- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡怡君著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海三联书店
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787542649751
- 页数:238 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One:Beckett and the Time Aporias 25
1.1 Proust:Beckett's conception of the time aporias 25
1.2 The"Real"Proust and Beckett's Proust 32
1.3 Introduction of Schopenhauer and Bergson to Proust 38
Chapter Two:Murphy:Reinstatement of the Time Aporias 48
2.1 The Shadow of Marcel:the little world 48
2.2 The Time Cancer:the big world 55
2.2.1 Rule of Habit and Voluntary Memory 55
2.2.2 The Unidirectional Contrived Love in the big world 60
2.3 Impossible Reconciliation Between the two Worlds 64
2.3.1 The Possibility of Dichotomy 64
2.3.2 Attempts at Reconciliation in the Novel 67
2.3.3 The Futile Quest for the Involuntary Time 72
2.4 Narrative Time Structure of Murphy 75
2.4.1 The Holistic Narrative time:Narrative Determinism 75
2.4.2 The Mixed-up Narrative as a Result of Different Time Experience 78
Chapter Three:Watt:Time in its Pure Form 84
3.1 The Working Mechanism of a Clock 85
3.1.1 The Two Servants as Two Clock Hands 85
3.1.2 The Fable of Clock Time in Knott's House 87
3.1.3 The Reduction of Time to Figures 90
3.1.4 Music and the Clock Time:Pure Form of Music 94
3.2 The Clock out of Order 98
3.2.1 Mr.Knott:The Absent Central Point of the Clock 98
3.2.2 The Missing Substratum:the Persistent"Now" 101
3.2.3 The Anti-music Feature of Music in the Novel 104
3.3 The Clockwise Narrative Time 108
3.3.1 The Reshaped Circle of a Clock 108
3.3.2 Breakdown of the Narrative Time:No Configuration or Refiguration 111
3.3.3 Threefold Narrative Structure:The Unauthentic Narrator 116
Chapter Four:Molloy:the Quest for the Origin of Time 120
4.1 The Origin of Time 120
4.1.1 Mother of all Mankind:the Goddess of Time 120
4.1.2 The Quest for the Goddess of Time 127
4.1.3 The Paradox of Life and Death in the Goddess of Time 130
4.2 The fake Goddess in Lousse's house 132
4.2.1 The"Goddess"Lousse 132
4.2.2 A Replica of Knott's house 134
4.2.3 Love in the Lousse's House 138
4.3 Two Corresponding Failures:Molloy and Moran 141
4.3.1 The son as the body:Unborn or Rebirth? 141
4.3.2 Moran's Metamorphosis:to be Like Molloy 149
4.4 Immemorial Expatiation:Back to the Narrative Past 153
4.4.1 Narrative Time Of Moran's Narrative Part:Change in Narrative Experience 153
4.4.2 Anti-narrative Time in Molloy's Narrative Part:the Mythological Present 156
Chapter Five:Malone Dies:to Understand Time in Death 160
5.1 Being-towards-Death 161
5.1.1 Death and Time:to Synchronize Time in Death 161
5.1.2 The Dying Malone 164
5.2 Death and the Other 167
5.2.1 Death as the Other to Time 167
5.2.2 The Death of the Other 170
5.2.3 The Death of the Other and My Own 173
5.3 To die for the Other 179
5.3.1 God as the Other 179
5.3.2 The Ethical Responsibilities:Patience and the Guilt of Survival 183
5.4 Tension between Narrative Impatience and Narrative Patience 188
5.4.1 Diachrony:the Parallel Structure of the One and the Other 188
5.4.2 Narrative Patience vs.Narrative Impatience 193
Chapter Six:The Unnamable:Time as"the Between" 197
6.1 Between Mahood and Worm 198
6.1.1 Time Experience of Mahood 198
6.1.2 Time Experience of Worm the Anti-Mahood 202
6.1.3 The Unnamable Between Mahood and Worm 205
6.2 Time as"the Between" 209
6.2.1 The Relationship as"the Between" 209
6.2.2 Aporia as"the Between":Questioning Awaiting no Answer 213
6.3 The Narrative in"the Between" 218
6.3.1 The Interior Monologue of the Voice:Solitary Narrating 218
6.3.2 Narrating Leading Nowhere 224
Conclusion 230
Works Cited 233
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