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口述史研究  第1辑
口述史研究  第1辑

口述史研究 第1辑PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨祥银主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:社会科学文献出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787509765135
  • 页数:440 页
《口述史研究 第1辑》目录

创刊词&杨祥银 1

特稿 11

口述历史的世界&唐纳德·里奇 11

口述历史与档案馆(图书馆) 23

口述历史与档案馆:以哥伦比亚大学口述历史中心的经验为例&罗纳德·格里 柯里·罗比 玛丽·克拉克 23

口述资料采集与收藏的先行者:美国班克罗夫特图书馆&王子舟 尹培丽 41

口述历史馆藏的整理、描述与运用&颜佩贞 55

口述历史、记忆与认同 83

口述历史:个人记忆与人类记忆库&陈墨 83

口述历史实践与台湾医疗专业新风格的形塑&蔡笃坚 108

口述历史与女性研究 141

从口述史料看近百年蒙古族妇女生存状态变迁&宝贵敏 141

口述史与重庆妇女抗战&李丹柯 160

主体的追寻:口述历史作为香港妇女史研究的进路&黄慧贞 174

口述历史与性别:从建构到运用&游鉴明 195

口述历史与文学研究 241

浅论以口述历史方法研究香港文学&张咏梅 241

中国当代文学研究中的口述史料问题&张均 256

蓝博洲小说《藤缠树》与报道文学与口述历史互文之研究&须文蔚 270

地区实践 287

中国大陆口述历史发展的历史与现状&王宇英 287

近年来台湾口述历史的发展及其检讨&许雪姬 311

香港口述历史书写:“以人为本”的历史论述&王惠玲 357

书评书介 375

合作的历史:读定宜庄近期口述史作品识略&胡鸿保 邢新欣 375

评巴里·兰曼和劳拉·温德灵(主编):《为培养下一代口述历史学家做准备:口述历史教育史集》&凯瑟琳·兰德克 382

评新加坡国家档案馆口述历史中心(编):《记忆与反思:新加坡经验:通过口述历史记录一个国家的历史》&南茜·麦凯 386

评台湾口述历史书目汇编编辑组(编):《台湾口述历史书目汇编》&刘春银 390

评约翰·纽恩斯科范德尔:《口述历史与法律问题指南》&阿尔佛雷德·布罗菲 395

评李丹柯:《重庆回声:战时的中国妇女》&连玲玲 398

评乔安娜·博纳特和乔茜·泰特利(主编):《口述历史与老年化》&马尔科姆·约翰逊 403

评布鲁斯·格兰维尔·米勒:《审判中的口述历史:法庭认可原住民叙述的合法地位》&约翰·纽恩斯科范德尔 407

评阿利桑乔·波特利:《哈伦县在诉说:一部口述历史》&蒂姆·斯特朗格勒曼 410

评阿利斯泰尔·汤姆森:《感人故事:跨越两个国家的四个女人的私密历史》&琳达·肖普斯 414

附录 421

Abstracts of Major A rticles 421

《口述史研究》稿约及体例要求 436

Inaugural Editorial&Yang Xiangyin 1

Feature Article 11

The World of Oral History&Donald A. Ritchie 11

Oral History and the Archives (Libraries) 23

Oral History and Archives: The Columbia Center for Oral History's Experience&Ronald J. Grele, Corie T. Robie and Mary Marshall Clark 23

The Pioneer of Oral Sources Acquisition and Collection: The Bancroft Library of UC Berkeley in the USA&Wang Zizhou, Yin Peili 41

Organization, Content Description and Access of Oral History Collections&Yen Pei-Chen 55

Oral History, Memory and Identity 83

Oral History: Individual Memory and Human Memory Bank&Chen Mo 83

Oral History Practice as the Foundation for a New Medical Professionalism in Taiwan&Tsai Duujian 108

Oral History and Women's Studies 141

Using Oral History to Investigatethe Life Changes of Mongolian Women in the Past Century&Bao Guimin 141

Oral History and the Study of Chongqing Women in the Second Sino -Japanese War&Li Danke 160

The Pursuit of Subjectivity: From Oral History to the History of Women in Hong Kong&WONG Wai Ching Angela 174

Oral History and Gender: From Construction to Application&Yu Chien- ming 195

Oral History and Literature Studies 241

Oral History Method for Research in Hong Kong Literature&Cheung Wing Mui 241

Problems of Oral Historical Sources in Chinese Contemporary Literary Studies&Zhang Jun 256

The Intertextual Relationship between Lan Bo - Zhou's Novel,Reportage and Oral History&Shiu Wen - Wei 270

Regional Practices of Oral History 287

The History and Current Situation of Oral History in Mainland China&Wang Yuying 287

The Recent Development and Reflections of Oral History in Taiwan&Hsu Hsueh - chi 311

Writing Hong Kong Oral Histories: People - Based Historical Narrative&Wong Wai Ling 357

Book Reviews 375

Cooperative History: A Preliminary Review of Ding Yizhuang's Oral History Publications&Reviewed by Hu Hongbao and Xing Xinxin 375

Barry A. Lanman and Laura M. Wendling(eds.) , Preparing the Next Generation of Oral Historians: An Anthology of Oral History Education&Reviewed by Katherine Sharp Landdeck 382

Oral History Centre, National Archives of Singapore(ed.) , Memories and Reflections: The Singapore Experience: Documenting A Nation's History Through Oral History&Reviewed by Nancy Mackay 386

Editing Group of Oral History Bibliography in Taiwan (ed.) , Oral History in Taiwan : A Bibliography(1953-2009)&Reviewed by Liu Ophelia Chun-yin 390

JohnA. Neuenschwander, A Guide to Oral History and the Law&Reviewed by Alfred L. Brophy 395

Danke Li, Echoes of Chongqing: Women in Wartime China&Reviewed by Lien Ling - ling 398

Joanna Bornat and Josie Tetley (eds.), Oral History and Ageing&Reviewed by Malcolm Johnson 403

Bruce Granville Miller, Oral History on Trial: Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts&Reviewed by John A. Neuenschwander 407

Alessandro Portelli, They Say in Harlan County: An Oral History&Reviewed by Tim Strangleman 410

Alistair Thomson, Moving Stories: an Intimate History of Four Women across Two Countries&Reviewed by Linda Shopes 414

Appendices 421

Abstracts of Major Articles 421

Call for Papers & Style Guide 436
