- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李朝义主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787509177525
- 页数:560 页
第一部分 奋斗历程 1
李朝义院士简介 3
李朝义院士自述 4
第二部分 学术贡献 9
一、李朝义院士的学术成就与学术思想 11
李朝义院士学术成果简介 11
二、李朝义院士的主要学术论文 14
(一)关于视觉系统非经典感受野的研究 14
Effects of Patterned Backgrounds on Responses of Lateral Geniculate Neurons in Cat 14
Mutual Interactions and Steady Background Effects within and Beyond the Classical Receptive Field of Lateral Geniculate Neurones 26
Role of the Extensive Area Outside the X-cell Receptive Field in Brightness Information Transmission 37
Extensive Disinhibitory Region Beyond the Classical Receptive Field of Cat Retinal Ganglion Cells 46
Extensive Integration Field Beyond the Classical Receptive Field of Cat's Striate Cortical Neurons——Classification and Tuning Properties 59
猫皮层18区神经元整合野特性的研究 81
猫17区和18区神经元时间和速度特性的比较 89
Integration Fields Beyond the Classical Receptive Field:Organization and Functional Properties 95
猫纹状皮层神经元整合野结构的对称性及空间总合特性 101
Shift in Speed Selectivity of Visual Cortical Neurons:A Neural Basis of Perceived Motion Contrast(Visual Cortex/Cat/Surround Effect) 109
Clustered Organization of Neurons with Similar Extra-Receptive Field Properties in the Primary Visual Cortex 116
Spatial Phase Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Alert Monkey 126
Stimulation of Non-classical Receptive Field Enhances Orientation Selectivity in the Cat 135
Cue-invariant Detection of Centre-surround Discontinuity by V1 Neurons in Awake Macaque Monkey 147
Contrast-Dependent and Contrast-Independent Spatial Summation of Primary Visual Cortical Neurons of the Cat 159
Morphological Bases of Suppressive and Facilitative Spatial Summation in the Striate Cortex of the Cat 167
Contrast-Dependent Variations in the Excitatory Classical Receptive Field and Suppressive Nonclassical Receptive Field of Cat Primary Visual Cortex 182
The Detection of Orientation Continuity and Discontinuity by Cat V1 Neurons 196
(二)非经典感受野的数字模拟 206
视网膜神经节细胞空间传输特性的模拟 206
Center-surround Interaction with Adaptive Inhibition:A Computational Model for Contour Detection 213
Contour Detection Based on a Non-Classical Receptive Field Model with Butterfly-Shaped Inhibition Subregions 238
基于图像导数框架和非负稀疏编码的颜色恒常计算方法 249
(三)视觉功能的心理物理学研究 258
图形简单几何特征的分辨及其相关错觉的定量研究 258
错觉图形组成成分间的亮度对比和颜色对比对错觉程度的影响 270
从呼气末CO2浓度与动脉血压的关系判断人工呼吸猫的最适肺通气量 279
在亮度对比和颜色对比下立体视知觉的定量研究 285
Measurements of Geometric Illusions,Illusory Contours and Stereo-depth at Luminance and Colour Contrast 292
Interactions between Surround Suppression and Interocular Suppression in Human Vision 301
Field of Attention for Instantaneous Object Recognition 312
Both Lexical and Non-Lexical Characters Are Processed during Saccadic Eye Movements 322
(四)一般视觉功能的电生理学研究 332
猫外膝体神经元的持续性放电在亮度信息处理中的作用 332
Role of Sustained Neurones of Cat Lateral Geniculate Nucleus in Processing Luminance Information 344
The Representation of Contrast and Other Stimulus Parameters by Single Neurons in Area 17 of the Cat 354
Representation of Spatial Details in Textured Patterns by Cells of the Cat Striate Cortex 372
Texture Discrimination:Representation of Orientation and Luminance Differences in Cells of the Cat Striate Cortex 386
猫外膝体细胞和视网膜神经节细胞对正弦调制光刺激反应的相位特性 400
猫外膝体神经元对正弦调制光刺激反应的线性和非线性特性 412
猫视皮层复杂细胞感受野结构的动态特性 425
Some Observations on Dynamic Properties of Receptive Field Organization of Complex Cells in Cat Visual Cortex 433
Attention and Eye Movement Related Activation of Neurons in the Dorsal Prelunate Gyrus(Area DP) 441
Changes in P-ERG and P-VEP During the Postnatal Development of Kittens with Artificial Squint 448
Activity of Temporal Cortex Neurons in Infant Macaques 452
Development of Pattern ERG and Pattern VEP Spatial Resolution in Kittens with Unilateral Esotropia 457
A Simple and Comprehensive Method for the Construction,Repair and Recycling of Single and Double Tungsten Microelectrodes 468
猴学习注视过程中眼球运动和操作延时的变化 472
Eye Position-dependent Activation of Neurones in Striate Cortex of Macaque 478
清醒猴纹状皮层(V1)神经元与注视位置相关的活动 484
视觉刺激对猴初级视皮层神经元眼球位置效应的影响 493
Spatiotemporal Organization of Simple-Cell Receptive Fields in Area 18 of Cat's Cortex 500
A Simple and Effective Method for Obtaining Stable in Vivo Whole-cell Recordings from Visual Cortical Neurons 506
Spreading and Synchronization of Intrinsic Signals in Visual Cortex of Macaque Monkey Evoked by a Localized Visual Stimulus 514
三、李朝义院士学术年表 522
李朝义院士论文目录 522
李朝义院士主要奖项目录 527
李朝义院士团队获得的专利目录 528
第三部分 社会影响 529
阐述人脑处理复杂图像新概念——我学者发现视觉皮层球状系统 531
纯美的注视 532
将解开意识之谜 534
中国学者发现视觉神经“整合野”——脑,是这样处理图像信息的 536
见证地球上最美的“花朵”——访神经生物学家李朝义院士 537
神经所李朝义院士等发现视觉皮层新的功能筑构系统 542
贺信之一 544
贺信之二 545
第四部分 人生风采 547
成长经历 550
刻苦攻关 552
桃李满园 553
国际交流 557
幸福生活 559
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