- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴昕炜主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:7010178578
- 页数:412 页
序&吴昕炜 1
代绪论 3
中文版《罗莎·卢森堡全集》编辑和出版的意义与构想&何萍 3
一、世界与中国:《罗莎·卢森堡全集》出版的现状与展望 21
罗莎·卢森堡著作——国内外讨论及其著作翻译的重要性&艾维琳·维希 21
让罗莎·卢森堡为自己辩护——英文版《罗莎·卢森堡全集》的编辑和出版&彼得·胡迪斯 27
关于罗莎·卢森堡波兰文著作的一些方面&霍尔格·波利特 40
罗莎·卢森堡的著作和研究文献在中国的出版和刊发&邓仁娥 43
《罗莎·卢森堡全集》翻译与马克思主义中国化&赵士发 50
二、历史与现实:罗莎·卢森堡思想的境遇与命运 57
21世纪以来国外罗莎·卢森堡思想研究及其走向&何萍 唐启良 57
罗莎·卢森堡的历史定位&赵凯荣 88
沉浮九十年——对卢森堡研究的回顾与反思&熊敏 97
中国学者研究卢森堡思想的学术视域和理论旨趣回顾&张小红 109
三、理论与实践:罗莎·卢森堡思想的张力与影响 117
重新发现罗莎·卢森堡“总体性”概念的贡献&彼得·胡迪斯 117
罗莎·卢森堡的自发性理论及其政治意义&周凡 130
罗莎·卢森堡的无产阶级生活世界思想研究&许慧 吴宁 157
罗莎·卢森堡——意象杂陈&熊敏 170
泰狄士·科瓦利克对罗莎·卢森堡思想研究的贡献&吴昕炜 178
代后记 191
罗莎·卢森堡研究迎来新契机&吴昕炜 191
Introduction 199
The Meaning and Ideas of Editing and Publishing the Chinese Version of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg&He Ping 199
Part I The World and China:Current Situation and Prospects of Publishing The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg 223
Rosa Luxemburg’s Work:National and International Discussions and the Importance of Translations of her Works&Evelin Wittich 223
Allowing Luxemburg to Speak for Herself—The Project of Issuing The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg in English&Peter Hudis 230
Some Aspects about the Polish Work of Rosa Luxemburg&Holger Politt 245
The Publication and Issue of Works and Research Literature of Rosa Luxemburg&Deng Ren’e 248
The Translation of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg and the Localization of Marxism in China&Zhao Shifa 254
Part Ⅱ History and Reality:The Situation and the Fate of Rosa Luxemburg’s Thought 263
The Research Abroad on Rosa Luxemburg’s Thought and its Trend since the 21th Century&He Ping&Tang Qiliang 263
The Historical Position of Rosa Luxemburg&Zhao Kairong 304
Ninety years of ups and downs:Review and Reflection of Research on Rosa Luxemburg in China&Xiong Min 315
Review on Academic Perspective and Theoretical Interest of Luxemburg’s Theories by Chinese scholars&Zhang Xiaohong 321
Part Ⅲ Theory and Practice:The Tension and Influence of Rosa Luxemburg’s Thought 331
Rediscovering the Totality of Rosa Luxemburg’s Contribution&Peter Hudis 331
Rosa Luxembourg's Spontaneity Theory and its Political Significance&Zhou Fan 347
Study on Rosa Luxemburg's Proletarian Life-World Thought&Xu Hui&Wu Ning 374
Rosa Luxemburg:Mixed Images&Xiong Min 385
Tadeusz Kowalik and His Contribution to Rosa Luxemburg Study&Wu Xinwei 394
Postscript 407
The Study on Rosa Luxemburg will Usher in a New Opportunity&Wu Xinwei 407
Appendix:Introduction of the Authors 412
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