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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:韩仲谦著
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787118096170
  • 页数:318 页
图书介绍:作者或说话人常常使用形象化的语言(figurative language)来传递语言字面意义(literal meaning)以外的意义,以取得特殊的表达效果。各种各样的修辞格是形象化语言的主要构成手段。英语中除了metaphor、personification等十几种最常见的修辞格之外,还存在数以百计的另类特殊的修辞格(unusual figures of speech)或修辞方法(rhetorical devices/strategies),它们在提高语言文字在各种文体中的表现力发挥着重要作用。本书是作者研究该主题系列专著的第二本,较为详细地解读了情感格、夸张格、谬误格、语法格和隐义格五大类特殊英语修辞格或修辞方法,内容包括定义、例解和用法讨论。全书共分八章。第一章是“引言”,简要说明了形象化语言在语言交际中的各种功能,以及各种辞格或修辞手法对形象化语言形成的重要作用。第二章笼统介绍了英语修辞格的定义、功能和分类。第三章到第七章分别介绍并讨论了情感格、夸张格、谬误格、语法格和隐义格五大类共计四十三个特殊英语修辞格。第八章是“小结”,概述全书内容。与作者系列专著第一部所讨论的内容一样

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Figures of Speech in English 6

2.1 Figures of speech as techniques of figurative language in communication 6

2.2 Definition of figure of speech 7

2.3 History and etymology of the term"figure" 8

2.4 Functions of figures of speech 9

2.5 Classification of figures of speech 9

Chapter 3 Figures of Emotion 13

3.1 Aganactesis 14

3.1.1 Definition 14

3.1.2 Examples and illustrations 14

3.1.3 Discussion and summary 15

3.2 Asteismus 16

3.2.1 Definition 16

3.2.2 Examples and illustrations 16

3.2.3 Use of asteismus 21

3.2.4 Discussion and summary 22

3.3 Anamnesis 23

3.3.1 Definition 23

3.3.2 Examples and illustrations 24

3.3.3 Discussion and summary 28

3.4 Apostrophe 28

3.4.1 Definition 28

3.4.2 Examples and illustrations 29

3.4.3 Discussion and summary 35

3.5 Cacophony 36

3.5.1 Definition 36

3.5.2 Use of cacophony 37

3.5.3 Examples and illustrations 38

3.5.4 Discussion and summary 41

3.6 Ethopoeia 42

3.6.1 Definition 42

3.6.2 Examples and illustrations 42

3.6.3 Discussion and summary 43

3.7 Euche 44

3.7.1 Definition 44

3.7.2 Use of euche 44

3.7.3 Discussion and summary 46

3.8 Hypocatastasis 47

3.8.1 Definition 47

3.8.2 Difference between hypocatastasis and metaphor/smile/analogy 47

3.8.3 Use of hypocatastasis 49

3.8.4 Examples and illustrations 50

3.8.5 Discussion and summary 51

3.9 Oeonismos 52

3.9.1 Definition 52

3.9.2 Examples 52

3.9.3 Discussion and summary 53

3.10 Paraeneticon 53

3.10.1 Definition 53

3.10.2 Examples and illustrations 53

3.10.3 Discussion and summary 54

Chapter 4 Figures of Excess and Superfluity 55

4.1 Adynaton 56

4.1.1 Introduction 56

4.1.2 Definition 57

4.1.3 Functions of adynaton 58

4.1.4 Examples and illustrations 58

4.1.5 Discussion and summary 62

4.2 Amphilogy 63

4.2.1 Definition 63

4.2.2 Examples and illustrations 64

4.2.3 Discussion and summary 64

4.3 Bdelygmia 65

4.3.1 Definition 65

4.3.2 Use of bdelygmia 65

4.3.3 Examples and illustrations 67

4.3.4 Discussion and summary 69

4.4 Cledonism 70

4.4.1 Definition 70

4.4.2 Examples and illustrations 70

4.4.3 Discussion and summary 71

4.5 Enumeratio 72

4.5.1 Introduction 72

4.5.2 Definition 73

4.5.3 Functions of enumeratio 74

4.5.4 Examples and illustrations 74

4.5.5 Discussion and summary 78

4.6 Hyperbole 79

4.6.1 Introduction 79

4.6.2 Definition 80

4.6.3 Terminological clarification 82

4.6.4 Realizations of hyperbole 84

4.6.5 Discussion and summary 87

4.7 Optatio 91

4.7.1 Definition 91

4.7.2 Examples and illustrations 92

4.7.3 Discussion and summary 94

4.8 Periphrasis 94

4.8.1 Definition 94

4.8.2 Examples and illustrations 95

4.8.3 Linguistic studies on periphrasis 98

4.8.4 Discussionand summary 99

4.9 Perissologia 102

4.9.1 Definition 102

4.9.2 Examples and illustrations 102

4.9.3 Discussion and summary 104

4.10 Pleonasm 106

4.10.1 Definition 106

4.10.2 Examples and illustrations 107

4.10.3 Use of pleonasm 109

4.10.4 Linguistic studies on pleonasm[3] 117

4.10.5 Types of pleonasm[3] 121

4.10.6 Discussion and summary 124

4.11 Syndeton 127

