语言文化教育方法论 从国家范式到跨国范式的转变PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)利桑佳著;韩晓蕙,刘爱华导读
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544635646
- 页数:270 页
1 Modern Language Studies:Language,Culture,Nation 1
Introduction 1
Culture Pedagogy:A Presentation 4
Theories of Nationality:Some Central Concepts 13
The History of Culture Pedagogy:Method of Analysis 18
Overview of This Book 21
2 Culture Pedagogy up to the 1960s 24
Introduction 24
The Concept of'Realia' 24
Earlier Culture Pedagogy from 1880 26
More Recent Culture Pedagogy:The USA in the 1960s 33
Conclusion 36
3 Culture Pedagogy in the 1970s:Knowledge of Society 39
Introduction 39
The USA in the 1970s 40
Europe in the 1970s 45
The Council of Europe and Great Britain in the 1970s 46
West Germany in the 1970s 48
The USSR and the GDRin the 1970s 58
France in the 1970s 63
Denmark and Norway in the 1970s 68
Conclusion 69
4 Culture Pedagogy in the 1980s:The Marriage of Language and Culture 73
Introduction 73
The USA in the 1980s 74
Europe in the 1980s 75
The Council of Europe in the 1980s 76
West Germany in the 1980s 78
France in the 1980s 83
Great Britain in the 1980s 92
Language and Culture in Language Teaching:The Marriage Metaphor 99
Conclusion 100
5 Culture Pedagogy in the 1990s:Internationalisation and the Intercultural 105
Introduction 105
The USA and Canada in the 1990s 106
Europe in the 1990s 113
Germany in the 1990s 115
France in the 1990s 118
Great Britain in the 1990s 119
Other European Countries in the 1990s 129
Outside Europe and the USA/Canada in the 1990s 136
Conclusion 137
6 Culture Pedagogy Today:Questioning of the National Paradigm 141
Introduction 141
The USAinthe Years after 2000 141
Europe in the Years after 2000 143
Outside Europe and the USA in the Years after 2000 155
Conclusion 158
The Diversity of Culture Pedagogy 160
7 Language and Culture:The Structure of the Complexity 166
Introduction 166
Linguistic Flows in Social Networks 166
Languaculture 170
Discourse 173
Cultural Contexts 175
Cultural Contents 177
The Language-Culture Nexus 182
Conclusion 186
8 Towards a Transnational Language and Culture Pedagogy 189
Introduction 189
The National Paradigm 191
The Transnational Paradigm 193
Language and Languaculture 195
Topics and Discourses 201
Contexts and Contacts 213
The National Dilemma:Between Complexity and Homogeneity 216
Conclusion 220
9 The Intercultural Competence of the World Citizen 222
Introduction 222
The Intercultural Speaker:Two Models 222
Intercultural Communicative Competence 224
Competences and Resources of the World Citizen 227
Conclusion 236
References 240
AuthorIndex 262
Subject Index 266
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