中国古董拍卖精华 古典家具 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:欣弘编
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南美术出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787535651860
- 页数:160 页
Guide to the Use of This Series 7
Preface 8
Ⅰ.Beds and Couches 21
Beech Red Lacquer Large Alcove Bed 21
Huanghuali Canopy Bed with Latticework Railing 22
Beech Enclosure Boards Canopy Bed 24
Beech Canopy Bed 25
Huanghuali Dragon Motif Canopy Bed 26
Huanghuali Six-post Canopy Bed 27
Huanghuali Geometric Pattern Arhat Bed 28
Five-Screen Arhat Bed 29
Red Sandalwood Cloud-Dragon Design Arhat Bed 30
Rosewood Arhat Bed 31
Rosewood Mother-of-pearl Inlaid Marble Arhat Bed 32
Hainan Huanghuali Arhat Bed 33
Couches 34
Huanghuali Humpbacked Stretcher Ta 34
Rosewood Marble Inlaid Couch 34
Ⅱ.Chairs 35
Huanghuali Cloud Motif Round-backed Armchair(one pair) 35
Huanghuali Cloud Motifs Round-Backed Armchair(one pair) 36
Huanghuali Round-back Armchair(one pair) 37
Rosewood Round-backed Armchair 38
Hainan Huanghuali Cloud Dragon Motif Round-backed Armchair(three-piece) 39
Huanghuali Folding Chair 40
Huanghuali Rose Chair(one pair) 41
Huanghuali Mullioned Rose Chair(one pair) 42
Rosewood Comb-back Chair(one pair) 43
Huanghuali Southern Official's Hat Armchair(one pair) 44
Huanghuali Shou Motif Southern Official's Hat Armchair(one pair) 45
Huanghuali Southern Official's Hat Armchair(one pair) 46
Huanghuali Southern Official's Hat Armchair(one pair) 47
Huanghuali Yokeback Armchair(one pair) 48
Huanghuali Yokeback Armchair(one pair) 49
Huanghuali Lamp-hanger Chair(four pieces) 50
Red Sandalwood Scroll Taishiyi(a set of eight chairs and four incense stands) 52
Red Lacquer Dragon and Shou Motif Taishiyi(one pair) 54
Carved Red Lacquer Armchair 55
Rosewood Ganoderma Taishi Armchair(a set of four) 56
Red Sandalwood Chan Yi(one pair) 57
Tieli Wood Table and Chair(three pieces) 58
Stools 59
Tieli Wood Long Bench 59
Huanghuali Square Stool 60
Huanghuali Cross Stretcher Square Stool 61
Red Sandalwood Lotus Motif Square Stool(one pair) 62
Red Sandalwood Square Stool 63
Imperial Rosewood Round Stool with Inlaid China Seat with the inscription of"Made in Yongzheng Era,Qing Dynasty" 64
Red Sandalwood Lotus Motif Embroidery Stool(one pair) 65
Huanghuali Eight Legs Drum Stool 66
Red Sandalwood Lotus Motif Stool(a set of six) 67
Red Sandalwood Embroidery Stool(one pair) 68
Thrones 69
Imperial Five-screen Lacquer Throne with Cloud and Dragon Motif 69
Imperial Red Sandalwood Throne with Cloud and Dragon Motif 70
Imperial Red Sandalwood Throne with Cloud and Dragon 71
Rosewood Dragon Pattern Throne 72
Frusta,Painting Table and Throne 73
Ⅲ.Tables and Cases 74
Huanghuali Dragon Pattern Flanged Long Table 74
Huanghuali Flanged Table with Cloud Pattern 75
Huanghuali Flanged Table with Cloud Pattern 76
Huanghuali Dragon Pattern Flanged Table 77
Huanghuali Flanged Table 78
Huanghuali Flanged stand 79
Huanghuali Flat-edged Table 80
Huanghuali Flat-edged Table 81
Gold-rimmed Nanmu and Rosewood Trestle Table 82
Huanghuali Table with a Solid Board 82
Red Sandalwood Painting Table 83
Stands 84
Red Lacquer Dragon Pattern Incense Stand 84
Red Sandalwood Guaizi Motif Incense Stand 85
Red Sandalwood Dragon Pattern Narrow Waistless Table 86
