- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭泽建,吴元华主编;魏送红,陈立杰,薛春生等副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国农业科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787511617361
- 页数:673 页
第一部分 真菌与真菌病害 3
安徽沿淮地区小麦赤霉病菌的菌群类型及其分布特点&祁小东,陈莉,丁克坚 3
保种基物含水量对小麦赤霉病菌生长速率及产孢量的影响&万玲,丁克坚,陈莉等 6
锦葵炭疽病病原菌生物学特性研究&袁月,李沐慧,卢占慧等 9
稻曲病菌侵染机制研究的现状与展望&王疏,胡东维 16
番茄织球壳菌萎蔫病病原菌鉴定&徐婧,徐秀德,王丽娟等 24
沈阳地区大白菜根肿病流行动态模型构建&于舒怡,刘长远,梁春浩等 28
不同水稻品种与播期对水稻稻曲病发生程度的影响&刘晓舟,白元俊,王疏等 34
稻曲病菌人工接种研究&缪建锟,白元俊,刘晓舟等 37
黄淮麦区小麦茎基腐病病原菌的分离鉴定&贺小伦,周海峰,侯莹等 40
Genetic Diversity Study of Sclerotinia sclerotorium Samples Collected from the Same Sunflower Planting Field of Wenquan, a Small Town of Xinjiang&Li Min, Hou Yaguang, Jin Lan et al. 44
A Comprehensive Expression Analysis of the WRKY Gene Family Respond to Phytophthora melonis in Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus)&Xu Xiaomei, Wang Rui, Lin Yu'e et al. 45
A Novel Hypovirulence-associated Partitivirus that Breaks Vegetative Incompatibility Barrier on Plant Pathogenic Fungi&Xiao Xueqiong, Cheng Jiasen, Fu Yanping et al. 46
Acetoacetyl-CoA Acetyltransferases Play Distinct Roles in Mevalonate Pathway and Virulence of Magna-porthe oryzae&Zhong Zhenhui, Yu Jie, Chen Meilian et al. 47
Analysis on the Population Structure and Virulence Dynamics of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in North-eastern China in 2013&Wu Xianxin, Cao Yuanyin, Li Tianya et al. 48
Autotoxic Compounds from Muskmelon Root Exudates: Identification and Biological activity&Yang Ruixiu, Gao Zenggui 49
Baseline Sensitivity of Natural Populations and Characterization of Resistant Strains of Botrytis cinerea to Fluazinam&Shao Wenyong, Zhang Yu, Ren Weichao et al. 50
Biological Characteristics and Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes of the sf-19 Strain from Grape Sour Rot&Li Hong, Li Xinghong, Zhang Xialan et al. 51
Characterization of Ustilaginoidea virens Infection in Rice&Shen Wenjin, Yang Chao, Li Wenlu et al. 52
Characterization the Regions of the Conserved SNARE YKT6 Gene to Develop a Potential Molecular Target for the Detection of Phytophthora Species&Zhao Wei, Wang Tao, Qi Rende 53
Cloning and Function Characterization of a Membrane-bound Transcription Factor Gene TabZIP74 in Wheat&Li Yuanyuan, Wang Fengtao, Lin Ruiming et al. 54
Cultural characteristics of Paracercospora sp. Causing a gray leaf spot on Dictamnus dasycarpus&Ou Yanghui, Zhou Rujun, Fu Junfan et al. 55
Ectopic Expression of a Wheat NAC Transcription Factor Gene, TaNAC1, Enhances Susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae and Promotes Lateral Root Development of Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana&Wang Fengtao, Lin Ruiming, Feng Jing et al. 56
Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Colonization and Sporulation of Three kinds of Black-spot Pathogen&Li Xue, Li Baohua, Wang Caixia et al. 57
Epidemic Dynamic of Wheat Powdery Mildew in Ya'an, China (2007 ~2012)&Liu Na, Gong Guoshu, Zhang Min et al. 58
Pathogenicity Differentiation and Genetic Analysis of Curvularia lunata in Northern China&Li Guofu, Xiao Shuqin, Gao Ying et al. 59
Exploration of New Genes for Resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in Oryza glaberrima&Dong Liying, Xu Peng, Liu Shufang et al. 60
FgVps27, a ESCRT-0 component, Required for Spore Development, Pathogenicity, and Pigment for-mation in Fusarim graminearum&Xie Qiurong, Chen Ahai, Zheng Wenhui et al. 61
First Report of Blueberry Leaf Spot Caused by Alternaria alternatea on Blueberry in China&Zhou Y, Fu J F, Zhao R Jet al. 62
First Report of Leaf Rust of Blueberry Caused by Pucciniastrum vaccinii in China&ZhaoRJ, FuJF, ZhouYetal. 63
First Report of Powdery Mildew of Clematis manshurica Caused by Erysiphe aquilegiae in Liaoning Prov-ince&Xu Haijiao, Lu Zhanhui, Ge Xinxin et al. 64
Formae Speciales Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Setophaeria turcica from Parts of China&Tang Lin, Gao Zeng-gui, Yao Yuan et al. 65
Functional Analysis of the FgCDC14 Gene in the Wheat Scab Fungus Fusarium graminearum&Li Chaohui, Zhang Shijie, Zhang Hongchang et al. 66
Functional Characterization of the Unique Genes of Fusarium graminearum Encoding Secreted Proteins&Zhang Shijie, Zhang Qiang, Yin Tao et al. 67
Fungal Cellulase is an Elicitor but its Enzymatic Activity is not Required for its Elicitor Activity&Ma Yanan, Han Chao, Chen Jinyin et al. 68
Further Characterization of Surface Recognition Mechanisms in Magnaporthe oryzae&Wang Guanghui, Zhou Xiaoying, Li Guotian et al. 69
Gene Profiling of Early Infection Process of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici in Wheat Roots&Xue Baoguo, Xie Lihua et al. 70
Genetic Diversity of Gray Leaf Spot Caused by Cercospora with ISSR Analysis&Zhang Xiaofei, Li Xiao, Cui Lina et al. 71
Germination and Infectivity of Microconidia in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae&Zhang Huili, Wu Zhongshou, Wang Chenfang et al. 72
Identification and Characterization of Genes that Conferring Tolerance and Self-protection against DON in Fusarium graminearum&Chen Daipeng, Liu Huiquan, Ma Jiwen et al. 73
Identification of Fusarium and Toxicity to Meloidogyne incongnita in Soybean Fields of Liaoning Province&Hu Jianyang, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhu Xiaofeng et al. 74
Identification of Myrothecium roridum from Tomato in Tianjin&Huo Jianfei, Hao Yongjuan, Liu Chunyan et al. 75
Identification of Oyster Mushroom Spherical Virus in Pleurotus ostreatus by Deep Sequencing&Wang Shaojie, Wang Nian, Shi Yingchun et al. 76
