末代皇帝的五个女人 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王庆祥著;陆莲枝,石岩译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787508528205
- 页数:467 页
The Last Empress:Wanrong 1
1.The Noble Blood of Wanrong 3
2."Empress Campaigning" in the 1920s 7
3.The "Grand Nuptials" of the Last Emperor 11
4.Reading Life in the Chuxiu Palace 17
5."Lovesick in Chamber" and "Contest in Love" 22
6.The End of the Qing Court 27
7.Going to Tianjin Secretly 30
8.The Plan "Going to Japan" and the "Wife-diplomacy" 36
9.The Monologue of the Last Empress 43
10.Her Grievances Unkown to All 52
11.Wanrong in Lushun 56
12.Wanrong in the Early Period of Manchukuo 60
13.The Puppet Empress in the Cage 65
14.The Woman Who Suffered Most 70
15.Wanrong Should Not Be Forgotten 79
The Last Imperial Consort:Wenxiu 85
1.An Unexpected Girl to Be Born 87
2.Chosen by the Emperor 91
3.Going up Rapidly in the World 94
4.Taking Wenxiu to the Palace 95
5.The First Days in the Royal Family 98
6.Holding in Deep Respect for Consort Zhen 101
7.Accepting the Second Place as a Consort 105
8.Hiding Sharp Scissors in the Sleeves 110
9.The Days in the Prince Chun Mansion 113
10.The Emperor's Visits to Consort Shu's Family 120
11.To Uphold Justice for Persuading "the Trapped Dragon" 123
12."Offending the Emperor" for the First Time 129
13.The Trapped Dragon "Raising its Head" in Tianjin 134
14.In the Soon-changing Political Storms 138
15.A Solitary Sleepless Person with Tears at Nights 142
16.Running away from the Jing Garden Quietly 143
17.Consort Shu,Where Had You Gone? 148
18."The Consort's Rebellion":a Shock in the Haihe River District 155
19.An Apologist in a Rage Smote the Table and Jumped to His Feet 159
20.Fighting Back Against the Evil Forces 163
21.Raising the Divorce Proposal 168
22.The Couple Not Being Heartless to Each Other Yet 171
23.The Empress Was Reluctant to Endure Suffering Any More 174
24.Puyi's Intention:"To Put It to an End Quickly" 177
25.Bargaining 180
26.Announcement of Divorce 184
"Noble Concubine Mingxian":Tan Yuling 191
1.The "Monkey Emperor" Being Caught in the Japanese Trap 193
2.The Claws Stretching into the Royal Family 196
3.A Secret Imperial Edict:Letting His Mother-in-law Choose the Concubine 199
4."To Take the Concubine" Had to Be Approved by Kenkichi Ueda 201
5.The Bird Fed in the Cage 204
6.The Affections Between the Emperor and the Noble Concubine 207
7.The Noble Concubine in the Eyes of Her Female Companies 211
8.The Noble Concubine in the Eyes of Hiro Saga 215
9.The Noble Concubine in the Eyes of the Wet Nurse and the Servant-girls 218
10.The Noble Concubine in the Eyes of the Court Students 219
11.The Noble Concubine in the Eyes of the Male Servants 221
12.The Whole Story About the "Terrible Offence" Event 223
13.To Sign the Indenture for Selling the "Future Son" 226
14.The Vexation Unable to Relieve 228
15."The Empress" and "the Noble Concubine" 230
16.The Mournful Scene of Parting Forever 232
17.Was Tan Yuling Murdered? 235
18.Puyi Decided to Hold a Solemn Funeral for "the Noble Concubine" 239
19.A Sincere and Profound Missing 248
20.The Truth of the Legend of "Poisoning the Noble Consort" 252
21.The Souvenirs Tan Yuling Left for Her Husband 258
22.New Explanation for the Historical Mystery 263
23.Puyi,Li Shuxian and Tan Yuling would be Co-buried in the Future 268
"Noble Concubine Fu":Li Yuqin 275
1.A Daughter from a Poor Family 277
2.To Be Chosen:Lucky or Unlucky? 278
3.The Last Place to Stay before Entering the "Palace" 281
4.A Good Impression on Puyi in the First Meeting 282
5.The First Night in the Tongde Hall 283
6.Everything Was New to Her 285
7.Etiquettes in the Puppet Palace 287
8."Twenty-one Rules" 289
9.Only Approved by the Japanese Could Li Wear the Ring 291
10.To Be "Noble Concubine Fu" 292
11."Measures Avoiding Her Meeting Male" in the Puppet Palace 295
12."Meeting Her Parents" Three Times Sweetly but Bitterly 298
13.From a Poor Girl to a Real "Noble Concubine" 301
14.A Canary Bird in the Gilded Cage 304
15.The Vexation Hard to Assuage 306
16."Noble Concubine Fu's" Life Came to an End Obscurely 308
17.The Prayer in Dalizi Gully 312
18.Meeting the Empress in the Gully 315
19.The Property Was Confiscated in Linjiang 318
20.Commander He Changgong Advised "Noble Concubine Fu" to Join the Army 322
21."A Divorce Statement" Against Her Will 325
22.Being Upset for a Fur Coat in Changchun 327
23.Going to Beijing for Shelter,but Settled in Tianjin 329
24.The Downfallen Noble Family 332
25.A Valuable Study Experience in Vagrancy 335
26.The Miserable Life under Other's Roof for Five Years 339
27.Waiting in Beijing Bitterly 346
28.Returning to Her Hometown Determinedly 351
29.A Letter from the Person in Her Yearning for Ten Years 354
30.Visiting the Prisoner Three Times:from Expectation to Disappointment 358
31.Cohabiting One Night in the Prison for the Couple 365
32.The Bitter Separation 372
Li Shuxian 379
1.The Experience of a "Cinderella" 381
2."The Last Emperor" Was in Love for the First Time 383
3.The Second Meeting in the Dance Hall 388
4.Puyi's New Standards for Choosing His Spouse 392
5.Three-Rounds' Tests 399
6.Making a Solemn Pledge for Love Together 402
7.A New-Fashion Wedding 405
8.Naodongfang:Activities Happened in the Bridal Chamber 407
9.An Embarrassing Problem 409
10.The New Couple Loving Each Other Profoundly 413
11.A Happy and Cozy Marrige Life 416
12.Revisiting the Old Haunt-the Forbidden City 420
13.Beseted with Welling Emotions at Beihai Park and Jingshan Hill 423
14.Speaking of the Imperial Consort Yang at Huaqing Pool 425
15.Seeing Distinguished Doctors but in Vain 428
16."To Depend on Each Other for Survival" 429
17.The Decision of "Kidney-donating" Moved the God 432
18.There Was No Heritage but Testament 435
19."The Emperor Funeral" in the "Cultural Revolution" 441
20.The Memorial Ceremony Held Thirteen Years Later 445
21.Seventeen Years in Li Shuxian's Old Age 450
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