中国法院知识产权司法保护状况 2009-2013 汉英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:最高人民法院民事审判第三庭编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民法院出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787510910272
- 页数:232 页
中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2009年) 1
前言 1
一、公正审理知识产权案件,发挥司法保护知识产权的主导作用 5
二、积极服务经济社会发展大局,贯彻实施国家知识产权战略 9
三、不断强化审判监督和业务指导,努力统一知识产权司法尺度 13
四、加强知识产权法官队伍建设,提高知识产权司法能力和水平 16
结束语 18
中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2010年) 19
前言 19
一、依法履行宪法和法律职责,知识产权案件审判工作有新进展 19
二、关注经济社会发展司法需求,实施知识产权战略有新突破 24
三、统一知识产权法律适用尺度,审判监督和业务指导有新推进 29
四、加强知识产权法官队伍建设,法官队伍整体素质有新提高 32
结束语 34
中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2011年) 35
前言 35
一、依法履行审判职责,始终抓好执法办案第一要务 35
二、立足党和国家工作大局,贯彻实施国家知识产权战略 41
三、夯实基层基础,统一法律适用,注重审判监督指导工作 46
四、加强知识产权审判队伍建设,重视提高队伍素质 50
结束语 51
中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2012年) 52
前言 52
一、依法履行审判职责,抓好执法办案第一要务 52
二、服务经济社会发展,实施国家知识产权战略 58
三、加强审判监督指导,确保司法裁判标准统一 63
四、打牢审判基层基础,加强知识产权法官队伍建设 65
结束语 68
中国法院知识产权司法保护状况(2013年) 69
前言 69
一、突出加强司法保护导向,积极发挥审判职能作用 69
二、立足创新驱动发展目标,着力实施知识产权战略 76
三、围绕提高司法公正公信,大力加强审判监督管理 80
四、坚持推进基层基础建设,不断提升司法队伍素质 83
结束语 85
Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2009 86
Introduction 86
Ⅰ.Fair and Efficient Adjudication of Intellectual Property Cases According to Law has Made the Judicial System a Leading Force in Intellectual Property Protection 91
Ⅱ.Judicial Protection for Intellectual Property has Served the Needs of Socioeconomic Development and has Observed and Delivered the National Intellectual Property Strategy 98
Ⅲ.Enhanced Judicial Supervision and Guidance has Created Greater Consistency in Adjudication Practices and Decision-Making 105
Ⅳ.Capacity Building for Intellectual Property Judges has Improved Judicial Competence and Quality 109
Conclusion 112
Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2010 113
Introduction 113
Ⅰ.The courts have executed constitutional and legal duties,and have taken intellectual property adjudication to new heights 113
Ⅱ.The courts have attended to demands for intellectual property-related judicial services in economic and social development,and have achieved new breakthroughs in implementing the National Intellectual Property Strategy 121
Ⅲ.The courts have established rules for application of intellectual property laws to ensure consistency,and have improved judicial supervision and guidance 127
Ⅳ.The courts have strengthened capacity building for intellectual property judges,and have enhanced judicial competence and quality 131
Conclusion 134
Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2011 135
Introduction 135
Ⅰ.Adjudicated according to Law and Focused on Delivery of Justice 136
Ⅱ.Served the Overall interests of the Party and the Country and Implemented the National Intellectual Property Strategy 144
Ⅲ.Strengthened the foundation of basic-level courts,unified application of law,and focused on adjudication supervision and operational guidance 152
Ⅳ.Strengthened the adjudication team and focused on quality 157
Conclusion 159
Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2012 161
Introduction 161
Ⅰ.Adjudicated aceording to Law,and Focused on Delivery of Justice 162
Ⅱ.Served the Needs of Socioeconomic Development,and Implemented the National Intellectual Property Strategy 169
Ⅲ.Increased adjudication supervision and guidance,and ensured consistency in application of law 177
Ⅳ.Bolstered the Foundation of Basic-Level Courts,and Strengthened the Adjudication Team 181
Conclusion 184
Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2013 186
Introduction 186
Ⅰ.Emphasised the priorities of judicial protection and leveraged the role of the courts 187
Ⅱ.Grounded in the goal of innovation-driven development,and focused on implementing the intellectual property strategy 196
Ⅲ.Focused on achieving greater judicial impartiality and credibility,and buttressed adjudication supervision and administration 204
Ⅳ.Focused on strengthening the basics at the grass-root level,and continued to improve upon the quality of the judicial team 208
Conclusion 211
附件一:2009年~2013年全国地方法院新收知识产权案件图 213
附件二:2009年~2013年最高人民法院发布的知识产权司法解释 220
附件三:2009年~2013年中国法院10大知识产权案件名单 223
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