Identification of the Strawberry Root Rot Pathogenic Fungi of Changping District, Beijing&Zhang Yang, Zhao Xiaoyan, Wei YanMin et al. 77
Influence of Stripe Rust Pathogen on the Surface of Wheat Leaves upon Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Wheat Stripe Rust&Wang Hui, Qin Feng, Ruan Liu et al. 78
Jasmonate Signalling and the Two Layers of Plant Immunity—Lessons from Grapevine Cells&Chang Xiaoli, Mitsunori Seo, Yumiko Takebayashi et al. 79
Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies on the Infection Process of Pepper Leaves by Cladospori-um oxysporum&Huang Xinyang, Liu Zhiheng, Zheng Chuan et al. 80
MADS-Box Transcription Factor SsMADS Regulates Growth and Virulence in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum&Zhang Dongjing, Qu Xiaoyan, Liu Jinliang et al. 81
Metabolic Profiles of the Kinome Mutants in Fusarium graminearum&Yin Tao, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Shijie, et al. 82
Microscopic Examination of Developmental and Infection Processes with a GFP labelled Taphrina defor-rmans Transformant&Zhang Yimei, Liu Huiquan, Zhang Qiang et al. 83
miRH6 and miR4472 Participate in Phytophthora infestans Infecting Tomato&Wang Weichen, Luan Yushi, Cui Juanjuan 84
Study on Genetic Diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Soybean in Heilongjiang Province&Li Yichu , Zhang Yunhua , Meng Qinglin et al. 85
MoFRQ plays a Critical Role in Conidium Development, Germination, and Plant Infection in Magna-porthe oryzae&Zhang Qiang, Gao Xuli, Zhang Shijie et al. 86
Molecular Characterization of a Novel Positive Sense RNA Virus that Can Transmit via Ascospores of the Pathogenic Fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum&Wu Songsong, Xie Jiatao, Cheng Jiasen et al. 87
Molecular Characterization of a Novel Victorivirus Infecting the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Sclerotinia sclero-tiorum&Hu Yanping, Xu Zhiyong, Fu Yanping et al. 88
Molecular Detection of Mycotoxin Chemotypes of Seeds Borned Fusarium graminearum Clade on Maize&Dong Huaiyu, Xu Jing, Wang Lijuan et al. 89
Molecular Detection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Based on cyp51 Gene&Qiao Guanghang, Li Xinghong, Zhou Ying et al. 90
Multi-gene Molecular Identification of New Colletotrichum Species&Zhang Chundi, Geng Yuehua, Zhang Meng 91
Pathogen Identification of Blueberry Stem Blight in China&Wang X, Fu J F, Hu M Q et al. 92
Phenotypic Analysis of Low Virulent Verticillium dahliae Mutants on Cotton and Cloning of Pathogenicity Related Genes&Li Zhifang, Liu Yijie, Feng Zili et al. 93
Phylogenetic and Necrosis Functional Analysis of the Genes from NPPl-like and PcF/SCR-like Family in Phytophthora infestans&Zhao Dongmei, Yang Zhihui, Xu Jin et al. 94
Phytophthora Species from Forest Streams in South-west Sichuan Province, China&Huai Wenxia, Zhao Wenxia, Tian Guozhong et al. 96
Prelimnery Identification and Distribution of Trichoderma in Soybean Field&Sun Chun, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhu Xiaofeng et al. 97
Proteomic Analysis of the Compatible Interaction between Chieh-qua and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. chieh-&Zhao Qin, Xie Dasen, He Xiaoming et al. 98
Proteomic Changes Associated with Deletion of the Fusarium graminearum Homeobox Transcription Factor Htfl&Chen Ahai, Xie Qiurong, Zheng Wenhui et al. 99
Race and Virulence Characterization from asexual and sexual populations of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in China&Li Tianya, Cao Yuanyin 100
Research on Biogeography-based Optimization Approach in Expert System of Tomato Disease&Li Ying, Miao Zeyan, Zhao Yang et al. 101
Pathogenicity Identification and PCR Detection of Phytophthora nicotianae Isolated from Konjac in Yun-nan, China&Du Weifu, Shao Mei, Yu Decai et al. 102
Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Trichoderma against Tobacco Root Diseases in Luoyang&Tian Yanyan, Wang Weijie, Zhao Shimin et al. 103
Screening for New Fungicides of Ginseng Black Spot (Alternaria panax)&Li Xinyue, Zhou Rujun, Fu Junfan 104
Sensitive Baseline of Rhizoctonia solani to Thifluzamide in Jilin Province&Wei Songhong, Wang Haining, Hu Jixiang et al. 105
Structure and Function Analysis of Dynein Light Chain Tctex-1 Family Protein MoTctex from the Rice Blast Fungus&Huang Jinguang, Li Guorui, Zhao Yanxiang et al. 106
Study on Biological Characteristics and Epidemic of Strawberry Leaf Blight&Jia Xiaohui, Fu Junfan, Zhou Rujun et al. 107
Study on the Fruit Rot Disease on Pineapple Caused by Alternaria alternata ( Fr. ) Kiessler in Hainan Is-land&Luo Zhiwen, He Fan, Fan Hongyan et al. 108
Study on the Sporulation and Toxin for Corynespora sp. of Kiwi Brown spot&CuiY. L., WenX. W., GongG. S. etal. 109
The Crystal Structure of MoSubl-DNA Complex with a Novel DNA Binding Mode&Huang Jinguang, Zhao Yanxiang, Liu Huaian et al. 110
The First Report of Calonectria pteridis Causing a Leaf Spot Disease on Serenoa repens in China&Zheng L. , Yang W. , Wang C. , et al. 111
The Function Analys of StLAC1 and StLAC2 Genes on Melanin Synthesis in Setosphaeria turcica&Cao Keke, Cao Zhiyan, Meng Chuan et al. 114
The Functional Analysis of the Hexose Transporter in Magnaporthe oryzae&Xu Junjie, Lu Guodong 115
The Genome Sequence Determination of a Novel Mitovirus in Rhizoctonia cerealis&Zhang Tao, Li Wei, Yu Hanshou et al. 116
The Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor FgRic8 Regulates Vegetative Growth, Conidiation, Deoxyni-valenol Production and Virulence in Fusarium graminearum&Wu Jinjin, Liu Yuting, Lv Wuyun et al. 117
