- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:方何荣,朱军,陈德用主编
- 出 版 社:合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787312027420
- 页数:296 页
第1章 锦绣安徽 Beaufiful Anhui 1
概论/An Overview of Anhui Province 1
历史/History 2
地理/Geography 5
文化/Culture 6
经济/Economy 7
气候/Climate 8
第2章 美丽的合肥 包公的故乡 Hefei—Hometown of Lord Bao 10
简介/A General Introduction of Hefei 10
概览/An Overview 10
名人/Notable People 12
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 12
李鸿章故居/Li Hongzhang's Former Residence 12
包公祠/Ancestral Temple of Lord Bao 13
明教寺/Mingjiao Temple 15
三河古镇/Sanhe Ancient Town 15
徽园/Hui Garden 16
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 18
李鸿章故居/Li Hongzhang's Former Residence 18
三河古镇/Sanhe Ancient Town 20
包公祠/Ancestral Temple of Lord Bao 20
安徽博物馆/Anhui Museum 22
第3章 黄山归来不看岳 26
Huangshan City 26
简介/A Brief Introduction of Huangshan City 26
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 30
黄山风景区/Mt.Huang—a Marvel of National Beauty 30
屯溪老街/Tunxi Ancient Street 36
宏村/Hongcun Village 38
太平湖/Taiping Lake Scenic Area 40
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 42
黄山/Mt.Huang 42
齐云山/Mt.Qiyun 47
西递、宏村/Xidi and Hongcun Villages 53
花山谜窟/Huashan Mysterious Grottoes 56
第4章 池州:灵山开九华 Chizhou:Hometown of Mt.Jiuhua 62
简介/A General Introduction of Chizhou City 62
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 65
九华山风景区/Mt.Jiuhua 65
牯牛降风景区/Guniujiang Nature Reserve 68
升金湖/Shengjin Lake Nature Reserve 69
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 70
历山/Mt.Li 70
大王洞/The King's Cave 73
第5章 安庆:黄梅雅曲韵朱弦 80
Anqing:Hometown of Huangmei Opera 80
简介/A General Introduction of Anqing City 80
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 85
天柱山风景区/Mt.Tianzhu Scenic Area 85
花亭湖风景区/Huating Lake Scenic Spot 91
桐城文庙/The Tongcheng Confucius Temple 92
六尺巷/The Six-Chi Alley 94
小孤山/The Small Gu Mountain 96
迎江寺/The Yingjiang Temple 98
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 100
天柱山/Mt.Tianzhu 100
第6章 滁州:江淮翡翠 金陵锁钥 107
Chuzhou:the Pearl of Jianghuai District 107
简介/A General Introduction of Chuzhou City 107
历史文化名城/A Historical and Cultural City 107
自然资源/Natural Resources 110
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 112
凤阳明皇陵/Fengyang Royal Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty 112
琅琊山/Mt.Langya Scenic Area 113
狼巷迷谷风景区/Wolf Lane Labyrinth Scenic Zone 117
小岗村/Xiaogang Village 119
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 120
醉翁亭/The Old Drunkard Pavilion 120
明皇陵/The Royal Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty 121
第7章 长江沿岸景点 Tourist Attractions along the Yangtze River 126
马鞍山/MA'ANSHAN 126
简介/A General Introduction of Ma'anshan City 126
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 127
采石矾/The Caishi Rocky Cliff 127
李白衣冠冢/Li Bai's Cenotaph in Caishi Town 130
三国朱然墓/Exhibition Hall of Cultural Relics from Zhu Ran's Tomb 132
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 133
马钢工业园/The Industrial Scenic Spot of Ma Steel 133
芜湖/WUHU 135
简介/A General Introduction of Wuhu City 135
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 136
方特欢乐世界/Fantawild Adventure Park 136
马仁奇峰/Maren Grotesque Peak Tourist Area 138
王稼祥纪念园/Wang Jiaxiang Memorial Park 140
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 141
奇瑞汽车工业园/Chery Automobile Industry Park 141
第8章 江淮万里春 Tourist Attractions between Yangtze and Huai Rivers 146
六安/LU'AN 146
简介/A General Introduction of Lu'an City 146
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 149
天堂寨/Tiantangzhai(Heavenly Village) 149
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 150
万佛湖/Wanfo Lake 150
六安瓜片/Lu'an Guapian 153
淮南/HUAINAN 154
简介/A General Introduction of Huainan City 154
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 155
八公山/Mt.Bagong 155
蚌埠/BENGBU 157
简介/A General Introduction of Bengbu City 157
概览/General Information 157
历史/History 157
经济/Economy 158
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 158
涂山风景区/Tushan Scenic Zone 158
垓下古战场遗址/The Ancient Battlefield Site of Gaixia 161
导游词范文/Samples of Tour Guide Words 162
白乳泉/The White Milk Spring 162
第9章 旖旎皖北 Tourist Attractions in Northern Anhui 171
亳州/BOZHOU 171
简介/A General Introduction of Bozhou City 171
名人的摇篮/A Cradle of Celebrities 171
自然资源/Natural Resources 172
经济/Economic Development 174
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 175
曹操运兵道/Cao Cao's Underground Tunnel for Transporting Troops 175
亳州花戏楼/Bozhou Flower Theatrical Building 176
阜阳/FUYANG 177
简介/A General Introduction of Fuyang City 177
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 177
八里河风景区/Balihe Scenic Zone 177
淮北/HUAIBEI 180
简介/A General Introduction of Huaibei City 180
地理位置/Location 180
历史/History 181
景点/Sceneries 181
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 182
双堆集/Shuangduiji—Battlefield of Huaihai Campaign 182
宿州/SUZHOU 182
简介/A General Introduction of Suzhou City 182
主要景点/Typical Tourist Attractions 183
五柳风景区/WuLiu Scenic Zone 183
第10章 千秋雅调看皖戏 Gorgeous Anhui Opera 193
黄梅戏/Huangmei Opera 193
庐剧/Lu Opera 196
目连戏/Huizhou Mulian Opera 197
徽剧/Hui Opera 199
花鼓灯/Huagudeng 199
凤阳花鼓/Fengyang Huagu 202
第11章 绚烂徽文化 Splendid Anhui Culture 207
安徽文化符号/Typical Symbols of Anhui Culture 207
宣纸/Xuan Paper 207
徽派建筑/Huizhou Architecture 208
黄山画派/Huangshan School of Painting 212
徽州盆景/Huizhou-style Potted Landscapes 213
徽派雕刻/Carvings in Huizhou-style Civil Residence 214
徽州木版水印/Huizhou Woodblock Printing 216
徽商/Huizhou Merchants 217
徽菜/Anhui Cuisine and Local Delicacy 220
安徽文化代表人物/Representative Personalities of Anhui Culture 221
毕昇/Bi Sheng 221
朱熹/Zhu Xi 222
胡适/Hu Shi 223
陶行知/Tao Xingzhi 224
附录1 导游词的特点及翻译技巧 Features and Translation of Tour Guide Words 231
附录2 导游讲解核心技巧 Tourist Guiding Strategies 240
附录3 旅游行业常用表达翻译 Tourism-related Expressions 247
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