- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)罗伯特·W.伍兹,武小凤著
- 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787519721015
- 页数:262 页
1美国法律制度 1
Understanding the American Legal System 3
Colonies of England 3
The Articles of Confederation 4
The Constitution of the United States 4
The Executive Branch Has the Power to Approve New Laws and toConduct Foreign Affairs 5
The Legislative Branch Has the Exclusive Power to Make Laws 6
The Judicial Branch Has the Power to Enforce and Interpret the Laws 6
Vocabulary 8
Exercises 9
2法庭和诉讼语言 13
The Organization of Courts and Judicial Review 15
The California Court System 16
The Language of Lawsuits 17
Jurisdiction of the Courts 20
How a Common Law System Is Different From a Civil Law System 21
Vocabulary 22
Exercises 24
3合同:合同的成立 31
What is the Difference Between a ’ Promise’and a ’ Contract’ ? 33
The Elements of a Contract 33
The Offer 34
The Acceptance 34
The Counteroffer 34
Identifying the Parties 35
Limited Offers 36
Terminating Offers 37
Legality of Offers 39
Offers Must be Defiinite and Certain 40
Other Methods of Acceptance: Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts 40
Consideration 41
A Substitute for Consideration—Detrimental Reliance 43
Vocabulary 45
Exercises 45
4合同:合同成立中的问题 51
Problems with Formation of Contracts 53
Mutuality of Agreement—a Meeting of the Minds 53
Competence of the Parties 54
Intent to Make a Contract 56
Defenses to Contract Formation —When an Agreement is Not Really an Agreement 58
Statute of Frauds—Contracts That Must Be Written 60
Vocabulary 62
Exercises 62
5合同:变更、履行和违约 69
Changing the Contract 71
Amendment of the Contract 71
Assignment, Delegation, and Novation 72
Novation 73
Third Party Benefiiciary Contracts 74
Breach of Contract—What Happens When the Contract is Not Performed 76
Material and Immaterial Breach 76
Anticipatory Breach 78
Remedies for Breach of Contract 79
Specific Performance—When Money Damages Do Not Remedy the Problem 81
Two Limits on Breach of Contract Damages 81
Vocabulary 84
Exercises 85
6侵权:故意侵权 91
What is a Tort? 93
Personal Intentional Torts 94
Assault and Battery 94
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress 95
False Imprisonment 96
Defamation 97
Invasion of Privacy 98
Public Disclosure of Private Facts 99
Use of Name or Picture for Commercial Purpose 99
Intrusion into Private Places 100
False Light 101
Trespass 101
Vocabulary 103
Exercises 103
7侵权:过失侵权和严格责任 111
Negligence 113
Causation 113
Foreseeability Rule 113
Strict Liability 115
Non-Natural Materials 115
Dangerous Activities 116
Products Liability 117
Vocabulary 119
Exercises 120
8侵权:损害赔偿和抗辩 127
Damages for Torts 129
Compensatory Damages for Negligence 130
Damages for Intentional Torts 131
Assault and Battery 131
Intentional Infiiction of Emotional Distress 131
False Imprisonment 131
Defamation 132
Invasion of Privacy 132
Punitive Damages 132
Limits on Punitive Damages 134
Defenses to Torts 135
Assumption of the Risk 135
Comparative Negligence 136
Superseding Cause 137
Consent 137
Self-Defense 137
Necessity 137
Truth as a Defense to Defamation 137
Vocabulary 138
Exercises 138
9不动产:所有权 145
What is Real Property? 147
Subterranean Rights and Air Rights 148
Ownership of Real Property 149
The Transfer of Ownership of Real Propertv 150
Freehold Estates: Fee Simple Ownership 150
Freehold Estates: Conditional Fee Simple 150
Freehold Estates: Life Estates 151
Vocabulary 153
Exercises 154
10不动产:占有和使用 161
Interests in Real Property Without Ownership 163
Leasehold Estates 163
Leasehold Estates: Tenancy for Years 164
Leasehold Estates: Periodic Tenancy 164
Leasehold Estates: Tenancy at Sufferance 165
Leasehold Estates: Transferring the Lease 165
Rights to Use Another’s Real Property 167
Licenses 167
Easements 168
Profits 169
Transfer of Ownership Against the Propety Owner’s Will 169
Adverse Possession 169
Eminent Domain 171
Vocabulary 172
Exercises 173
11知识产权:著作权 179
The Business of Creativity 181
What is Copyright? 181
A Short History of Copyright 182
The Public Domain 183
The Exclusive Rights of a Copyright Owner 184
The First Sale Doctrine 186
Fair Use 187
Infringement of Copyright 190
Substantial Similarity 190
Remedies for Copyright Infringement 190
Injunctions 192
Vocabulary 192
Exercises 193
12知识产权:专利和商业秘密 201
Patents 203
Requirements to Obtain a Patent 203
Are Business Methods Patentable or Not? 204
Design Patents 205
Trade Secrets 206
Vocabulary 209
Exercises 209
13知识产权:商标 213
What is a Trademark? 215
Acquiring Ownership of a Trademark 215
Geographic Limitations on Ownership 216
Advantages of Registration with the U.S.Trademark Offce 217
The Duration of Trademarks 218
Fair Use of Trademarks 219
Trademarks and the Internet 220
Lawsuits for Trademark Infringement and Trademark Dilution 220
Vocabulary 222
Exercises 222
14商事组织:独资企业和合伙 229
Sole Proprietorships—the Simplest Business Organization 231
Advantages of a Sole Proprietorship 231
Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship 231
Partnerships 233
Advantages of a Partnership 234
Disadvantages of a Partnership 235
The Duties of the Partners to Each Other 236
Joint Ventures 237
Vocabulary 238
Exercises 238
15商事组织:公司和有限责任公司 245
Corporations 247
The Ownership and Management of a Corporation 247
How a Corporation Is Created 249
Advantages of a Corporation 251
Disadvantages of a Corporation 253
Limited Liability Companies 255
Disadvantages of a Limited Liability Company 256
Vocabulary 257
Exercises 258
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