- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:甄永苏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509177297
- 页数:614 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
我的科研历程 3
天然来源的抗肿瘤药物研究与开发的典范 9
第二部分 学术贡献 15
一、甄永苏院士的主要学术论文 17
五种抗肿瘤药物对小鼠各种组织损害作用的比较 17
N-甲酰溶肉瘤素对小鼠精原细胞的损害作用 26
小鼠各种组织细胞对N-甲酰溶肉瘤素敏感性的比较——病理形态和细胞计数的研究 34
The Murine Spermatogonial Depletion Assay as A Method for Primary Screening of Antitumour Substances 41
抗肿瘤药物初筛方法——精原细胞法和噬菌体法的比较研究 53
争光霉素A5和争光霉素A2的抗肿瘤作用与毒性研究 61
Dexamethasone Synergistically Induces Chemotactic Peptide Receptor Expression in HL-60 Cells 69
A Human Granulocyte-Specific Antigen Characterized by Use of Monoclonal Antibodies 79
Effects of Acivicin and Dipyridamole on Hepatoma 3924A Cells 88
Amphotericin B Renders Stationary Phase Hepatoma Cells Sensitive to Dipyridamole 94
抗CCT2单克隆抗体和争光霉素A6结合物的抗白血病细胞活性 98
博来霉素A6抗人体肝癌的实验研究 102
Amphotericin B: A Biological Response Modifier in Targeting Against the Salvage Pathways 107
A New Macromolecular Antitumor Antibiotic, C-1027 Ⅲ. Antitumor Activity 114
Potentiation of Antimetabolite Antitumor Activity in Vivo by Dipyridamole and Amphotericin B 119
Mode of Action of C-1027, A New Macromolecular Antitumor Antibiotic With Highly Potent Cytotoxicity, on Human Hepatoma BEL-7402 Cells 127
博来霉素A6对小鼠肺毒性的电子显微镜观察 136
Green Tea Extract Inhibits Nucleoside Transport and Potentiates the Antitumor Effect of Antimetabolites 141
Azidothymidine and Dipyridamole as Biochemical Response Modifiers: Synergism with Methotrexate and 5-Fluorouracil in Human Colon and Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells 148
Antitumor Activity of Immunoconjugates Composed of Boanmycin and Monoclonal Antibody 156
Novel Nucleoside Transport Inhibitors of Natural Origin 162
A Single Binding Mode of Activated Enediyne C1027 Generates Two Types of Double-Strand DNA Lesions: Deuterium Isotope-Induced Shuttling Between Adjacent Nucleotide Target Sites 164
Antibiotic C3368-A, A Fungus-Derived Nucleoside Transport Inhibitor, Potentiates the Activity of Antitumor Drugs 179
Induction of Apoptosis by Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic C1027 in HL-60 Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells 186
Antitumor Activity of Yunnanmycin A Novel Pyrimidine Nucleoside Antibiotic 191
Antitumor Components From an Actinomycete Strain 6011W 195
Cinnamamide, an Antitumor Agent With Low Cytotoxicity Acting on Matrix Metalloproteinase 199
Intracellular Expression of A Single-Chain Antibody Directed Against Type Ⅳ Collagenase Inhibits the Growth of Lung Cancer Xenografts in Nude Mice 204
Activity of Boanmycin Against Colorectal Cancer 210
大黄素抑制人高转移巨细胞肺癌PG细胞的肿瘤转移相关性质 217
Antitumor Effects of Monoclonal Antibody Fab′ Fragment-Containing Immunoconj ugates 224
Antitumor Effects of the Molecule-Downsized Immunoconjugate Composed of Lidamycin and Fab′ Fragment of Monoclonal Antibody Directed Against Type Ⅳ Collagenase 230
HERG K+ Channel Expression-Related Chemosensitivity in Cancer Cells and Its Modulation by Erythromycin 239
An Enediyne-Energized Single-Domain Antibody-Containing Fusion Protein Shows Potent Antitumor Activity 250
Down-Regulation of the Nuclear Factor-kB by Lidamycin in Association With Inducing Apoptosis in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Inhibiting Xenograft Growth 263
Synergy of Gemcitabine and Lidamycin Associated With NF-kB Downregulation in Pancreatic Carcinoma Cells 272
Binding Capability of the Enediyne-Associated Apoprotein to Human Tumors and Constitution of A Ligand Oligopeptide-Integrated Protein 279
Enediyne Lidamycin Enhances the Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Gefitinib, in Epidermoid Carcinoma A431 Cells and Lung Carcinoma H460 Cells 291
Lidamycin Shows Highly Potent Cytotoxic to Myeloma Cells and Inhibits Tumor Growth in Mice 301
Rhein Lysinate Suppresses the Growth of Breast Cancer Cells and Potentiates the Inhibitory Effect of Taxol in Athymic Mice 310
A Bispecific Enediyne-Energized Fusion Protein Containing Ligand-Based and Antibody-Based Oligopeptides Against Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Shows Potent Antitumor Activity 319
A Tandem ScFv-Based Fusion Protein and Its Enediyne-Energized Analogue Show Intensified Therapeutic Efficacy Against Lung Carcinoma Xenograft in Athymic Mice 331
Endostar, A Modified Recombinant Human Endostatin, Exhibits Synergistic Effects With Dexamethasone on Angiogenesis and Hepatoma Growth 343
Antitumor Efficacy of the scFv-Based Fusion Protein and Its Enediyne-Energized Analogue Directed Against Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 354
Pingyangmycin Downregulates the Expression of EGFR and Enhances the Effects of Cetuximab on Esophageal Cancer Cells and the Xenograft in Athymic Mice 366
An NGR-Integrated and Enediyne-Energized Apoprotein Shows CD13-Targeting Antitumor Activity 377
Lidamycin Inhibits Tumor Growth and Pulmonary Metastasis in Murine Breast Carcinoma and Shows Synergy With Paclitaxel 387
抗肿瘤导向药物研究的现状与展望 396
天然来源的新型抗肿瘤生化调节剂 405
抗肿瘤抗生素和治疗肿瘤的单克隆抗体药物 408
抗体药物靶向治疗肿瘤前景广阔 419
抗肿瘤抗生素平阳霉素研究与临床应用40年 423
二、甄永苏院士的主要学术著作 429
TEA 429
抗体工程药物 446
抗体药物研究与应用 464
抗肿瘤药物研究与开发 475
三、甄永苏院士学术年表 520
个人简历 520
甄永苏院士论文目录 521
甄永苏院士参加的主要学术会议与报告 540
甄永苏院士著作目录 546
甄永苏院士培养研究生名录 548
甄永苏院士已获授权的专利项目 553
第三部分 治学之道 557
科技创新的认识与实践 559
勤奋 敬业 乐群 562
沙里淘金费苦辛 药中奥妙细追寻——记中国工程院院士甄永苏教授 565
甄永苏:科研贵在创新 567
第四部分 大师风范 571
甄永苏院士——我们的良师益友 573
写在甄永苏院士从业60周年前夕 576
在甄永苏老师身边学习和工作的日子 580
在甄老师身边多年的一些感悟 582
回忆甄老师指导我如何作好科研报告 584
我认识的甄老师 586
在院士身边做博士 588
尊敬的师长,真正的大师 590
与甄永苏院士的师生缘 592
桃李芬芳引路人 青丝华发闪师恩 593
上善若水,大爱无痕 594
第五部分 人生风采 597
美满家庭 599
校友情深 602
学科建设 604
学术活动 606
国际交流 609
重要时刻 611
院士活动 613
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