The MADS-box transcription FvMcml Regulates Conidia Development and Sexual Across in Fusarium ver-ticillioides&Yang Cui, Liu Huiquan, Wang Chenfang et al. 118
The Overwintering Study of the Uromyces appendiculatus Teliospore in Heilongjiang&Zheng Sujiao, Li Jili, Ke Xiwang et al. 119
The Phosphodiesterase Gene, StPdeH, Regulates Morphogenesis, Cell Wall Integrity and Second Me-tabolism in Setosphaeria turcica&Yang Zheng, Wu Di, Tan Yinghui et al. 120
The Proteomics of Phytophthora infestans Effector Protein NPP1&Zhou Xiaogan, Ding Yumei , Yao Chunxin et al. 121
Transcriptome Analysis of Two Different Pathotypes with Different Virulence of Puccinia triticinia&Zhang Heshan, Du Dongdong, Zhang Yumei et al. 122
腐生营养型灰葡萄孢菌蛋白激发子的纯化及功能研究&张易,张云华,邱德文等 123
稻瘟病菌中一个假定的柠檬酸合成酶基因的功能分析&石磊,郑文辉,刘丽巧等 124
稻瘟病菌中Chml下游相关作用蛋白探究&林莉莉,郑嘉熙,郑文辉等 125
稻瘟菌诱导水稻磷酸化蛋白质组的差异表达分析&叶智坚,聂燕芳,邹小桃等 126
水稻纹枯病菌D122菌株中真菌病毒的基因组结构与功能分析&张美玲,郑丽,周而勋 127
水稻纹枯病菌菌核形成过程中差异表达基因的克隆与功能分析&陈洁玲,舒灿伟,周而勋 128
稻曲病菌侵染水稻花器的分子机理初探&樊晶,郭晓艺,黎良等 129
稻瘟病菌效应因子Avrl-CO39和相应抗性蛋白RGA5AS的重组表达、纯化和晶体生长&黄丹,张延安,林子丽等 130
稻曲病菌侵染水稻苗期的特性研究&雍明丽,邓启得,李丹阳等 131
稻曲病菌菌核降解真菌的筛选&李丹阳,邓启得,雍明丽等 132
我国稻田常见杂草黑粉病的调查与鉴定&邓启得,雍明丽,李丹阳等 133
内蒙古水稻秧苗立枯病原腐霉菌的分离鉴定&银玲,景山幸二,田迅等 134
玉米大斑病菌小柱孢酮脱水酶(scd)基因克隆和敲除载体的构建&杨阳,贾慧,刘俊等 135
玉米纹枯病菌MAPK基因cDNA克隆与序列分析&刘博,刘限,孔婷婷等 136
玉米、高粱丝黑穗病原菌rDNA-ITS分析&姜钰,胡兰,徐婧等 137
玉米大斑病菌转录因子StSTEl2基因的结构分析及其可能调控的靶基因筛选&王玥,张盼,马兰等 138
玉米灰斑病的发病程度与玉米主要农艺性状的相关性分析&王桂清,李凡海 139
玉米大斑病菌水甘油通道蛋白基因StFPSl的功能研究&张盼,王玥,薛韶娜等 141
东北地区小麦赤霉病致病镰孢菌种类鉴定&潘晓静,陈楠,李天亚等 142
小麦条锈病移动端信息平台的构建&冷伟锋,马占鸿 143
小麦品种良星66和汶农14抗白粉病基因与Prm2的等位性测验和有效性分析&孙艳玲,孙会改,宋伟等 145
小麦白粉病的遥感监测及田间病原菌孢子的时空动态研究&刘伟,姚冬明,范洁茹等 146
氮饥饿胁迫对水稻纹枯病菌侵染力的影响&曾泉,史国英,岑贞陆等 147
菌核在稻曲病菌生活史中的作用研究&邓启得,雍明丽,李丹阳等 148
黑龙江省西部地区主要小杂粮常见病害调查&李季李,崔冬梅,殷丽华等 149
小麦赤霉和小麦茎基腐病菌致病力研究&刘杨杨,张向向,孙海燕等 150
大豆菌核病菌子囊孢子生物学特性的研究&石凤梅,孟庆林,马立功等 151
辽宁花生基腐病病原鉴定及其生物学研究&洪恺,周如军,傅俊范 152
花生叶斑病和网斑病对花生产量的影响&晏立英,康彦平,李玉荣等 153
花生颈腐病研究&郭洪参,齐军山,张博等 154
向日葵菌核萌发及发病规律盆栽试验研究&刘佳,孟庆林,石凤梅等 155
湖南省主要栽培油菜品种种传链格孢菌的检测和致病性分析&金程凡,商红红,高必达 156
吉林、黑龙江省烟草靶斑病菌致病力分化研究&苏燕妮,董雪,吴元华 157
向日葵黄萎病发生程度与向日葵生长的关系&宁丹妮,王颖,苏振贺等 158
我国黄瓜霜霉菌交配型的测定&张艳菊,刘丽,刘欣欣等 159
辽宁省辣椒疫病菌不同生理小种生物学特性比较研究&刘长远,张里,梁春浩等 160
我国黄瓜霜霉菌SSR遗传多样性分析&张艳菊,刘欣欣,刘丽等 161
温室辣椒疫病连作土壤微生物数量与组成关系研究&王辉,刘长远,孙军德 162
西瓜、甜瓜和黄瓜枯萎尖镰孢菌致病性测定及甜瓜枯萎菌GFP标记菌株的构建&苏家,高增贵,姚远等 163
棒孢叶斑病菌侵染黄瓜的组织病理学观察&刘东,秦智伟,张艳菊等 164
棉隆与生化防腐酸对设施土壤真菌多样性的影响&胡兰,杨威,徐婧等 165
北京地区草莓灰霉病菌对4种杀菌剂的抗药性检测&陈帅民,芦帆,张璨等 166
草莓灰霉病菌对多菌灵和异菌脲的抗药性检测&芦帆,张佳,张璨等 167
芸薹根肿菌侵染不结球白菜的最适水培条件研究&杨晓琴,陈国康,马冠华等 168
黄瓜主要种质对棒孢叶斑病抗性鉴定&高苇,王勇,郝永娟等 169
哈茨木霉T23发酵液对致病病原菌的抑制及体内酶活性的影响&刘朝辉,袁锐杰,曾华兰等 170
苹果枝干轮纹病的流行特点与防控策略&李保华,王彩霞,董向丽等 171
黄瓜疫病生防菌的筛选及鉴定&孙莉,易图永 173
禾谷镰刀菌中microRNA的检测及其通路相关基因的功能研究&曾文萍,王颖,付艳苹等 174
核盘菌菌株8-2中携带病毒的分子特性初步研究&蔡婷,付艳苹,谢甲涛等 175
十字花科白菜根肿病菌在不同温度、pH值条件下致病性差异研究&杨明英,杨子林,马桂明等 176
十字花科根肿病菌不同休眠孢子浓度及品种间抗性差异测定&曹继芬,刘萍,芮文等 177
湖北省不同寄主核盘菌生物多样性分析&宋万朵,郑露,刘浩等 178
全基因组预测希金斯炭疽菌与禾谷炭疽菌的分泌蛋白&韩长志 179
腐烂病菌在苹果枝条木质部内的生长扩展动态&陈冲,王彩霞,董向丽等 180
苹果叶枯炭疽病菌产毒素条件及其生物活性测定&史祥鹏,李超,李保华等 181
柑橘绿霉病菌甾醇调控元件结合蛋白功能的初步分析&阮若昕,孙学鹏,李红叶 182
广西杧果炭疽病菌分子系统学及遗传多样性初步研究&李其利,黄穗萍,郭堂勋等 184
杧果炭疽菌的群体分化初探&覃丽萍,史国英,谢玲等 185
广西杧果流胶病发生情况调查&莫贱友,李其利,郭堂勋等 186
大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)致病相关基因VdNUC-2的生物学功能及其调控机制研究&邓晟,王彩月,张昕等 187
长白山区人参菌核病病原生物学及其药剂初筛&车喜庆,芦小鹏,周如军等 188
厚朴上2种炭疽病菌的致病性和生物学性状研究&陈丹,朱宏建,高必达 189
地榆炭疽病病原菌分离与鉴定&叶云峰,胡凤云,林伟等 190
广西北部湾红树林内生真菌的致病性评价&谢玲,覃丽萍,张雯龙等 191
西双版纳橡胶树腐霉菌病害研究初报&蒋桂芝,王勇芳,周明等 192
MoPacC DNA结合结构域的重组表达、纯化及其与DNA结合的分析&刘怀安,赵彦翔,程先坤等 193
柑橘绿霉菌G蛋白信号途径相关基因的功能初步研究&王伟丽,朱从一,王明爽等 194
盾壳霉CmSmkl基因功能的初步研究&郜丽霞,谢甲涛,程家森等 196
盾壳霉生长发育相关基因CmAvaB的功能研究&杨潇湘,程家森,谢甲涛等 197
真菌几丁质合成酶基因家族的进化基因组学分析&李木,赵中涛,许金荣等 198
真菌中微管蛋白家族功能分化的分子机制&赵中涛,刘慧泉,罗永平等 199
受Botryosphaeria dothidea侵染的苹果枝条和果实的组织结构变化&武雪明,国立耘 200
灰葡萄孢致病相关基因BClG_07326的克隆及其功能验证&刘信强,谢甲涛,付艳苹等 201
灰葡萄孢转录调控因子BcLTF1功能结构域的重组表达、纯化及晶体生长&陈霞,刘俊峰,张国珍 202
核盘菌菌株PXl4中携带病毒多样性分析&王其华,程家森,谢甲涛等 203
核盘菌菌株SZ-150弱毒特性与致病因子相关性初步研究&王前前,肖雪琼,程家森等 204
Analysis SSR Information in Coffee Leaf Rust Transcriptome&Wu Weihuai, He Chunping, Zou Haijuan et al. 205
Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of Chalcone Synthase Gene from Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. ) Infec-ted by Plant Pathogen&Xue Baoguo, Yan Jun, Lu Shubing et al. 206
玉米穗腐病致病层出镰刀菌基因敲除体系的构建&焦铸锦,黄思良 207
稻瘟菌致病蛋白MoProll的功能研究&沈蜜,杨俊,彭友良 208
稻瘟菌中一个RNA结合蛋白MoPubl的功能研究&彭军波,杨俊,黎阳等 209
几丁质合成酶Chs6影响稻瘟菌致病性原因的初探&高旭声,杨俊,彭友良 210
甜菜褐斑病引起我国甜菜产量和含糖量损失的初步分析&李文兵,刘梅,林艳军等 211
稻瘟菌一个GATA类转录因子MoSre调控嗜铁素的合成&张欣融,杨俊,彭友良 212
辣椒疫霉游动孢子群体感应初探&陈晨,邵菁芃,刘西莉 213
水稻纹枯病菌对井冈霉素抗药性研究&宋晰,侯燕华,刘鹏飞等 214
中国辣椒炭疽病菌(Colletotrichumtruncatum)地理种群的遗传分化研究&刁永朝,张灿,刘利等 215
20ll~2013年江苏省稻瘟病菌种群动态及毒力变化分析&王伟舵,于俊杰,聂亚锋等 216
稻谷中稻曲病菌毒素A Dot-ELISA检测方法的建立与应用&尹小乐,于俊杰,俞咪娜等 217
稻曲病菌分生孢子高产突变体A2588的T-DNA插入位点侧翼基因克隆&于俊杰,聂亚锋,俞咪娜等 218
基于稻曲病菌全基因组SSR标记开发与分析&俞咪娜,于俊杰,聂亚锋等 219
Pestalotiopsis Isolated from Soursop Imported from Thailand&Zheng Chunsheng, Zhou Qi, Gao Wenna et al. 220
Phylogenetic Analyses and Race Identification of Verticillium dahliae Isolates Collected from Sunflower Verticillium Wilt Samples&Zhang Gui, Zhang Yuanyuan, Zhao Jun 221
设施草莓灰霉病菌孢子量动态监测和病果率调查&徐佳美,黄军凯,张国珍 222
不同寄主来源的大丽轮枝孢菌寄主特异性的研究&张园园,张贵,任杰等 223
Report of Soybean Seed-borne Fungi Phomopsis spp. Disease&Xu Yanli, Li Xueguang, Song Jie et al. 224
Establish ATMT Mutant Library of Cecrospora zeaemaydis&Lu Yuanyuan, Xiao Shuqin, He Ruihong et al. 226
Establish ATMT Mutant Library of Curvularia lunata CX-3&Xiao Shuqin, Huang Weidong, Xue Chunsheng 227
Morphology and Pathogenicity of Colletotrichum capsici Causing Grape Anthracnose in Guangxi, China&Pan Fengying, Lu Jiang, Lin Ling et al. 228
Optimize the System of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Mediated Transformation of Curvularia lunata and Knock out ClFtrl&Li Hui, Xiao Shuqin, Zhang Li et al. 229
