- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄春燕著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787513594837
- 页数:211 页
Introduction 1
Chapter One Polyphonic Narrative out of Intentional or Unconscious Hybridity 38
1.1 Multi-voiced Narration in Love,again 42
1.2 Diversified Narrators in The Diaries of Jane Somers 49
1.3 Mixed Perspectives in The Diaries of Jane Somers,The Grass Is Singing and The Golden Notebook 58
Chapter Two Heteroglossia Inside and Outside the Text 81
2.1 From Realism to Post-Modernism:The Grass Is Singing and The Summer Before the Dark 86
2.2 Experiments with Genres:The Memoirs of a Survivor,Alfred and Emily and The Marriages Between Zone Three,Four,and Five 100
2.3 A Juxtaposition of Subject Matters:Travel Narrative and Female Narrative 109
2.4 Difference and Sameness in a Simultaneity:Lessing,Forster,Woolf,Fanon,and hooks 133
Chapter Three A Hybrid Construction of Lessing's Hybridity 154
3.1 Protest Against Philistinism and Labelling 159
3.2 Rebelliousness Cultivated Through Lifelong Struggle 166
3.3 Fluidity in Writing Philosophy 171
Conclusion 187
Works Cited 196
Abbreviations 209
Acknowledgements 210
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