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论玛莎·诺曼戏剧中的过去和记忆  英文
论玛莎·诺曼戏剧中的过去和记忆  英文

论玛莎·诺曼戏剧中的过去和记忆 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王莉著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787516153437
  • 页数:178 页
《论玛莎·诺曼戏剧中的过去和记忆 英文》目录

Introduction 1

Chapter One Repression to Reconciliation:Coming to Terms with the Traumatic Past 21

1.Embodying the Traumatic Memories of Victimization in Getting Out 23

2.Recalling the Traumatic Memory of Maternal Loss in Traveler in the Dark 49

Chapter Two Nostalgia to Disillusionment:Mourning the Wistful Past 66

1.Lamenting Loss of Marriage and Friendship in Third and Oak 67

2.Mourning the Western Outlaw Era in The Holdup 92

3.Deromanticizing the Frontier Hero in Loving Daniel Boone 106

Chapter Three Avoidance to Confrontation:Making Sense of the Fictional Past 120

1.Unearthing a Past with No Self-control in'night,Mother 121

2.Piercing the Net of the Imaginary Past in Trudy Blue 136

Conclusion 158

Works Cited 163

Postscript 178
