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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:卢长怀,贾秀海译
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787544618502
  • 页数:319 页

001游天台山日记 1

A Visit to the Tiantai Mounta 5

020游雁宕山日记 20

A Visit to the Yandang Mountain 23

036游白岳山日记 36

A Visit to the Baiyue Mountain 39

050游黄山日记 50

A Visit to the Huangshan Mountain 55

069游武彝山日记 69

A Visit to the Wuyi Mountain 74

090游庐山日记 90

A Visit to the Lushan Mountain 95

112游黄山日记后 112

A Second Visit to the Huangshan Mountain 115

126游九鲤湖日记 126

A Visit to the Nine Carps Lake 130

143游嵩山日记 143

A Visit to the Songshan Mountain 149

169游太华山日记 169

A Visit to the Taihua Mountain 172

183游太和山日记 183

A Visit to the Taihe Mountain 187

200闽游日记前 200

A Visit to Fujian 205

221闽游日记后 221

A Second Visit to Fujian 227

247游天台山日记后 247

A Second Visit to the Tiantai Mountain 252

267游雁宕山日记后 267

A Second Visit to the Yandang Mountain 274

295游五台山日记 295

A Visit to the Wutai Mountain 298

308游恒山日记 308

A Visit to the Hengshan Mountain 311
