英汉对比与翻译 2012PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:潘文国主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787544626897
- 页数:290 页
主编的话&潘文国 1
语言对比研究 1
作为文化史的语言研究——英汉语的语言研究史对比&潘文国 1
The English Perfect and the Chinese Perfective-LE:Between Linguistic Universality and Language Specificity&Chauncey C.Chu 9
汉语特点与欧化译文的改造&王菊泉 33
西方对比语言史的重新思考&谭慧敏 57
英汉语指示代词对比研究:情境植入视角&牛保义 71
融中西之学,法古今之贤——关于语言对比研究的点滴认识&文旭 91
文学仿拟的英汉对比&岑群霞 102
翻译研究 120
耶鲁解构学派的互文性研究及其对翻译的启示&罗选民 120
杨自俭对我国新时期译学研究的贡献&傅惠生 131
融会贯通,对接无缝——关于翻译理论中西结合、古今结合的思考&林克难 148
中国传统译论中的“格义”范式转换及其现代阐释&刘军平 157
后殖民“第三空间”视角下的文化资本操作&曾文雄 178
口译焦虑模态:级度、影响及对策&康志峰 189
象似修辞与英诗翻译&卢卫中、高春华 204
学术争鸣 218
“神似”、“化境”之辨的译者行为视角&周领顺 218
文学作品的三个层次与文学翻译的三种境界&陈大亮 231
书刊评介 248
基于使用的象征模型——《认知语法——基础性导论》评介&席留生 248
《二分制时态》评介&尚新、梁茂成 257
翻译的叙事性研究——评介《翻译与冲突:叙事性阐释》&赵文静 267
Abstracts&Key Words of Papers in This Book 276
Foreword&PAN Wenguo 1
Contrastive Studies 1
The Study of Language as Part of the Cultural History&PAN Wenguo 1
The English Perfect and the Chinese Perfective-LE:Between Linguistic Universality and Language Specificity&Chauncey C.Chu 9
Chinese Linguistic Features and the Improvement of Europeanized Chinese Translations&WANG Juquan 33
Revisiting History of Contrastive Linguistics in the West&Tham Wai Mun 57
A Contrastive Study of Demonstratives in English and Chinese:A Grounding Approach&NIU Baoyi 71
Combine Eastern and Western Learning,and Follow Ancient and Modern Sages&WEN Xu 91
A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Parody in Literature&CEN Qunxia 102
Translation Studies 120
A Study of Yale's School Intertexuality and Its Implications&LUO Xuanmin 120
Yang Zijian's Contribution to Chinese Translatology in the New Period&FU Huisheng 131
On the Creative Integration of Chinese and Western Translation Theories,Old and New&LIN Kenan 148
Geyi Paradigm in Traditional Chinese Translation Studies,Its Transformation and Modern Interpretation&LIU Junping 157
The Manipulation of Cultural Capital in"the Third Space"of Post-Colonial Context&ZENG Wenxiong 178
Interpreting Anxiety Mode:Degrees,Impacts and Coping Strategies&KANG Zhifeng 189
Chinese Translation of English Poetry from the Perspective of Iconic Rhetoric&LU Weizhong&GAO Chunhua 204
Contention of Views 218
Shensi and huajing:A Perspective of Translator Behavior&ZHOU Lingshun 218
Three Strata of Literary Works and Three States of Literary Translation&CHEN Daliang 231
Book Reviews 248
R.W.Langacker:Cognitive Grammar—A Basic Introduction(2008)&XI Liusheng 248
H.J.Verkuyl:Binary Tense(2008)&SHANG Xin&LIANG Maocheng 257
M.Baker:Translation and Conflict(2006)&ZHAO Wenjing 267
Abstracts&Key Words of Papers in this Book 276
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