- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)狄更斯著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787500126829
- 页数:394 页
Chapter 1 Treats of the place where Oliver Twist was born;and of the circumstances attending his birth 1
Chapter 2 Treats of Oliver Twist's growth,education,and board 4
Chapter 3 Relates how Oliver Twist was very near getting a place,which would not have been a sinecure 13
Chapter 4 Oliver,being offered another place,makes his first entry into public life 21
Chapter 5 Oliver mingles with new associates.Going to a funeral for the first time,he forms an unfavourable notion of his master's business 28
Chapter 6 Oliver,being goaded by the taunts of Noah,rouses into action and rather astonishes him 38
Chapter 7 Oliver continues refractory 42
Chapter 8 Oliver walks to London.He encounters on the road,a strange sort of young gentleman 48
Chapter 9 Containing further particulars concerning the pleasant old gentleman and his hopeful pupils 56
Chapter 10 Oliver becomes better acquainted with the characters of his new associates;and purchases experience at a high price.Being a short but very important chapter in this history 62
Chapter 11 Treats of Mr.Fang,the police magistrate;and furnishes a slight specimen of his mode of administering justice 66
Chapter 12 In which Oliver is taken better care of than he ever was before.And in which the narrative reverts to the merry old gentleman and his youthful friends 73
Chapter 13 Some new acquaintances are introduced to the intelligent reader;connected with whom various pleasant matters are related appertaining to this history 82
Chapter 14 Comprising further particulars of Oliver's stay at Mr.Brownlow's,with the remarkable prediction which one Mr.Grimwig uttered concerning him when he went out on an errand 89
Chapter 15 Showing how very fond of Oliver Twist the merry old Jew and Miss Nancy were 99
Chapter 16 Relates what became of Oliver Twist,after he had been claimed by Nancy 105
Chapter 17 Oliver's destiny,continuing unpropitious,brings a great man to London to injure his reputation 114
Chapter 18 How Oliver passed his time in the improving society of his reputable friends 122
Chapter 19 In which a notable plan is discussed and determined on 130
Chapter 20 Wherein Oliver is delivered over to Mr.William Sikes 138
Chapter 21 The expedition 146
Chapter 22 The burglary 151
Chapter 23 Which contains the substance of a pleasant conversation between Mr.Bumble and a lady;and shows that even a beadle may be susceptible on some points 157
Chapter 24 Treats of a very poor subject.But is a short one;and may be found of some importance in this history 164
Chapter 25 Wherein this history refers to Mr.Fagin and company 169
Chapter 26 In which a mysterious character appears upon the scene;and many things,inseparable from this history,are done and performed 175
Chapter 27 Atones for the unpoliteness of a former chapter;which deserted a lady most unceremoniously 186
Chapter 28 Looks after Oliver,and proceeds with his adventures 192
Chapter 29 Has an introductory account of the inmates of the house to which Oliver resorted 201
Chapter 30 Relates what Oliver's new visitors thought of him 204
Chapter 31 Involves a critical position 210
Chapter 32 Of the happy life Oliver began to lead with his kind friends 220
Chapter 33 Wherein the happiness of Oliver and his friends experiences a sudden check 228
Chapter 34 Contains some introductory particulars relative to a young gentleman who now arrives upon the scene;and a new adventure which happened to Oliver 236
Chapter 35 Containing the unsatisfactory result of Oliver's adventure;and a conversation of some importance between Harry Maylie and Rose 245
Chapter 36 Is a very short one,and may appear of no great importance in its place.But it should be read,notwithstanding,as a sequel to the last,and a key to one that will follow when its time arrives 252
Chapter 37 In which the reader may perceive a contrast,not uncommon in matrimonial cases 254
Chapter 38 Containing an account of what passed between Mr.and Mrs.Bumble,and Monks,at their nocturnal interview 263
Chapter 39 Introduces some respectable characters with whom the reader is already acquainted,and shows how Monks and the Jew laid their worthy heads together 273
Chapter 40 A strange interview,which is a sequel to the last chapter 286
Chapter 41 Containing flesh discoveries,and showing that surprises,like misfortunes,seldom come alone 292
Chapter 42 An old acquaintance of Oliver's,exhibiting decided marks of genius,becomes a public character in the metropolis 301
Chapter 43 Wherein is shown how the Artful Dodger got into trouble 310
Chapter 44 The time arrives for Nancy to redeem her pledge to Rose Maylie.She fails 320
Chapter 45 Noah Claypole is employed by Fagin on a secret mission 326
Chapter 46 The appointment kept 329
Chapter 47 Fatal consequences 338
Chapter 48 The flight of Sikes 344
Chapter 49 Monks and Mr.Brownlow at length meet.Their conversation,and the intelligence that interrupts it 352
Chapter 50 The pursuit and escape 361
Chapter 51 Affording an explanation of more mysteries than one,and comprehending a proposal of marriage,with no word of settlement or pin-money 371
Chapter 52 The Jew's last night alive 383
Chapter 53 And last 391
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