamic Pathway Co-Containing Cholecystokinin- And Galanin-Like Immunoreactivities in the Rat 344

Does Cholecystokinin-Like Immunoreactivity In Rat Primary Sensory Neurons Represent Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide? 359

Extravasation of Blood-Borne Immunoglobulin G Through Blood-Brain Barrier During Adrenaline-Induced Transient Hypertension in the Rat 363

Projections from the Hypothalamus and Its Adjacent Areas to the Posterior Pituitary in the Rat 371

三、鞠躬院士的重要讲话、学术报告 392

沈阳国际会议上关于脊髓挫伤的早期神经外科手术的报告 392

在复旦大学做的报告 396

Direct Neural Regulation of the Mammalian Anterior Pituitary 402

Matured Astrocyte as a Potential Source of Neural Stem cell 408

第三部分 治学之道 415

对研究生和本科生的培养 417

科研道德 420

创新思维的培养 424

To Be a Good Clinical Doctor(如何成为“好医生”) 428

第四部分 大师风范 433

一代恩师 为人师表 435

凡人·大师——我眼中的导师鞠躬 438

记鞠教授与学生的一次讨论 443

艺术般的教与授 444

在鞠教授身边学习的4年足以影响我的一生 446

煦如春阳的师教 449

齿德俱尊八十春秋寒与暑 院士逐梦耄耋再添八十载 451

我祖辈级的湘雅校友 454

第五部分 社会影响 457

一支点燃了的蜡烛 459

第六部分 人生风采 461

人生轨迹 463

学术交流 464

教书育人 466

珍贵留影 468

幸福生活 471
