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船舶工程技术专业“3+3”中高衔接系列教材  船舶专业英语
船舶工程技术专业“3+3”中高衔接系列教材  船舶专业英语

船舶工程技术专业“3+3”中高衔接系列教材 船舶专业英语PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:茅蓉蓉主编;马振伟副主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787566114365
  • 页数:152 页
《船舶工程技术专业“3+3”中高衔接系列教材 船舶专业英语》目录

中职篇 3

Lesson One Brief Introduction on Several Types of Ships 3

Text Reading 3

1.Container Ships 3

2.Multipurpose Ships 4

3.Tankers 5

4.Bulk Carriers 7

5.Cruise Ships 8

Exercises 12

Expanding Reading:Some Other Types of Ships 12

1.Refrigerated Ships 12

2.Chemical Tankers 12

3.Tugs 13

4.The"Maritime"Offshore 14

Lesson Two Hull Construction 17

Text Reading 17

1.General 17

2.Framing System 18

3.Frame 18

4.Shell 18

5.Bottom and Side 19

6.Deck and Bulkhead 20

7.Fore Ship 21

8.Aft Ship 22

9.Engine Room 22

Exercises 27

Expanding Reading 28

1.Holds 28

2.Engine Room 29

3.Accommodation 29

Lesson Three Workmanship for Hull Building 32

Text Reading 32

1.Lofting 32

2.Material Marking 33

3.Processing of Hull Members 33

4.Fabrication and Welding of Hull 34

5.Tightness Test 35

6.Ship Launching 35

7.Welding 36

Exercises 41

Expanding Reading 41

1.Preliminary Work 41

2.Design and Construction 44

3.Delivery 47

高职篇 51

Lesson Four Principal Dimensions 51

Text Reading 51

1.Principal Dimensions 51

2.Proportions&Form Coefficients 54

Exercises 58

Expanding Learning 59

1.Register Tonnage 59

2.Gross Tonnage 60

3.Net Tonnage 60

4.Displacement(m3) 60

5.Displacement△(t) 61

6.Light Displacement(t) 61

Lesson Five Ship Drawings 62

Text Reading 62

1.Preface 62

2.Lines Plan 62

3.General Arrangement Plan 66

4.Basic Structural Plan 67

Exercises 71

Expanding Reading 71

1.Shell Expansion Plan 71

2.Frame Body Plan 72

3.Midship Section Plan 73

Lesson Six Seakeeping Performance 76

Text Reading 76

1.Floatability 76

2.Stability 76

3.Fast Speed 77

4.Roll an Pitch 78

5.Floodability 78

6.Maneuverability 78

Exercise 81

Expanding Learning 81

1.Add-on stability systems 81

2.Outriggers 82

3.Antiroll tanks 82

4.Paravanes 82

5.Active systems 82

6.Stabilizer fins 83

7.Gyroscopic internal stabilizers 83

Lesson Seven Maintenance and Docking 84

Text Reading 84

1.Construction Materials for Ships 84

2.Corrosion 86

3.Paint 86

4.Painting 86

5.Docking 86

6.Maintenance and Repairs 87

Exercise 90

Expanding Learning 90

1.Preparation for Painting 90

Lesson Eight Outfitting 91

Text Reading 91

1.Engine Outfitting 91

2.Ship outfitting 95

3.Electricity outfitting 104

Exercises 110

Expanding Learning 111

1.Auxiliary Systems of Diesel Engines 111

2.The Power Systems of Diesel Engines 112

3.The Fire-Fighting 114

4.The Bilge System 116

5.The Ballast System 117

6.The Water Supply System 117

7.The Steam and Aux.Boiler System 117

8.The Ventilation and Air Conditioning System 118

9.The Refrigerating Plant 118

10.The Fresh Water Production Plant 119

Lesson Nine The Coating Application 120

Text Reading 120

1.Preface 120

2.Brusher Application 121

3.Roller Application 122

4.Conventional(Air)Spray 122

5.Airless Spray 123

Exercises 126

Expanding Reading 126

1.High Volume Low Pressure(HVLP)Spray 126

2.Air-Assisted Airless Spray 127

3.Plural Component Spray 128

Lesson Ten Survey 130

Text Reading 130

1.Periodical Surveys 130

2.Hull Surveys of Very Large Crude Carriers 132

3.Examination in Drydock 132

Exercises 134

Extending Reading 134

1.The Shipyard 135

2.The Ship's Owner 135

3.The Classification Society 136

Dialog 1 Brief Discussion on Ship 137

Scene Ⅰ 137

Scene Ⅱ 138

Dialog 2 Brief Discussion on Ship Structure 139

Scene Ⅰ 139

Scene Ⅱ 140

Dialog 3 Brief Introduction of Ship Equipment and Outfitting Item 142

Scene Ⅰ 142

Scene Ⅱ 142

Dialog 4 Gain the Knowledge of Hull Construction Process 144

Scene Ⅰ 144

Scene Ⅱ 145

Dialog 5 Surface Preparation and Coating Application 147

Scene Ⅰ 147

Scene Ⅱ 148

Scene Ⅲ 149

Scene Ⅳ 150

参考文献 152