柑橘木虱虫生病菌的分离与鉴定&宋晓兵,彭埃天,凌金锋等 230
玉米弯孢叶斑病菌致病性分化相关基因研究&高士刚,陈捷 231
新疆红枣黑斑病病原的初步鉴定&宋月凤,朱小琼 233
日光温室黄瓜病害监测预警系统研究&李明,陈梅香,钱建平等 234
Comparison of Protein Extraction Methods and Protein Expression Analysis of Valsa mali and its mutant&Wang Haiying, He Yuanyuan, Li Hui et al. 235
First Report of a Novel Fungal Hyperparasite of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, the Causative Agent of Wheat Stripe Rust&Zhan Gangming, Tian Yuan, Wang Fuping et al. 236
Functional Characterization of Six Pectinases Genes in Valsa mali&Wu Yuxing, Zhu Yantian, Song Na et al. 237
Identification and Subcellular Localization of two Haustoria Specific Effectors of Puccinia striiformis&Wei Jinping, Tang Chunlei, Cheng Yulin et al. 238
寄生疫霉菌小RNA调控寄主植物基因表达的初步研究&贾津布,王秦虎,单卫星 239
拟南芥与寄生疫霉菌互作相关小RNA的初步鉴定&钟成承,王秦虎,单卫星 240
小麦VAMP714基因在小麦与条锈菌互作中的功能分析&郝影宾,李华一,邓麟等 241
小麦条锈病菌MAPK激酶级联途径介导的致病机理研究&朱晓果,黄传明,秦娟等 242
小麦条锈菌cAMP信号途径关键基因PsPKA的鉴定和功能分析&何付新,黄传明,秦娟等 243
致病疫霉菌RXLR效应蛋白Avr3a作用靶标的初步鉴定&樊光进,单卫星 244
Fungal-specific Transcription Factor Vdpf Induces Melanin Development and Conidial Formation in V. dahliae&Luo Xiumei, Xie Chengjian, Yang Xingyong 245
Construction and Analysis of nlp4 Mutant Strains in the Vascular Wilt Fungus Verticillium dahliae&Luo Xiumei, You Tengfei, Xie Chengjian et al. 246
High Genotype Diversity and Lack of Isolation by Distance in the Alternaria solani Populations From Chi-na&Meng Jingwen, Zhu Wen, He Menghan, et al. 247
Phytophthora sojae TatD Nuclease Positively Regulates Sporulation and Negatively Regulates Pathogenesis&Chen Linlin, Shen Danyu, Sun Nannan et al. 248
Population Genetic Structure of Phytophthora infestans in Fujian, China&Zhu Wen, Yang Lina, Shang Liping et al. 249
Spatial Variation of Sensitivity to Azoxystrobin in the Phytophthora infestans Populations in China&Qin Chunfang, Chen Fengping, Zhu Wen et al. 250
寄主多样性对马铃薯晚疫病群体致病力的影响&袁霄,杨丽娜,祝雯等 251
致病疫霉菌保守RXLRs效应蛋白基因的初步分析&黄桂艳,顾彪,单卫星 252
致病疫霉菌系间RXLR效应因子群体特征分析&尹军良,田月娥,王秦虎等 253
The Preliminary Functional Study of Two Hexokinase Gene in Valsa mali&Dai Qingqing, Song Na, Huang Lili 254
第二部分 病毒与病毒病害 257
ER Membrane Modification by the Outer Capsid Protein of P10 Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Virus&Sun Zongtao, Li Junmin, Wang Xu et al. 257
Research on the Transgenic Rice Expressing the Outer Capsid Proteins of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Vi- rus&He Yuqing, Sun Zongtao, Li Junmin et al. 258
Tumors Induced by a Plant Virus are Derived From Vascular Tissue and Have Multiple Inter-cellular Gateways that Facilitate Virus Movement&Xie Li, Lv Mingfang, Zhang Hengmu et al. 259
Chimeric-gene Hairpin Structures Affect Virus Resistance to RSV and RBSV Mediated by RNA Silencing in Transgenic Rice&Xie XY, Song YZ, Bi LJ et al. 260
SSR Linkage Map Construction and QTL Analysis for the Resistance to Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Disease in Rice&Du Linlin, Zhou Tong, Lan Ying et al. 261
Characterization of Virus-derived siRNAs and Their Host Targets from RBSDV-infected Japonica and Indi-ca Rice Genotypes by Deep Sequencing&Lan Ying, Li Yanwu, Zhou Tong et al. 262
Unusual Characteristics of Dicistrovirus-derived Small RNAs in the Small Brown Planthopper, Laodel-phax striatellus&Li Junmin, Ida Bagus Andika, Sun Liying et al. 263
Interaction between Barley yellow dwarf virus-GAV and Brachypodium distachyon&Tao Ye, Wu Keke, Song Shuang et al. 264
Resistance to Barley yellow dwarf virus-GAV and Sitobion avenae for Wheat Resources&Song Shuang, Liu Xiaofeng, Zhang Huawei et al. 265
Current Research Progress of Wheat Blue Dwarf Phytoplasma&Chen Wang, Li Yan, Wang Nan et al. 266
Distribution and Pathogen Identification of Wheat Soil-borne Virus Disease in Shandong Province&Wu Bin, Xin Xiangqi, Wang Shengji et al. 267
Molecular Detection and Complete Genome Sequences of Tomato Chlorosis Virus Isolates from Infectious Outbreaks in Shandong&Zhao Liming, Li Gang, Gao Ying et al. 268
Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Detecting Tomato Chlorosis Virus&Zhao Liming, Li Gang, Gao Ying et al. 269
Complete Sequence of Tomato chlorosis virus Beijing Isolate and the Subcellular Localization of Coat Pro-tein&Zhao Runa, Liu Sijia, Fan Zaifeng et al. 270
New Natural Hosts of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Identified in or around Tomato-growing Greenhouses in Eastern China&Li Gang, Zhao Liming, Wang Xiang et al. 271
Beet black scorch virus Long Distance Movement is Associated with Reversible Phosphorylation of Coat protein which Interferes Virion Formation&Zhao Xiaofei, Wang Xiaoling, Hu Yue et al. 272
Characterization of p23 Reveals ER and Heat Shock Proteins Involved in the Replication of Beet Black Scorch Virus&Cao Xiuling, Wang Xiaoling, Wang Chunyan et al. 273
Genome Sequence and Molecular Analysis of an Isolate of the Bean Common Mosaic Virus from Hyacinth Bean Plants in Shandong&Su Wenmin, Liu Aixin, Li Gang et al. 274
Complete Genomic Sequence of Bean Common Mosaic Virus Isolated from Azuki Bean and Its Phylogenic Analysis&Li Yongqiang, Shang Qiaoxia, Zhao Xiaoyan et al. 275
The Construction of Full-length Infectious Clone of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus&Zheng Hongying, Xiao Caili, Han Kelei et al. 276
Complete Genome Analysis of a PVYNTN-Nw (SRY-I) Recombinant Isolate from Yulin in China&Gao Fangluan, Chang Fei, Shi Fengyang et al. 277
Molecular Characterization of a Pepper Isolate of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus in Xiamen&Chen Hongyun, Huang Feng, Chen Qing et al. 278
