格林童话 英文权威版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)格林兄弟著
- 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787511712073
- 页数:583 页
1 The Frog-King,or Iron Henry 1
2 Cat and Mouse in Partnership 4
3 Our Lady's Child 6
4 The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was 10
5 The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 19
6 Faithful John 21
7 The Good Bargain 28
8 The Twelve Brothers 32
9 The Pack of Ragamuffins 37
10 Little Brother and Little Sister 39
11 Rapunzel 44
12 The Three Little Men in the Wood 49
13 The Three Spinners 53
14 Hansel and Gretel 56
15 The Three Snake-Leaves 62
16 The White Snake 66
17 The Straw,the Coal,and the Bean 69
18 The Fisherman and His Wife 71
19 The Valiant Little Tailor 79
20 Cinderella 87
21 The Riddle 95
22 The Mouse,the Bird,and the Sausage 97
23 Mother Holle 99
24 The Seven Ravens 102
25 Little Red-Cap 104
26 The Bremen Town-Musicians 109
27 The Singing Bone 112
28 The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs 114
29 Little Louse and little Flea 119
30 The Girl Without Hands 121
31 The Three Languages 126
32 C1ever Elsie 128
33 The Tailor in Heaven 131
34 The Wishing-Table,the Gold-Ass,and the Cudgel in the Sack 133
35 Thumbling 142
36 The Wedding of Mrs.Fox 148
37 The Elves 151
38 The Robber Bridegroom 154
39 Herr Korbes 157
40 The Godfather 158
41 Frau Trude 160
42 Godfather Death 161
43 Thumbling as Journeyman 163
44 Fitcher's Bird 167
45 The Juniper-Tree 170
46 Old Sultan 179
47 The Six Swans 181
48 Briar-Rose 185
49 Fundevogel(Bird-foundling) 188
50 King Thrushbeard 190
51 Little Snow-white 194
52 The Knapsack,the Hat,and the Horn 203
53 Rumpelstiltskin 208
54 Sweetheart Roland 211
55 The Golden Bird 214
56 The Dog and the Sparrow 221
57 Frederick and Catherine 225
58 The Two Brothers 231
59 The Little Peasant 249
60 The Three Feathers 254
61 The Golden Goose 256
62 Allerleirauh 260
63 The Twelve Huntsmen 265
64 The Thief and His Master 267
65 Jorinda and Joringel 269
66 The Three Sons of Fortune 272
67 How Six Men Got On in the World 274
68 The Wolf and the Man 279
69 The Wolf and the Fox 280
70 The Fox and His Cousin 282
71 The Fox and the Cat 283
72 The Pink 284
73 Clever Gretel 288
74 The Old Man and His Grandson 290
75 The Water-Nixie 291
76 The Death of the Little Hen 292
77 Brother Lustig 293
78 Gambling Hansel 303
79 The Gold-Children 305
80 The Fox and the Geese 310
81 The Poor Man and the Rich Man 310
82 The Singing,Soaring Lark 314
83 The Goose-Girl 319
84 The Young Giant 326
85 The Gnome 332
86 The King of the Golden Mountain 336
87 The Raven 341
88 The Peasant's Wise Daughter 346
89 Old Hildebrand 350
90 The Three Little Birds 353
91 The Water of Life 357
92 Doctor Knowall 362
93 The Spifit in the Bottle 364
94 The Devil's Sooty Brother 368
95 Bearskin 371
96 The Willow-Wren and the Bear 375
97 Sweet Porridge 377
98 Wise Folks 378
99 Stories About Snakes 382
100 The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat 383
101 The Two Travellers 386
102 Hans the Hedgehog 396
103 The Shroud 400
104 The Jew Among Thorns 401
105 The Skilful Huntsman 405
106 The Flail from Heaven 410
107 The Two Kings'Children 411
108 The Cunning Little Tailor 419
109 The Bright Sun Brings It to Light 421
110 The B1ue Light 423
111 The Wilfhl Child 427
112 The Three Army-Surgeons 427
113 The Seven Swabians 430
114 The Three Apprentices 432
115 The King's Son Who Feared Nothing 435
116 Donkey Cabbages 440
117 The Old Woman in the Wood 446
118 The Three Brothers 448
119 The Lazy Spinner 449
120 The Four Skilful Brothers 451
121 One-eye,Two-eyes,and Three-eyes 456
122 The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces 463
123 The Six Servants 466
124 The White Bride and the Black One 472
125 Iron John 476
126 Simeli Moumain 483
127 Going A-Travelling 486
128 The Donkey 487
129 The Ungrateful Son 490
130 The TurniP 490
131 The Old Man Made Young Again 493
132 The Lord's Animals and the Devil's 494
133 The Beam 495
134 The Three Sluggards 496
135 The Shepherd Bov 497
136 The Stolen Farthings 498
137 Brides on Their Trial 499
138 Odds and Ends 499
139 Snow-White and Rose-Red 500
140 The Glass Coffin 506
141 Lazy Harry 511
142 Strong Hans 513
143 The Peasant in Heaven 520
144 Sharing Joy and Sorrow 521
145 The Willow-Wren 522
146 The Sole 524
147 The Bittern and the Hoopoe 525
148 The Owl 526
149 The Moon 528
150 The Duration of Life 530
151 Death's Messengers 531
152 Master Pfriem(Master Cobbler's Awl) 533
153 The Goose-Girl at the Well 536
154 Eve's Various Children 544
155 The Nixie of the Mill-Pond 546
156 The Little Folks'Presents 552
157 The Nail 554
158 The Poor Boy in the Grave 555
159 The Spindle,the Shuttle,and the Needle 558
160 The Peasant and the Devil 561
161 The Sea-Hare 562
162 The Master-Thief 565
163 The Grave-Mound 571
164 Maid Maleen 575
165 The Boots of Buffalo-Leather 580
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