- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:环境保护部环境规划院编
- 出 版 社:中国环境出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787511133809
- 页数:115 页
一、基础和形势 3
(一)成绩和基础 3
(二)问题和压力 5
(三)战略机遇 7
二、指导思想、原则和目标 8
(一)指导思想 8
(二)基本原则 9
(三)主要目标 10
(四)分区保护重点 12
三、确立水资源利用上线,妥善处理江河湖库关系 13
(一)实行总量强度双控 14
(二)实施以水定城以水定产 15
(三)严格水资源保护 16
四、划定生态保护红线,实施生态保护与修复 17
(一)划定并严守生态保护红线 18
(二)严格岸线保护 18
(三)强化生态系统服务功能保护 19
(四)开展生态退化区修复 20
(五)加强生物多样性维护 21
五、坚守环境质量底线,推进流域水污染统防统治 26
(一)实施质量底线管理 26
(二)优先保护良好水体 28
(三)治理污染严重水体 31
(四)综合控制磷污染源 32
六、全面推进环境污染治理,建设宜居城乡环境 35
(一)改善城市空气质量 35
(二)推进重点区域土壤污染防治 37
(三)加强农村农业环境整治 39
七、强化突发环境事件预防应对,严格管控环境风险 42
(一)严格环境风险源头防控 42
(二)加强环境应急协调联动 43
(三)遏制重点领域重大环境风险 44
八、创新大保护的生态环保机制政策,推动区域协同联动 47
(一)健全生态环境协同保护机制 47
(二)创新上中下游共抓大保护路径 47
(三)强化生态优先绿色发展的环境管理措施 48
九、强化保障措施 50
(一)加强组织领导 50
(二)完善环境法治 51
(三)加大资金投入 51
(四)加强科技支撑 51
(五)实行信息公开 52
(六)严格评估考核 52
Ⅰ.Fundamentals and Situation 54
(Ⅰ) Achievements and Fundamentals 55
(Ⅱ) Problems and Pressure 57
(Ⅲ) Strategic Opportunity 60
Ⅱ.Guiding Ideology, Principles and Objectives 61
(Ⅰ) Guiding ideology 61
(Ⅱ) Basic principles 61
(Ⅲ) Main objectives 63
(Ⅳ) Regional Protection Priorities 65
Ⅲ.Establish the upper limit of water resources utilizationand properly handle the relationship among rivers, lakes andreservoirs 67
(Ⅰ) Control both total water consumption and intensity Implement 67
(Ⅱ) Determine the scale of cities and towns and the development of industries according to water resources 69
(Ⅲ) Strictly implement the protection of water resources 70
Ⅳ.Determine the red line of ecological protection and implement ecological protection and remediation 72
(Ⅰ) Determine and strictly observe the red line of ecological conservation 72
(Ⅱ) Strictly implement the protection of water fronts 73
(Ⅲ)Strengthen the protection of ecosystem service functions 74
(Ⅳ) Carty out the remediation of ecologically degraded areas 76
(Ⅴ) Strengthen the maintenance of biodiversity 77
Ⅴ.Adhere to the bottom line of environmental quality and promote the prevention and control of river basin water pollution 82
(Ⅰ) Implement the management according to the bottom line of quality 83
(Ⅱ) Preferential protection of good water bodies 84
(Ⅲ) Treat seriously polluted water bodies 87
(Ⅳ) Comprehensive control of phosphorus pollution sources 89
Ⅵ.Comprehensively promote environmental pollution treatment and build livable urban and rural environment 92
(Ⅰ)Improve urban air quality 93
(Ⅱ) Promote the prevention and control of soil pollution in key areas 95
(Ⅲ)Strengthen the improvement of rural agricultural environment 98
Ⅶ.Strengthen Prevention of and Response to Environmental Emergency Incidents as well as Control on Environmental Risks 102
(Ⅰ) Tighten Prevention and Control on Environmental Risk Sources 102
(Ⅱ) Strengthen Coordination and Interaction for Environmental Emergency Response 103
(Ⅲ) Curb Major Environmental Risks in Key Fields 105
Ⅷ.Innovate Eco-Environmental Protection Mechanism Policy of Overall Protection and Promote Regional Coordination and Interaction 108
(Ⅰ) Improve the Collaborative Protection Mechanism of Ecological Environment 109
(Ⅱ) Innovate Ways of Overall Protection in the Up, Middle and Down Stream 109
(Ⅲ) Intensify Environmental Management Measures of Ecology First and Green Development 111
Ⅸ.Strengthen Supporting Measures 113
(Ⅰ) Strengthen the Organization and Leadership 113
(Ⅱ) Improve the Environmental Rule of Law 114
(Ⅲ) Increase Capital Investment 114
(Ⅳ) Strengthen Science and Technology Support 114
(Ⅴ) Implement Information Disclosure System 115
(Ⅵ) Exercise Strict Assessment 115
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