The Absence of RdRp-encoding Capacity in New Isolates of Tobacco Bushy Top Virus Implied the Rela- tionship between Mutation under the Stress and Natural Degeneration of Tobacco Bushy-top Disease&Wang Deya, Wang Guolu, Yu Chengming et al. 279
Development of Multiplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Five Plant Virus in Tobacco&Chen Wei, Wang Qiang, Liu Wenting et al. 280
The Application of Renilla luciferase in the Research on Translational Recoding in Tobacco Bushy Top Vi-rus and Beet Black Scorch Virus&Wang Guolu, Yu Chengming, WangDeya et al. 281
马铃薯Y病毒基因组编码区的选择压力分析&常飞,高芳銮,邹文超等 282
Molecular Variability and Genome Study of Apple Latent Viruses&Liu Ping, Zhao Lei, Hao Xingan et al. 283
Study on Virus Elimination of Apple Potted Plants by Thermotherapy&Hu Guojun, Zhang Zunping, Dong Yafeng et al. 284
胶体金免疫法快速检测李痘病毒的研究&陈定虎,王勇,刘恭源等 285
Stability Research of Three DNA Extraction Methods for Detection of Strawberry Vein Banding Virus&Ran Ce, Chen Liu, Shang Qiaoxia et al. 286
Complete Genome of Hainan Papaya Ringspot Virus Using Small RNA Deep Sequencing&Zhang Yuliang, Yu Naitong, Huang Qixing et al. 287
The Transcriptional Characteristic of Banana Bunchy Top Virus DNA2 in Hainan&Yu Naitong, Xiong Zhongguo, Zhou Peng et al. 288
Phylogeny and Geographical Differentiation of Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus Isolates from Cucurbits in China Based on Molecular Analysis of Coat Protein Gene&Zhao Qin, Xie Dasen, Li Huaping et al. 289
First Report of Oruithogalum Mosaic Virus Infecting Crocus sp&Liao Furong, Lin Wuzhen, Shen Jianguo et al. 291
Characterization of Small Interfering RNAs Derived from Tobacco Ringspot Virus&Deng Congliang, Zhou Qi 292
First Report of the Occurrence of Geminivirus in Hubei&Zhang Songbai, Du Zhenguo, Wang Zhen et al. 293
Preliminary Identification of Viruses in Greenhouse Tomato Plants by Deep Sequencing&Wang Shaojie, Du Kaitong, Deng Congliang et al. 294
The Capsid Protein p38 of Turnip Crinkle Virus is Associated with the Suppression to Cucumber Mosaic virus in Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Turnip Crinkle Virus Co-infected Arabidopsis thaliana&Chen Yingjuan, Zhang Jing, Liu Jian et al. 295
The Effect of Light Quality on the Interaction between Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and Nicotiana tabacum&Chen Lijuan, Zhao Feifei, Li Jingyi et al. 296
The Implicated Role of Phytochrome B in Plant Resistance to Cucumber Mosaic Virus in Nicotiana taba-cum&Li Jingyi, Deng Xingguang, Chen Lijuan et al. 297
南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒P7-1管状结构蛋白参与病毒的扩散&贾东升,毛倩卓,郑胜兰等 298
南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒湖南株系基因组序列测定及分析&朱俊子,钟杰,高必达 299
南方水稻黑条矮缩病毒在灰飞虱体内受到多种屏障的限制&兰汉红,杜雪,贾东升等 300
水稻瘤矮病毒对介体昆虫电光叶蝉适合度的影响&陈勇,陆承聪,魏太云 301
水稻瘤矮病毒在介体电光叶蝉体内的侵染和扩散过程&郑立敏,刘华敏,李俊钦等 302
利用黑尾叶蝉培养细胞及介体的RNAi体系研究水稻矮缩病毒的复制机理&陈倩,陈红燕,谢联辉等 303
SRBSDV对传毒介体白背飞虱温度耐受能力的影响&钟婷,周国辉 304
不同RNA提取方法对单头白背飞虱携带SRBSDV检测效果的影响&李战彪,徐鹏超,谢慧婷等 305
BNYVV RNA4编码的P31蛋白在本生烟中瞬时表达检测体系的建立&姜宁,王颖,武文琦等 306
灰飞虱蛋白与RBSDV P10的互作分析&徐秋芳,周益军,陈晴晴等 307
我国南部9省区水稻四种主要病毒的检测及遗传多样性分析&杨新,王明强,周国辉 308
吉林省和辽宁省番茄黄化曲叶病的发病调查及病原鉴定&李刚,赵黎明,王祥等 309
BBSV sat-RNA与复制酶结合能力对其复制的影响&崔灿,徐进,张永亮等 310
甜菜黑色焦枯病毒及其卫星RNA侵染本生烟的小分子RNA分析&徐进,王献兵,韩成贵等 311
黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒葫芦上的种传规律及热处理效果评价研究&宋顺华,宫国义,耿丽华等 312
黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒浙江分离物全序列分析及CP原核表达与纯化&闫磊,张宗英,张永亮等 313
广东葫芦科作物黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒血清学检测&余小漫,何自福 314
京郊设施蔬菜黄瓜花叶病毒的检测&陈柳,冉策,陈笑瑜等 315
海南辣椒病毒病调查及病原种类的分子鉴定&梁洁,章绍延,王健华等 316
含有马铃薯卷叶病毒P0蛋白的PVX重组病毒在本生烟上致病性的分析&周星旋,卓涛,李源源等 317
华南地区蔬菜作物上马铃薯Y病毒属病毒发生情况和种类鉴定&杜振国,汤亚飞,何自福等 318
抗烟草花叶病毒活性菌株的筛选及其活性物质的分离&赵磊,侯彩婷,郝兴安等 319
烟草坏死病毒属两种病毒RNA定位的研究&张瑞奇,杨阳,牛少芳等 320
烟草突变株SN01、SN02抗PVYN相关基因的克隆及表达分析&朱丹,安梦楠,赵艳琴等 321
PVYN导入烟草原生质体技术研究&董雪,安梦楠,苏燕妮等 322
苹果褪绿叶斑病毒山东苹果分离物全基因组序列扩增&李科,时洪伟,周常勇等 323
柑橘黄化脉明病毒柠檬分离物的全基因组序列测定&杨作坤,程桥,吴官维等 324
西瓜eIF4E及eIF(iso)4E基因克隆、抗体制备及检测应用&郝兴安,赵磊,王锡锋等 325
香蕉束顶病毒(BBTV)6个组分间的蛋白互作研究&王祥,张秀春,余乃通等 326
香蕉束顶病毒两个DNA-U3组分的鉴定及重组分析&周朋,余乃通,章绍延等 327
油菜BnSGS3基因功能的研究&陈泉,王杰,侯明生等 328
芸薹黄化病毒(BrYV)与PEMV-2协生互作的初步研究&周翠姬,张晓艳,董书维等 329
芸薹黄化病毒PO末端氨基酸序列对于其生物学功能的影响分析&孙倩,向海英,李源源等 330
侵染兰花的CymMV和ORSV RT-LAMP检测方法的建立&黎园,张云霞,向梅梅等 331
侵染梨轮纹病菌的一种Victorivirus属病毒基因组序列分析&翟立峰,张美鑫,洪霓等 332
侵染猕猴桃的一种Emaravirus属病毒鉴定&郑亚洲,周菊芳,杨作坤等 333
朱槿上首次发现杆状DNA病毒&汤亚飞,杜振国,何自福等 334
实时荧光RT-PCR方法检测玉簪属植物病毒X&辛言言,张永江,马洁等 335
实时荧光RT-PCR方法检测藜草花叶病毒&辛言言,张永江,马洁等 338
噻虫嗪和啶虫脒对番茄苗期蓟马的活性研究&李蕾,刘鹏飞 342
CK2激酶通过磷酸化TGBp1蛋白调控大麦条纹花叶病毒在单子叶和双子叶寄主体内的胞间移动和长距离运输&胡悦,李正刚,袁诚等 343
海南番木瓜环斑畸形花叶病病原鉴定及检测技术的研究&沈文涛,庹德财,周鹏 344
黄瓜花叶病毒基因组RNA2在寄主体内的适应性与其编码的2b蛋白介导的致病性相关&陈斐斐,杜志游 345
来源于广东的一株香蕉线条病毒分离物的全基因组序列分析&王婉,饶雪琴,孙洁等 346
草莓镶脉病毒粒子提取及电镜观察&肖文斐,裘劼人,柳爱春等 347
Studying on the Overseas Migration of Small Brown Planthoppers Laodelphax striatellus in China Using Next-generation Sequencing&Zheng Wenjing,Lj Zhiqiang,ZhaoJiaming et al. 348
应用水稻秧苗期测定入迁白背飞虱带毒率预测南方水稻黑条矮缩病发生趋势&龚航莲,龚朝辉,陈全萍 349
第三部分 细菌及细菌病害 357
Expression of the Single-stranded DNA-binding Protein (Ssb) in Transgenic Tobacco Enhanced Pathogen Defense&Sun Yujing, Ma Wenxiu, Cai Lulu et al. 357
Genetic Diversity of Transcriptional Activator-like Effectors Genes in Chinese Isolates of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae&Liu Liang, Zou Lifang, Zakria Muhammad et al. 358
Modulation of Virulence by the Second Messenger Cyclic Di-GMP in Dickeya zeae&Chen Yufan, Lv Mingfa, Gu Yanfang et al. 359
Identification and Characterization of a Plant Immunity Suppressor in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola&Liu Haifeng, Chang Qingle, Feng Wenjie et al. 360
