从外语教育到跨文化公民教育 文集与思考PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)拜拉姆著;韩慧,荆红涛导读
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787544633444
- 页数:272 页
Purposes 5
1 Foreign Language Education in Context 5
Defining Foreign Language Education 6
Foreign Language Education Policies 9
Evaluation and Planning of Foreign Language Education 15
Policies for Plurilingual Learners in Multilingual Environments 16
2 Purposes for Foreign Language Education 21
The Benefits of Foreign Language Education 23
Purposes and Policies:Three Cases 32
Possibilities 43
3 Is Language Learning Possible at School? 43
The Ambitions of Policy-makers 44
Defining and Comparing'Success' 46
Expectations at the End of Compulsory Education 48
Matching Policies with Possibilities 53
4 The Intercultural Speaker:Acting Interculturally or Being Bicultural 57
Being Bicultural 60
Acting Interculturally 68
A Comparison of Being Bicultural and Acting Interculturally 71
5 Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning in the Primary Schoo1 77
Context and Content 78
Learning Foreign Languages and Cultures in Primary Education 79
Teachers of Language and Culture in Primary Education 83
Curriculum Planning and Teaching Materials 85
Conclusion 87
6 Analysis and Advocacy:Researching the Cultural Dimensions of Foreign Language Education 91
Analysis and Advocacy 91
Analysis of Culture Learning and Language Learning 93
Advocating Directions for Culture Learning 96
Perspectives 103
7 Nationalism and Internationalism in Language Education 103
'Language Educators' 103
Foreign Language Educators 105
Education In and Beyond the Nation State 106
Socialisation and Social Identity 110
National and International Identities 114
Languages and Identities in the Curriculum 121
8 Language Learning in Europe 125
A Political Aspiration 125
European Identity as a Social Identity? 130
Language and Identity 131
Socialisation 133
European Identity and Language Learning 138
9 Foreign Language Teaching as Political Action 145
Education for Teachers of Languages 150
Education for Teacher Educators? 152
Part 2:Intercultural Citizenship Education 155
10 Language Education,Political Education and Intercultural Citizenship 157
Politische Bildung 158
Critical Cultural Awareness 162
Conceptual and Linguistic Relativism 166
Communication in Transnational Communities 169
Ethical Dimensions of Education for Intercultural Citizenship 173
11 Education for Intercultural Citizenship 177
A Framework for Political and Language Education 177
Education for Intercultural Citizenship 186
12 Policies for Intercultural Citizenship Education 191
Citizens and Their Communities 191
Education for Citizenship beyond the Nation State:Europe 197
13 Curricula for Intercultural Citizenship Education 205
Transnational Political Activity in Education 206
Levels of'Acting Interculturally' 212
14 Assessment and/or Evaluation of Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Citizenship 219
'Assessment'and'Evaluation' 219
Attributing Value 220
Portfolios and Profiles 224
Conclusion 227
Appendix 1:Intercultural Competence 230
Appendix 2:Sources for Teacher Training for Intercultural Competence 234
Appendix 3:Framework for Intercultural Citizenship 238
Appendix 4:Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters 240
Notes 246
References 258
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