Tables 87
Huanghuali Humpbacked Stretcher Rectangular Table 87
Huanghuali Square Table 88
Huanghuaii Painting Table 89
Huanghuali Dragon and Cloud Motifs Painting Table 90
Huanghuali Flanged Table 91
Huanghuali Demountable Chess Table 92
Huanghuaii Half Table with Interlocking Circles 93
Red Sandalwood Flower Engraved Half Round Table 94
Redwood Half Round Table Inlaid with Mother-of-pearl and Marble 95
Red Sandalwood Flower Engraved Half Round Table(one pair) 96
Qianlong Red Sandalwood Octagon Lotus Table 97
Red Lacquer Kang Table 98
Huanghuali Dragon Pattern Kang Table 99
Huanghuali Lotus Pattern Cabriole Leg Kang Table 100
Red Sandalwood Dragon Pattern Kang Table 101
Redwood Kang Table 102
Rosewood Six Drawers Marble Writing Table 103
Qing Rosewood Four Drawers Writing Table with Stands 104
Platforms 105
Huanghuali Five-screen Mirror Platform 105
Ming Huanghuali Five-screen Mirror Platform 106
Huanghuali Five-screen Mirror Platform 107
Huanghuaii Double-Dragon Pattern Square Stand 108
Rosewood Flower Engraved Dressing Table 109
Ⅳ.Cabinets and Chests 110
Cabinets 110
Huanghuali Treasures Inlaid Cabinet 110
Red Lacquer Painting Cabinet 111
Huanghuali Cloud Dragon Pattern Cabinet(one pair) 112
Huanghuali Cabinet 114
Gilding Color-painting Flower and Bird Motifs Cabinet 115
Red Lacquer Cloud Dragon Motif Cabinet 116
Red Lacquer Cloud Dragon Cabinet 117
Huanghuali Round-corner Cabinet 118
Huanghuali Round-corner Cabinet 119
Huanghuali Round-corner Cabinet with Hidden Compartment(one pair) 120
Black-lacquer Small Round Table Inlaid with Mother-of pearl and Pictures Depicting Stories 121
Huanghuali Round-corner Kang Cabinet 122
Huanghuali Dragon Motif Open Shelf Cabinet(one pair) 123
Huanghuali Square-corner Cabinet 124
Huanghuali Square Cabinet 125
Closets 126
Huanghuali Three-drawer Closet 126
Huanghuali Dragon Motif Three-drawer Closet 127
Huanghuali Dragon Motif Two-drawer Closet 128
Shelves 129
Golden Carved Lacquer Dragon Pattern Shelf(one pair) 129
Huanghuali Railing Shelf 130
Walnut Bookshelf 131
Red Sandalwood Shelf(one pair) 132
Redwood Inlaid Boxwood Display Shelf 133
Red Sandalwood Display Cabinet with Engraved Flower Designs(one pair) 135
Rosewood Curio Shelf 136
Western Carving Pattern Curio Shelf(one pair) 137
Boxs 138
Imperial Huanghuali Dragon Pattern Trunk 138
Huanghuali Hipped Roof Trunk 139
Huanghuali Hipped Roof Trunk 140
Huanghuali Hipped Roof Trunk 141
Red Sandalwood Cloud Dragon Pattern Trunk 142
Huanghuali Trunk(one pair) 143
Ⅴ.Stands 144
Chicken Wing Wood Bookshelf 144
Huanghuali Bookshelf 145
Huanghuali Stand of Scale 146
Natural Root Stool 147
Red Sandalwood Lamp Stand with Painting in Glass 148
Ⅵ.Screens 149
Rosewood Jade Inlaid Five-panel Screen 149
Huanghuali Flowers in Relief Screen(four pieces) 150
Rosewood Folding Screen in Relief(twelve pieces) 151
Red Sandalwood Dragon Screen 152
Rosewood Guangdong Embroidery Folding Screen 154
Red Sandalwood Treasure Inlaid Table Screen 155
Red Sandalwood Jade Inlaid Table Screen(one pair) 156
Red Sandalwood Jade Inlaid Table Screen 157
Red Lacquer Table Screen(one pair) 158
Red Lacquer Hanging Screen 159
Imperial Red Lacquer Hanging Screen 160
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