The Xanthomonas Hijack Host Basal Transcriptional Factor for its Successful Invading&Meng Yuan 362
Bacterial Diversity in the Rhizosphere Soil of Different Plants&Zhou Yangwei, Zhao Xiaoyan, Liu Zhengping, et al. 363
Biocontrol Activities, Detection of the Genes of Lipopeptide Antibiotics and Fermentation Process Optimi-zation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CGMCC6978&Lu Caige, Wang Junli, Dong Hongping et al. 364
Isolation, Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Downy Mildew Endophytic Bacteria from Grape&Wang Xuejie, Dong Caihong, Liu Changyuan et al. 365
Multilocus Sequences Confirm Genetic Variation and Differentiation among 16SrI Group Phytoplasma Strains Infecting Environmentally and Economically Important Plants in Different Regions of China&Yu Shaoshuai, Li Yong, Ren Zhengguang et al. 366
Analysis of Gene Differentially Expression of Citrus upon CLas Infection&Liu Dengquan, Qin Shuanglin, Cui Chaoyu et al. 368
Colonization of a Green Fluorescent Protein Tagged Biocontrol Strain B96-ⅡG13 in Asparagus officinalis&Hao Bianqing, Ma Liping, Qiao Xiongwu 369
First Report of Seeds and Roots Necrosis Caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia on Biomes Energy Plant(Jatropha curcas L. ) in China&Yang JJ, Wang L, Tang W 370
PCR-based Assay for the Detection of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mangiferaeindicae Causing mango Bac- terial Black spot&Qi Yanxiang, pu Jinji, Zhang He et al. 371
The Study of Bacterial Soft Rot on Banana&Shen Huifang, Lin Birun, Pu Xiaoming et al. 372
The Genetic Diversity of Potato Common Scab Pathogens in China&Xu Huamin, Zhao Weiquan, Yu Xiumei et al. 373
Active Components Extracted from the Bacillus subtilis W2-24 Antagonistic to Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici&Xue Baoguo, Quan Xin, Yang Lirong et al. 374
Phytoplasma Associated with Chinese Tallow Tree Yellowing Disease in China Represents a New 16SrⅢ Subgroup&Gao Ying, Liu Aixin, Li Gang et al. 375
The Outer Membrane Protein XAC1347 of Xanthomonas citri spp. citri is Involved in Tolerance to Copper-based Bactericides&Guo Jing, Song Xue, Zou Lifang et al. 376
Screening and Identification of Phaseolotoxin Biosynthetic-deficient Mutants in Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae&Yu Jianhong, Shi Yanru, Zhang Lixin et al. 377
侧孢短芽孢杆菌B8产生胞外抑菌物质对植物病原真菌抑菌机理的研究&李悦,余惠荣,李蔚等 378
广西水稻白叶枯病菌新致病型的鉴定及其致病性分析&陈小林,颜群,高利军等 379
向日葵黄萎病生防菌Y1-2剂型的研制&东保柱,王颖,赵君等 381
荞麦细菌性叶斑病病原菌鉴定&梁宇,张笑宇,王莉花等 382
小麦全蚀病生防细菌的筛选及初步鉴定&杨春云,郑青松,李伟等 383
PGPR菌株Bacillus velezensis HR2-1对辣椒根际土壤微生态的影响&王继元,吕雅悠,于迪等 384
香蕉上一种新的细菌性病害病原的分离鉴定&番华彩,杨佩文,郭志祥等 385
中国烟草青枯病菌遗传多样性研究&刘海龙,黎妍妍,刘浩等 386
水稻细菌性基腐病GFP标记菌株的构建及其侵染研究&何哲龙,周海亮,蔡丽等 387
枯草芽孢杆菌菌株Bvl0胞外抗菌物质的纯化与鉴定&王雅,黎起秦,谭小艳等 388
侧孢短芽孢杆菌A60激发子的分离纯化及功能研究&王颢潜,杨秀芬,邱德文 389
植物病原黄单胞菌TALE效应蛋白控制植物抗(感)病性的基础研究与利用策略&陈功友,邹丽芳,Muhammad Zakria等 390
HrcT is a Key Component of the Type Ⅲ Secretion System in Xanthomonas and also Regulates the Ex-pression of the Key hrp Transcriptional Activator HrpX&Liu Zhiyang, Zou Lifang, Xue Xiaobo et al. 391
LAMP方法检测番茄细菌性溃疡病菌&杨雷亮,陈定虎,邱德义等 392
第四部分 线虫与线虫病害 395
Nematicidal Activities of a Novel Compound Containing Pyridazin-3 (2H) -one from Aspergillus niger Snf009&Zhu Xiaofeng, Chern Lijie, Wang Yuanyuan et al. 395
中国黄淮麦区菲利普孢囊线虫淮阳和博爱群体致病型相关RAPD标记的建立&徐姣,刘佳,代君丽等 399
抗感品种不同种植方式对大豆胞囊线虫抑制作用&安咏梅,王家军,李进荣等 402
深圳口岸截获线虫疫情分析&李一农,龙海,李芳荣等 404
浅析质谱技术在植物线虫检测中的应用前景&龙海,李芳荣,谢泳桂等 411
The Digital Gene Expression Profiling of Huipizhi Black Soybean Infected by Heterodera glycines&Li Shuang, Liu Dawei, Liu Pengju et al. 415
Suppressive Soil of Soybean Cyst Nematode and Suppressive Factors&Song Jie, Xu Yanli, Yao Qin et al. 416
Screening Endophyte Bacteria against soybean Cyst Nematode from Nodules of Soybean&Liu Weiyu, Hui Hongyan, Liu Dan et al. 417
Research on Biological Seed-coating Agent and Control Efficiency against Heterodera glycines&Zhou Yuanyuan, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhu Xiaofeng et al. 418
Molecular Phylogeny of Pinewood Nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus using Cellulose Gene&Wang Xizhuo, Piao Chungen, Wang Laifa et al. 419
Identification and Breeding of Soybean Cultivars Resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematode in Northeast China&Chen Jingsheng, Li Xiaobai , Li Zeyu et al. 420
Dynamics and Development of Meloidogyne incongnita in Tomato Roots&Wu Haiyan6, Jing Baoxing 421
Penicillium chrysogenum : a Biological Control Fungi against Meloidogyne incognita&Zhang Mengyue, Zhu Xiaofeng, Wang Yuanyuan et al. 422
Preliminary Screening of Biocontrol Bacteria Inducing Tomato Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita&Zhao Dan, Liu Dan, Zhu Xiaofeng et al. 423
Distribution and Diversity of Cyst-forming Nematodes in China&Wang Dong, Zhu Xiaofeng, Wang Yuanyuan et al. 424
Auxin Production by Migratory Plant Nematode Aphelenchoides besseyi&Feng Hui, Wei Lihui, Zhou Yijun 425
Preliminary Screening of Bacteria against Soybean Cyst Nematode in the Northeast of China&Liu Dan, Zhao Dan, Wu Jubao et al. 426
Complex Mutagensis and Screening of High Productivity Strains of Snea253 against Juveniles of Meloido-gyne incognita&Zhu Feng, Tian Chengli, Zhu Xiaofeng et al. 427
Bio-control Effect of Rhizobia on Meloidogyne hapla in Peanut&Hui Hongyan, Liu Weiyu, Wu Xiaojing et al. 428
Preliminary Results on Nematicidal and Repel Activity from Culture Filtrates of Bacteria against Cae-norhabditis elegans&Zhang Taotao, Liu Ting, Dong Dan et al. 429
Molecular Diagnosis of a New Stem Nematode Species, Ditylenchus arachis&Liao Linlin, Xiao Shun, Liu Guokun et al. 430
