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经济学:私人与公共选择  英文版
经济学:私人与公共选择  英文版

经济学:私人与公共选择 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:24 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:詹姆斯·D·格瓦特尼(James D.Gwartney)等著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中信出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7800735362
  • 页数:934 页
《经济学:私人与公共选择 英文版》目录

PART 1 The Economic Way of Thinking 1

CHAPTER 1 The Economic Approach 5

CHAPTER 2 Some Tools of the Economist 31

PART 2 Markets and Government 53

CHAPTER 3 Supply,Demand,and the Market Process 55

CHAPTER 4 Supply and Demand:Applications and Extensions 89

CHAPTER 5 The Economic Role of Government 117

CHAPTER 6 The Economics of Collective Decision Making 143

PART 3 Core Macroeconomics 163

CHAPTER 7 Taking the Nation's Economic Pulse 167

CHAPTER 8 Economic Fluctuations,Unemployment,and Inflation 191

CHAPTER 9 An Introduction to Basic Macroeconomic Markets 215

CHAPTER 10 Working with Our Basic Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Model 243

CHAPTER 11 Keynesian Foundations of Modern Macroeconomics 269

CHAPTER 12 Fiscal Policy 293

CHAPTER 13 Money and the Banking System 319

CHAPTER 14 Modern Macroeconomics:Monetary Policy 351

CHAPTER 15 Stabilization Policy,Output,and Employment 379

CHAPTER 16 Economic Growth 403

PART 4 International Economics 427

CHAPTER 17 Gaining from International Trade 433

CHAPTER 18 International Finance and the Foreign Exchange Market 461

PART 5 Core Microeconomics 489

CHAPTER 19 Demand and Consumer Choice 495

CHAPTER 20 Costs and the Supply of Goods 527

CHAPTER 21 Price Takers and the Competitive Process 557

CHAPTER 22 Price-Searcher Markets with Low Entry Barriers 583

CHAPTER 23 Price-Searcher Markets with High Entry Barriers 607

CHAPTER 24 The Supply of and Demand for Productive Resources 637

CHAPTER 25 Earnings,Productivity,and the Job Market 665

CHAPTER 26 Investment,the Capital Market,and the Wealth of Nations 693

CHAPTER 27 Income Inequality and Poverty 713

PART 6 Applications and Special Topics 735

APPLICATION 1 Labor Markets and Unemployment Rates:A Cross-Country Analysis 739

APPLICATION 2 How Do Budget Deficits and the National Debt Affect Future Generations? 751

APPLICATION 3 The Phillips Curve:Is There a Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment? 765

APPLICATION 4 Social Security:The Nature ofthe Problem and the Alternatives for Dealing with It 779

APPLICATION 5 The Stock Market:What Does It Do and How Has It Performed? 791

APPLICATION 6 How Does Government Regulation Affect Your Life? 803

APPLICATION 7 Income Inequality,Transfers,and the Role of Government 815

APPLICATION 8 Do Labor Unions Increase the Wages of Workers? 827

APPLICATION 9 Natural Resources and the Future 843

APPLICATION 10 Economics and the Environment 855

APPENDIX A General Business and Economic Indicators 867

APPENDIX B Answers to Selected Critical Analysis Questions 879