4.11.1 Introduction 127

4.11.2 Definition 127

4.11.3 Use of syndeton 128

4.1 1.4 Examples and illustrations 132

4.11.5 Discussion and summary 135

4.12 Tautology 135

4.12.1 Definition 135

4.12.2 Use of tautology 136

4.12.3 Examples and illustrations 138

4.12.4 Discussion and summary 144

Chapter 5 Figures of Falsehood 146

5.1 Accismus 147

5.1.1 Definition 147

5.1.2 Use of accismus 147

5.1.3 Examples and illustrations 148

5.1.4 Discussion and summary 151

5.2 Anangeon 152

5.2.1 Definition 152

5.2.2 Examples and illustrations 152

5.2.3 Discussion and summary 153

5.3 Antanagoge 153

5.3.1 Definition 153

5.3.2 Use of antanagoge 154

5.3.3 Examples and illustrations 155

5.3.4 Discussion and summary 156

5.4 Aporia 157

5.4.1 Definition 157

5.4.2 Use of aporia 158

5.4.3 Examples and illustrations[1] 161

5.4.4 Discussion and summary 168

5.5 Fictio 169

5.5.1 Definition 169

5.5.2 Use of fictio 170

5.5.3 Examples and illustrations 171

5.5.4 Discussion and summary 173

5.6 Hypocorism 175

5.6.1 Definition 175

5.6.2 Formation of hypocorism 175

5.6.3 Use of hypocorism 177

5.6.4 Examples and illustrations 179

5.6.5 Discussion and summary 181

5.7 Paradeigma 181

5.7.1 Definition 181

5.7.2 Examples and illustrations 182

5.7.3 Discussion and summary 182

Chapter 6 Figures of Grammar 183

6.1 Chiasmus 184

6.1.1 Definition 184

6.1.2 Use of chiasmus 185

6.1.3 Examples and illustrations 187

6.1.4 Difference between chiasmus and antimetabole 193

6.1.5 Discussion and summary 195

6.2 Hypallage 198

6.2.1 Definition 198

6.2.2 Use of hypallage 200

6.2.3 Examples and illustrations 201

6.2.4 Discussion and summary 204

6.3 Hypotaxis 204

6.3.1 Definition 204

6.3.2 Use of hypotaxis 206

6.3.3 Hypotaxis and parataxis 209

6.3.4 Examples and illustrations 211

6.3.5 Discussion and summary 212

6.4 Hypozeuxis 212

6.4.1 Definition 212

6.4.2 Hypozeuxis and zeugma 213

6.4.3 Use of hypozeuxis 214

6.4.4 Examples and illustrations 214

6.4.5 Discussion and summary 215

6.5 Malapropism 215

6.5.1 Etymological information 215

6.5.2 Definition 216

6.5.3 Features of malapropism 217

6.5.4 Use of malapropism[1] 219

6.5.5 Examples and illustrations[2] 222

6.5.6 Discussion and summary 235

6.6 Parataxis 238

6.6.1 Definition 238

6.6.2 Use of parataxis 238

6.6.3 Examples and illustrations 240

6.6.4 Discussion and summary 245

6.7 Polysyndeton 247

6.7.1 Definition 247

6.7.2 Polysyndeton and asyndeton 247

6.7.3 Use and functions of polysyndeton 249

6.7.4 Examples and illustration 253

6.7.5 Discussion and summary 261

Chapter 7 Figures of Hidden Meaning 264

7.1 Adianoeta 265

7.1.1 Definition 265

7.1.2 Adianoeta and double entendre 266

7.1.3 Examples and illustrations 267

7.1.4 Discussion and summary 272

7.2 Autoclesis 273

7.2.1 Definition 273

7.2.2 Similar terms 274

7.2.3 Examples and illustrations 274

7.2.4 Discussion and summary 275

7.3 Homophone 275

7.3.1 Introduction 275

7.3.2 Definition 276

7.3.3 Use of homophone 276

7.3.4 Homohone,homograph and homonym 278

7.3.5 Causes of English homophone 280

7.3.6 Examples and illustrations 281

7.3.7 Discussion and summary 282

7.4 Paronomasia 284

7.4.1 Definition 284

7.4.2 Paronomasia and pun 284

7.4.3 Use of paronomasia 287

7.4.4 Examples and illustrations 289

7.4.5 Discussion and summa 292

7.5 Praecisio 293

7.5.1 Definition 293

7.5.2 Use of praecisio(aposiopesis) 293

7.5.3 Types of praecisio(aposiopesis) 294

7.5.4 Examples and illustrations 296

7.5.5 Discussion and summary 297

7.6 Subreption 298

7.6.1 Definition 298

7.6.2 Examples 299

7.6.3 Discussion and summary 299

7.7 Synchysis 301

7.7.1 Definition 301

7.7.2 Use of synchysis 301

7.7.3 Examples and illustrations 302

7.7.4 Discussion and summary 303

Chapter 8 Conclusion 305

Appendix 308

References 310