寄生真菌代谢物对大豆胞囊线虫二龄幼虫趋性&鲁建聪,许艳丽,宋洁 431
昆虫病原线虫共生细菌——NJ菌株的发酵条件及对大豆胞囊线虫的抑制作用&李春杰,许艳丽,马丽丽 432
海南岛甘蔗根际寄生线虫调查与鉴定&丁晓帆,李增平,王雪等 433
番茄抗南方根结线虫基因同源序列的克隆与分析&陆秀红,黄金玲,刘志明等 435
不同抗性小麦品种对土壤中禾谷孢囊线虫密度的影响&崔磊,孙蕾,高秀等 436
代谢组学动态分析小麦响应菲利普孢囊线虫侵染的代谢变化&张洁,李永辉,袁虹霞等 437
大豆孢囊线虫3号和4号生理小种不同龄期差异表达基因分析&王高峰,彭德良,高丙利等 438
禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)不同龄期转录组比较分析&崔江宽,王高峰,彭焕等 439
Use of Two-stage Cultivation Method to Determine the Effects of Nutritional and Environmental Conditions on Chlamydospore Production of Pochonia chlamydosporia&Shi Yan, Xiao Shun, Liu Guokun et al. 441
短体线虫效应蛋白的研究进展&扈丽丽,卓侃,王宏洪等 442
根结线虫和孢囊线虫效应蛋白的研究进展&林柏荣,卓侃,廖金铃 443
拟禾本科根结线虫和水稻干尖线虫线粒体基因组序列分析&孙龙华,卓侃,林柏荣等 444
拟禾本科根结线虫效应子Mg-HSP10的克隆和表达分析&陈建松,孙龙华,卓侃等 445
桃树根围三种短体线虫的鉴定&王宏洪,卓侃,廖金铃 446
第五部分 抗病性 449
国内外小麦品种对镰刀菌茎基腐病的抗性鉴定&杨云,贺小伦,侯莹等 449
In Rice Plant Resistance to Small Brown Planthopper Fe Homeostasis Functions&Yan Chengqi, Zhang Weilin, Li Meiet al. 453
Sequence Diversity, Pathogenicity and Evolution Pattern Analysis of Avirulence Genes in Magnaporthe grisea of Northern China&Wang S. -W. , Zheng W. -J. , Wang Y. et al. 454
Identification and Evolutionary Analysis of Rice Blast Resistance Genes Pi-zt/Pita/Pik for 24 cultivars in the Liaoning Province of China&Wang Yan, Zheng Wenjing, Zhao Jiaming et al. 455
The Development of a SCAR Marker for Chinese Race 21C3CTH of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici&Chen S, Cao YY, Li TY et al. 456
Genes Involved in Temperature-induced Seedling Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Wheat Cultivar Xiaoy-an 6&Wang Junjuan, Tao Fei, An Fei et al. 457
Molecular Mapping of Wheat Leaf Rust Resistance Gene in Henong 6251 at Seedling Stage&Ren Xiaodi, Du Dongdong, Zhang Heshan et al. 458
QTL Mapping of Adult-plant Resistance to Leaf Rust in a RIL Population Derived from a Cross of Wheat Cultivars Shanghai 3/Catbird and Naxos&Zhou Yue, Li Xing, Yao Zhanjun et al. 459
Construct a Model to Decipher the Defense-Related Gene Involved in Plant Resistance or Susceptibility from the Interaction between Maize and Rhizoctonia solani&Chu Zhaohui, Li Ning, Chen Jing et al. 460
Resistance Research of Soybean Cultivars against Phytophtora sojae&Wang Weiwei, Wei Lai, Liu Lijun et al. 461
Identification of Resistance to Early Leaf Spot on Major Peanut Cultivars in Liaoning Province, China&Cui Jianchao, Wang Zhen, Zhou Rujun et al. 462
Analyses of Resistance and Temporal Development due to Peanut Scab in Liaoning Province&Xu Zhe, Zhou Rujun, Fu Jun fan et al. 464
AtMYB11 Regulates Caffeoyl Quinic Acid and Flavonol Synthesis in Tomato and Tobacco&Li Yang, Ding Xinhua, Chu Zhaohui 465
Evaluation of Banana Varieties for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense)&Sun Jiaman, Wei Di, Qin Liuyan et al. 466
Induced Resistance Mediated by Endophytic Bacteria EBS05 in Tomato Plant against Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl China Virus&Li Junzhou, Feng Huijing, Wen Caiyi 467
MiR482 Negatively Regulates the Expression of CC-NBS-LRR Resistance Genes in Tomato&Jiang Ning, Luan Yushi, Sun Guangxin 468
The Analysis on Transcriptomes of Banana Wilt Disease Resistant Cultivar&Zhang Xin, Wang Yuguang, Xia Qiyu et al. 469
A New Point Mutation in the Iron-sulphur Subunit of Succinate Dehydrogenase Confers Resistance of Scle-rotinia sclerotiorum to Boscalid&Wang Yong, Duan Yabing, Zhou Mingguo 470
Replacement of the Promoter of Rpi-mcq1. 2 Enhanced the Resistance against Phytophthora infestans&Wang Jiao, Ding Xinhua, Chu Zhaohui 471
Role of Salicylic Acid Pathway in N-acyl-homoserine Lactones-elicited Plant Resistance&Liu Fang, Zhao Qian, Huang Yali et al. 472
Two Defense Lines against Pathogenic Fungus Alternaria alternata in Wild Tobacco: Stomata- and Phy-toalexin-meidated Resistance&Sun Huanhuan, Wu Jinsong 473
异位表达拟南芥广谱抗性基因RPW8.1对稻瘟病的抗性机理&徐永菊,石燚,李燕等 474
水稻中与水稻—稻瘟病菌互作相关的miRNA&李燕,卢远根,石燚等 475
小麦品种良星66和汶农14抗白粉病基因与Prm2的等位性测验和有效性分析&孙艳玲,孙会改,宋伟等 476
兼抗禾谷孢囊线虫和白粉病的小麦种质创新&崔磊,孙喜营,孙蕾等 477
云南省大麦选培育品种主要病害种类及为害状况&毕云青 478
玉米茎秆中糖代谢水平与玉米生育期和植株抗性关系&宋凤景,王晓鸣 479
利用基因消除PCR分离玉米接种立枯丝核菌诱导表达的基因&桓娇娇,万康康,董五辈 480
玉米弯孢叶斑病菌与大斑病菌互作过程中防御酶活性的变化&王晓东,李婉莹,刘限等 481
核盘菌SsLysM效应蛋白可抑制植物抗性&郑小玲,韩艺娟,陈国樑等 482
草莓果实灰霉病的避病性研究&韩永超,曾祥国,袁华招等 483
番木瓜环斑病毒海南分离物遗传多样性及对转基因番木瓜抗性的影响&吴自林,王婉,谢晚彬等 484
柑橘种质资源对褐斑病的抗性评价&符雨诗,罗君琴,徐建国等 485
高Ca2+浓度对提高寄主抗病性的生理生化研究&班洁静,蔡丽,侯明生 486
四川茄子资源对黄萎病的抗性评价及抗病育种策略&曾华兰,叶鹏盛,何炼等 487
拟南芥T1N6_22基因的亚细胞定位分析&蒋琛茜,樊锦涛,王冠宇等 488
一个膜联蛋白基因负调控RPW8.1介导的细胞死亡和白粉病抗性&李琴,雷杨,马先锋等 489
真菌病毒BfHV-2/10HN454 EGFRS-like蛋白与寄主互作的研究&刘四,谢甲涛,程家森等 490
大白菜不同品种对黑斑病的抗性鉴定&刘丽,刘长远,汪岐禹 491
辽宁省番茄叶霉病菌生理分化及品种抗性评价研究&苗则彦,李颖,赵杨 492
The Plasma Membrane Protein PREN is a Potential Receptor Candidate of Fungal Elicitor PeaT1 which Induces Systemic Acquired Resistance in Tobacco&Meng Fanlu, Xiao Yao, Zeng Hongmei et al. 493
Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of an Adult-plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Wheat Landrace Baidatou&Ma Dongfang, Li Qiang, Zhou Xinli et al. 494
Molecular Design and Synthesis of Salicyl Glycoconjugates as Plant Activators&Cui Zining, Jun Ito, Yoshimiki Amemiya et al. 495
哈茨木霉Thc6诱导玉米抗弯孢霉叶斑病研究&范莉莉,傅科鹤,余传金等 496
Characterization and Genetic Analysis of a Rice Mutant Exhibiting Compromised Non-host resistance to Puccina striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst)&Zhao Jing, Yang Yuheng, Xing Huijun et al. 498
PsANT, the Adenine Nucleotide Translocase of Puccinia striiformis Contribute to Pathogen Cell Death&Tang Chunlei, Wang Xiaojie, Wei Jinping et al. 499
