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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:孙启耀,周薇薇著
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787566108623
  • 页数:214 页

Chapter 1 Literature Review 1

1.1 Basic Concepts and Classifications 1

1.2 Studies on Modality 3

1.3 Studies of Interpersonal Meaning 14

1.4 Studies on Deontic Modality 18

1.5 Prospect and Reflections 23

Chapter 2 Deontic Modality from the Perspective of Functional Linguistics 26

2.1 Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar 26

2.2 Martin's Appraisal Theory 33

2.3 Study of Interpersonal Meaning from Systemic Functional Grammar Perspective 35

Chapter 3 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in News 38

3.1 Introduction 38

3.2 Modality in News 38

3.3 Features of Modals in English News 44

3.4 Deontic Modality in Appraisal Theory 45

3.5 Summary 48

Chapter 4 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Politics 49

4.1 Introduction 49

4.2 Deontic Modality in Political Discourse 50

4.3 Interpersonal Meanings of Deontic Modality in Political Discourse 54

4.4 Summary 59

Chapter 5 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in English Education 60

5.1 Introduction 60

5.2 Methodology 62

5.3 Summary 69

Chapter 6 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Gender Language 71

6.1 Introduction 71

6.2 General Review of the Study on Modality in Female Language 72

6.3 Mood,Modality and Key in Female Language 73

6.4 A Discussion on Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Female Language 79

6.5 Summary 100

Chapter 7 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Daily Communication 101

7.1 Introduction 101

7.2 Authority of High-value Deontic Modality 102

7.3 Euphemism of Median-value Deontic Modality 103

7.4 Consultative Tone of Low-value Deontic Modality 103

7.5 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Terms of Personal System 104

7.6 Summary 109

Chapter 8 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Business English 110

8.1 Introduction 110

8.2 Studies on Business Negotiation 111

8.3 Summary 127

Chapter 9 Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Cross-cultural Study 129

9.1 Introduction 129

9.2 Differences Caused by Modal Terms 130

9.3 Different Interpersonal Meaning Caused by Ways of Expressing Modality 134

9.4 Summary 137

Chapter 10 A Contrastive Study of Interpersonal Meaning of Deontic Modality in Chinese and English Advertisements 138

10.1 Significance of the Study 138

10.2 Research Questions 139

10.3 Different Ways of Realization of Deontic Modality in Chinese and English Advertising Texts 140

10.4 Summary of the Similarities and the Differences 148

10.5 Different Cultural Value System in Deontic Modality in Chinese and English Advertisements 149

10.6 Summary 154

Chapter 11 Contrastive Study of Deontic Study in Western and Chinese Political Speeches 156

11.1 Research Background 156

11.2 Research Questions 158

11.3 Data Collection 158

11.4 Summary 180

Chapter 12 Contrastive Analysis of Expressivity of Deontic Modality-—in Case of Political Speech and Business English 182

12.1 Background of the Research 182

12.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study 182

12.3 Definition of Deontic Modality Expressivity 183

12.4 Research Methodology 183

12.5 Deontic Modality Expressivity in Political Speeches 187

12.6 Deontic Modality Expressivity in Business English 193

12.7 Contrastive Analysis of Deontic Modalitv Expressivity in Political Speeches and Business English 202

12.8 Summary 207

References 209
