- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐重宁,张新力主编;徐重宁,张新力,曾咏梅,陈才艺,陈鸿琴编
- 出 版 社:北京:中央文献出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7507321096
- 页数:213 页
1.The Declaration of Independence&Thomas Jefferson 1
2.The Author's Account of Himself&ashington Irving 8
3.Churchill and Roosevelt&Sir Isaiah Berlin 13
4.John Masefield&Beverley Nichols 22
5.Nature&Ralph Waldo Emerson 27
6.Wht I Lived for&Henry David Thoreau 32
7.The Gift of Gift-Giving&Anthony Brandt 38
8.The Indian Character&Francis Parkman 48
9.The Handsome and Deformed Leg&Benjamin Franklin 52
10.Of Studies&Francis Bacon 56
11.American Character&Henry Adams 61
12.A Londoner's Holiday&William Hale White 69
13.Happiness&Thomas Carlyle 73
14.On National Prejudices&Oliver Goldsmith 77
15.Conformity to Nature&T.S.Eliot 83
16.El Doxado&Robert Louis Stevenson 87
17.How Should One Read A Book&Virginia Woolf 93
18.In Search of Our Mothers'Gardens&Alice Walker 103
19.On Travel by Train&John Boynton Priestley 118
20.Sorrows of Millionaire&George Bernard Shaw 124
21.The Image World&Susan Sontag 128
22.Hidden Name and Complex Fate&Ralph Illision 138
23.The Beauty Industry&Aldous Huxley 146
24.On Going Home&Joan Didion 154
25.A Passion for Cities&Jan Morris 160
26.The Far and the Near&Thomas Wolfe 166
27.Alone on a Mountaintop&Jack Kerouac 173
28.Once More to the Lake&E.B.White 185
29.Universities and Their Function&Alfred North Whitehead 195
30.The Historian as Artist&Barbara Tuchman 201
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