The WRKY Transcription factor, TaWRKY41, Plays a Positive Role in Wheat Adult Plant Resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici&Fu Yanping, Hao Yingbin, Chang Haitao et al. 500
小麦抗条锈病相关基因TaNPRl的克隆及功能分析&刘芃,郭嘉,黄传明等 501
野燕麦—普通小麦远缘杂交后代抗条锈性筛选及抗旱性研究&穆京妹,薛文波,王琪琳等 502
远缘杂交后代转育的小麦抗源材料抗病性和抗旱性研究&许鑫,黄丽丽,康振生等 503
中国小麦主栽品种抗条锈性评价与基因分析&薛文波,黄丽丽,康振生等 504
转LTP基因小麦T0代获得及抗条锈性鉴定&王宁,王建锋,韩德俊等 505
Artificial Inoculation Techniques of Coconut Stem Bleeding Disease and Screening of Resistant Sources of Coconut&Niu Xiaoqing, Yu Fengyu, Qin Weiquan 506
微丝聚合基因TaARP3在小麦对条锈菌抗性中的作用&戚拓,王娟,刘欣洁等 507
第六部分 病害防治 511
不同杀菌剂对小麦茎基腐病的防治效果&牛亚娟,杨云,贺小伦等 511
生防酵母菌定殖能力测定及对冬枣采后主要病害的防效&郭东起,王群霞,刘鹏成 516
不同杀菌剂对花生网斑病菌的室内毒力测定&何晶晶,周如军,徐喆等 522
不同药剂对黄瓜白粉病的田间防控效果及安全性评价&席亚东,向运佳,彭化贤等 527
虫生真菌对玉米茎基腐病菌的室内抑制作用研究&陈方新,齐永霞 530
防治小麦两种主要土传病害的药剂筛选及对种苗的安全性测定&刘金晶,陈莉,齐永霞 535
九种杀菌剂对大麻茎枯致病棒孢菌的室内毒力测定初报&曾向萍,王会芳,陈圆等 538
细辛精油和3种化学农药对茄子炭疽病菌的抑制作用&李凡海,王桂清 541
水稻主要侵染性病害演替规律的研究&彭炜,徐兴全,唐瑕苓 546
杨梅凋萎病综合防治技术研究&任海英,戚行江,郑锡良等 559
生防菌DZJ07在小麦体内定殖对小麦植株中PPO活性的影响&龙健,丁婷 569
黑龙江省水稻纹枯病防治药剂筛选试验&穆娟微,李鹏 577
Screening and Identification of Streptomyces Strains for Biological Control to Wheat Take-all&Wang Jinfu, Li Junzhou, Wen Caiyi 579
Functional Analysis of Carbon Catabolite Repressor crel in Antagonistic Trichoderma Strain T23&Li Yaqian, Zhou Yucong, Xie Qiujin et al. 581
Control of Fusarium verticillioides and F. graminearum Causing Maize Ear Rot&Sui Yunhan, Xiao Shuqin, Li Hui et al. 582
Cloning of EnvZ/OmpR Two-component System from Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24 and Prokaryotic Ex-pression of ompR&Tian Tao, Zhang Wei, Sun Bingbing et al. 583
Nematicidal Activity of Oxalic and Citric Acids Isolated from a Nematicidal Fungus, Aspergillus niger y-61, on Meloidogyne incognita&Liu Ting, Dong Dan, Zhang Taotao et al. 584
Molecular Design and Synthesis of Salicyl Glycoconjugates as Plant Activators&Cui Zining, Jun Ito , Yoshimiki Amemiya et al. 585
Etiology, Dynamic of Epidemic and Control of Garlic Leaf Blight in Sichuan Province&Qi Xiaobo, Cheng Shijiang, Gong Guoshu et al. 586
Chemical Epigenetics Alters the Secondary Metabolite Composition of Nematicidal Compounds Excreted by a Soil-Derived Fungus, Aspergillus niger y-61&Dong Dan, Liu Ting, Wu Huiling et al. 587
Dry Flowable Formulation of an Antagonistic Bacilis subtilis Strain T429 by Spray-drying Techniques for Control of Rice Blast Disease&Meng Xiangkun, Yu Junjie, Yu Mina et al. 588
Biological Control of Postharvest Fungal Diseases of Fruit by Antagonistic Yeasts&Liu Jia 589
Control of Phytopathora capsic Causing Pepper Phytopathora Blight by 2-hydroxycycloakylsulfonamides&He Ruihong, Xiao Shuqin, Niu Mengyan et al. 590
Optimization of Fermentation Conditions of the Biocontrol Strain YB-81 against Gaeumannomyces gramims Using Response Surface Methodology&Quan Xin, Yang Yanyan, Yang Lirong et al. 591
Preliminary Study on Biological Control of Alfalfa Crown and Root Rot Using Weak Pathogenic Fusarium spp&Liu Ruan, Wang Hui, Qin Feng et al. 592
Integrated Protection Management of Bayberry Twig Blight Disease&Ren Haiying, Qi Xingjiang, Zheng Xiliang et al. 593
Biocontrol of Litchi Downy Blight ( Peronophythora litchi) by Zeamines, a New Type of Phytotoxin Pro-ducing by Dickeya zeae&Liao Lisheng, Liu Shiyin, Lv Mingfa et al. 594
Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Bacteria against Phytophthora capsici and Their Biocontrol Effect&Tian Tao, Sun Bingbing, Duan Hongying et al. 595
Initial Study on Inhibitory Effect of Some Plants Extracts Against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense&Pu Libing, Zhang Xin, Xie Yixian et al. 596
Isolation and Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes against Cotton Verticillium wilt in Xinjiang&Lai Nana, Zhu Wenhao, Liu Zheng et al. 597
ywbB及其下游调控基因在NCD-2菌株生物膜形成中的功能分析&郭庆港,王培培,李社增等 598
2012年小麦白粉病菌群体毒性和三唑酮抗性及与温度敏感性和遗传多样性之间的关系&史倩倩,范洁茹,周益林等 599
北京市五种农作物重大病虫害预测模型的构建与实现&孙秋玉,杨建国,谢爱婷等 600
盾壳霉分生孢子水悬浮剂剂型改良及田间防效评估&燕瑞斌,杨龙,张静等 601
哈茨木霉Tri41对人参锈腐病的防治机制研究&魏晓兵,安晓娜,周如军等 602
栽培调控与化防结合对水稻穗腐(枯)病的防控效果&黄世文,刘连盟,王玲等 604
我国油菜主产区根肿病发生风险和土壤环境因子对根肿病发生的影响&孙超超,任莉,陈坤荣等 606
田间苹果轮纹病菌不同菌株对杀菌剂的敏感性&靳丹丹,王玉然,李保华等 608
木霉对花生菌核病的生物防治&康彦平,晏立英,雷永等 609
内生放线菌A-1对苹果果实轮纹病防效及其生防机制研究&雍道敬,史祥鹏,李保华等 610
侧孢短芽孢杆菌B8抑菌物质的分离纯化及特性分析&余惠荣,李悦,李蔚等 611
人参连作对土壤真菌种类及数量的影响&李自博,解宇娇,周如军等 612
香蕉枯萎病生防菌的筛选和鉴定&谢晚彬,李冬丽,胡威等 614
生防内生枯草芽孢杆菌Jaas ed1在西瓜植株内的定殖能力检测&王卿,林玲,罗楚平等 615
菌株F46对苹果采后腐烂病的生物防治研究&戴蓬博,甘良,蓝星杰等 616
香蕉炭疽病生防菌的复合诱变选育研究&杜婵娟,付岗,潘连富等 617
玉米大斑病早期防治技术研究&纪莉景,栗秋生,王连生等 618
牡丹叶部真菌病害化学防治药剂筛选的研究&徐建强,杨改凤,宋宇洲等 619
原核表达拟南芥抗核盘菌转录因子AtMYB73-GST融合蛋白&樊锦涛,蒋琛茜,王冠宇等 621
合欢内生菌H8的分离及其抗菌代谢物质研究&曲田丽 622
玉米田常用除草剂对土传病害及土壤微生物群落结构的影响&李婉莹,高增贵,刘限等 623
油菜菌核病苗期危害与防治研究&张蕾,刘勇,黄小琴等 624
间型假丝酵母C410防治保护地番茄灰霉病研究&李若晨,张静,杨龙等 625
以辣椒疫霉为靶标生防菌株高效筛选体系研究&田涛 626
植物病害侵染测报及其应用&李保华,王彩霞,李桂舫 627
植物内生细菌对辣椒疫霉病的防治研究&王娜,胡海静,陈双林等 628
广西罗城毛葡萄穗轴褐腐病的化学防治技术研究&史国英,覃丽萍,岑贞陆等 629
拮抗菌与化学药剂联合大田防治香蕉枯萎病的初步试验&晏卫红,潘连富,付岗等 630
六种根腐病防治药剂对绿豆的安全性试验&李薇,台莲梅,郭永霞等 632
植物内生细菌防治根结线虫的研究&胡海静,陈雅丽,王娜等 633
不同药剂对根肿菌休眠孢子毒力效果测定及防病应用研究&王鹏远,蔡丽,侯明生 634
球孢白僵菌08F04菌株对植物病原真菌的抑制作用&李永辉,张洁,袁虹霞等 635
内生性枯草芽孢杆菌的分离、鉴定及其对芝麻枯萎病的防治效果&杨辉辉,黄思良,庞发虎等 636
不同化学药剂对西瓜衰萎病田间防治效果&王丽娟,徐秀德,董怀玉等 637
生防放线菌PY-1筛选及其对葡萄霜霉病的防治效果研究&梁春浩,刘长远,臧超群等 638
黑曲霉Y-1发酵液对西甜瓜细菌性果斑病的防治效果及机制研究&高天一,杨丹,杨龙等 639
一株金叶女贞内生细菌的分离、鉴定及其对黑斑病的生防效果&王坦,黄思良,黎起秦等 640
一株小麦内生性假单胞菌的分离、鉴定及其对小麦条锈病的生防效果&庞发虎,黄思良,马如斌等 641
一株小麦内生性假单胞菌的分离、鉴定及其对小麦秆黑粉病的生防效果&陶爱丽,王坦,黄思良等 642
枯草芽孢杆菌EDR4突变体库的构建及拮抗相关基因的检测&陈永轩,高小宁,秦虎强等 643
In VitroEvaluation of Fungicides Against Ceratocystis paradoxa Causing Stem Bleeding andTrunk Rot of Coconut in Hainan&Yu Fengyu,Niu Xiaoqing,Zhu Hui etal. 644
番茄灰霉病拮抗细菌18BS-12的生防潜力研究&李月飞,赵新贝,上官妮妮等 645
重寄生菌F46防治番茄灰霉病的机理研究&甘良,黄菁华,蓝星杰等 646
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