英语教学成功之道 英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)PaulDavies,(英)EricPearse著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810806106
- 页数:222 页
1 A general approach to teaching English 1
Introduction 1
Recognizing success in teaching English 1
Teachers and teaching 2
Co-ordination of English language departments 2
Establishing goals and objectives in teaching English 3
Variations in course goals 3
Communication first and last 5
English as the main classroom language 6
Routine communicative activities 8
A general model of English teaching 10
Creating conditions for learning 12
Learner participation 12
Motivation 13
Summary 15
Project 16
2 Presenting new language items 17
Introduction 17
New items in an English language course 17
What you need to know about new items 19
Functional-grammatical items 20
Presenting new functional-grammatical items 21
Teaching analysis and planning 21
Presentation procedures 24
Coursebook material 30
The place of writing in presentation 30
Writing for clarification and consolidation 30
From presentation to practice 31
Summary 33
Project 34
3 Organizing language practice 35
Introduction 35
The difference between accuracy and fuency practice 35
Practice and communication 36
Oral accuracy practice 38
Language patterns and substitution 39
Accuracy practice and communication 39
Information gaps 43
Elicitation in accuracy practice 44
Interactions 45
Topics and activities 46
Oral fluency practice 47
Types of fluency activity 48
Feedback and correction in oral practice 53
Feedback and correction in accuracy work 54
Feedback and correction in fluency work 55
Written practice 56
Summary 57
Project 58
4 Handling vocabulary 59
Introduction 59
Vocabulary in language teaching and learning 59
Dealing with new vocabulary 60
Meaning and use in communication 61
Pronunciation and spelling 63
Grammar 66
Working on vocabulary 67
Remedial work 68
Summary 68
Project 69
5 Developing spoken communication skills 71
Introduction 71
Communication 71
Communication outside the classroom 71
Communication in the classroom 74
The four skills 74
Listening 75
Classroom listening 77
Recorded texts 77
Speaking 82
Classroom speaking 83
Speaking activities 84
Summary 87
Project 88
6 Developing written communication skills 89
Introduction 89
Spoken and written language 89
Reading comprehension 90
Ways of reading 91
Reading activities 92
Reading outside the classroom 95
Writing 96
Writing activities 96
Integrating skills 99
Summary 100
Project 101
7 Review and remedial work 103
Introduction 103
The need for review and remedial work 103
The language learning process 104
Input,imitation,and cognitive hypotheses 104
Subconscious and conscious processes 105
Errors and learning 105
Pedagogical and natural syllabuses 106
Variables 106
Implications for review and remedial work 107
Review activities 108
Remedial work 112
Personalized remedial work 114
Summary 115
Project 116
8 Planning and managing classes 117
Introduction 117
Long-term planning 117
The course syllabus 117
Syllabus units 119
Short-term planning 119
Workplans 119
Lesson planning 120
Class management 123
Getting attention and participation 123
Giving and checking instructions 124
Managing pair and groupwork 125
Teacher and learner roles 127
Discipline 127
Different teaching situations 128
Children's courses 128
Large groups 129
Summary 130
Project 131
9 Working with a coursebook 133
Introduction 133
Ways of using a coursebook 133
What coursebooks can offer 134
The syllabus 134
Language presentation material 136
Language practice material 136
Skills development material 137
A sequence of work 138
Recycling and review of language 138
Additional material 138
What a coursebook cannot provide 139
Preparing to use a new coursebook 139
Exploiting a coursebook 141
Using language presentation material 141
Using language practice material 143
Using skills development material 145
Using review and clarification material 148
Lesson planning around coursebook material 148
Choosing a coursebook 150
Summary 151
Project 152
10 Teaching aids and materials 153
Introduction 153
Different teaching contexts 153
Using the board 154
Writing and general organization 154
Board drawing 155
Designing and using prepared visual materials 158
Wall-charts 158
Cue-cards 159
Real and imaginary objects 159
Realia 159
Mime and gesture 160
Audio-cassettes 161
Materials and activities 161
Video 163
Selecting material 164
Summary 166
Project 167
11 Testing and evaluation 169
Introduction 169
Teaching,testing,and evaluation 169
Teaching and testing 169
Testing and evaluation 170
Basic aspects of testing 171
Types of test 171
Validity and reliability 172
Balancing validity and reliability 173
Writing and evaluating achievement tests 174
Comparing tests 174
Test exercises and tasks 179
Improving tests 180
Evaluating learning,teaching,and courses 181
Evaluating learning 181
Evaluating teaching 181
Evaluating courses 182
Summary 182
Project 184
12 Development in teaching English 185
Introduction 185
Teachers and ways of teaching 185
Approach and method 186
A survey of approaches and methods 187
The Grammar-translation Method 188
The Direct Method 189
Situational Language Teaching 189
The Audiolingual Method 190
Alternative methods 191
Communicative Language Teaching 193
The'Course Design Approach' 194
Current Developments 195
Learner-centred Teaching 195
Task-based Learning 196
Developing as a teacher 197
Self-development 198
Co-operative development 199
Formal development 201
Summary 202
Project A 204
Project B 204
Glossary 205
Sources and further reading 211
Index 217
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