学术英语的多维研究视角 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库 第3辑PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)费劳尔迪,(英)皮科克编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787513539654
- 页数:467 页
Introduction 3
1 Issues in EAP:A preliminary perspective&John Flowerdew and Matthew Peacock 8
2 Language use,language planning and EAP&Chris Kennedy 25
3 EAP-related linguistic research:An intellectual history&John M.Swales 42
4 Linguistic research and EAP pedagogy&Brian Paltridge 55
5 International scientific English:The language of research scientists around the world&Alistair Wood 71
6 Discipline specificity and EAP&Caroline Clapham 84
7 World Englishes:Issues in and from academic writing assessment&Liz Hamp-Lyons and Bonnie Wenxia Zhang 101
8 Addressing issues of power and difference in ESL academic writing&Suresh Canagarajah 117
9 'I'll go with the group':Rethinking 'discourse community' in EAP&Sue Starfield 132
10 EAP assessment:Issues,models,and outcomes&Geoff Brindley and Steven Ross 148
Introduction 169
11 The EAP curriculum:Issues,methods,and challenges&John Flowerdew and Matthew Peacock 177
12 Twenty years of needs analyses:Reflections on a personal journey&George Braine 195
13 The curriculum renewal process in English for academic purposes programmes&Fredricka L.Stoller 208
14 Team-teaching in EAP:Changes and adaptations in the Birmingham approach&Tony Dudley-Evans 225
15 Does the emperor have no clothes?A re-examination of grammar in content-based instruction&Donna M.Brinton and Christine A.Holten 239
16 The specialised vocabulary of English for academic purposes&Averil Coxhead and Paul Nation 252
17 Language learning strategies and EAP proficiency:Teacher views,student views,and test results&Matthew Peacock 268
18 Issues in EAP test development:What one institution and its history tell us&Fred Davidson and Yeonsuk Cho 286
19 Teaching writing for academic purposes&Dana R.Ferris 298
20 Reading academic English:Carrying learners across the lexical threshold&Tom Cobb and Marlise Horst 315
21 Incorporating reading into EAP writing courses&Alan Hirvela 330
22 The development of EAP oral discussion ability&Peter Robinson,Gregory Strong,Jennifer Whittle,and Shuichi Nobe 347
23 Second language lecture comprehension research in naturalistic controlled conditions&Steve Tauroza 360
24 Designing tasks for developing study competence and study skills in English&Alan Waters and Mary Waters 375
25 Promoting EAP learner autonomy in a second language university context&Tony Lynch 390
References 404
Index 460
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