- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)格林诺(SIMONGREENALL),周燕总主编;汪士彬主编;邓小兰副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513513760
- 页数:210 页
Unit 1 Live and Learn 1
Guided reading Put yourself in a creative state of mind 1
Timed reading 1 What does it mean to be intelligent? 8
Timed reading 2 Procrastination 12
Timed reading 3 A learning disability doesn't have to limit who you are 18
Timed reading 4 Learning the art of critical thinking 22
Unit 2 A sporting chance 27
Guided reading Sport in our life 27
Timed reading 1 Yoga 34
Timed reading 2 The Iceman—Kimi Raikkonen 38
Timed reading 3 Study finds connection between exercise and alcohol 44
Timed reading 4 The Olympic emblem 48
Unit 3 Breaking news 53
Guided reading How the e-bookwill change the way we read and write 53
Timed reading 1 China's mass media 60
Timed reading 2 Mass media play important rolein US elections 64
Timed reading 3 A brief history of the Internet 68
Timed reading 4 Strengthen your media career by learning new skills 73
Unit 4 Animal magic 77
Guided reading As few as 3,200 tigers left 77
Timed reading 1 Giant panda 85
Timed reading 2 Getting a new dog 89
Timed reading 3 Red panda 94
Timed reading 4 Rabbit and the moon man 98
Unit 5 Time off 103
Guided reading Pop King Jackson's No 1 fan 103
Timed reading 1 Using entertainment for holiday party success 110
Timed reading 2 12 ideas for summer fun for kids 114
Timed reading 3 Britain's Got Talent transformed my life 118
Timed reading 4 Time management strategies for holiday stress relief 123
Unit 6 Body and soul 127
Guided reading Five tricks for remembering your dreams 127
Timed reading 1 Will an apple aday keep the doctor away? 134
Timed reading 2 Alternative treatments for depression 138
Timed reading 3 Vitamins 144
Timed reading 4 Foods that reduce bone density 149
Unit 7 Crime wave 153
Guided reading When juveniles are tried in adult criminal court 153
Timed reading 1 Staying safe at college:10 campus safety tips 160
Timed reading 2 How crime scene investigation works 165
Timed reading 3 How identity theft works 169
Timed reading 4 ATM skimmers:What they are,how to spot them,how to protect yourself 174
Unit 8 Career move 179
Guided reading What to Wearat an interview 179
Timed reading 1 High paying part-time jobs 186
Timed reading 2 Making the most of your internships 190
Timed reading 3 Volunteer's story:They are part of Asian Gsmes success 194
Timed reading 4 Finding a good volunteer opportunity 199
Answer keys 203
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