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科技史话-中华文明史话  中英文双语版
科技史话-中华文明史话  中英文双语版

科技史话-中华文明史话 中英文双语版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:《中华文明史话》编委会编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国大百科全书出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787500083719
  • 页数:208 页
《科技史话-中华文明史话 中英文双语版》目录

引言 1

一、远古明芽 6

1.石器制造 6

2.火的使用 8

3.陶器出现 10

4.农业形成 11

二、上古奠基 13

1.高超的冶金技术 13

2.发达的建筑技术 16

3.精美的丝织品 18

4.先进的造船技术 19

5.中国和世界第一部技术专著——《考工记》 22

6.算学奠基 24

7.天学出现 26

8.舆地学诞生 29

9.农学问世 31

10.中医学形成 33

三、中古高潮 36

1.四大发明 36

2.名瓷竞放争研 43

3.制图六体问世 44

4.大运河形成 45

5.张衡的科学贡献 47

6.祖冲之的科学贡献 49

7.沈括的科学贡献 51

8.郭守敬的科学贡献 54

9.宋元数学四大家 56

10.宋元农学四大家 57

11.金元医学四大家 59

四、晚古绝唱 61

1.十二平均律问世 62

2.辉煌的航海事业和技术 63

3.金碧宏伟的宫殿建筑 65

4.享誉世界的园林技艺 67

5.令人惊叹的万里长城 69

6.李时珍《本草纲目》 70

7.徐光启《农政全书》 71

8.徐霞客《徐霞客游记》 73

9.宋应星《天工开物》 75

结束语 77

Introductiong 81

Ⅰ.Shaping in Remote Antiquity 90

1.Stoneware Making 90

2.Use of Fire 93

3.Emergence of Pottery 95

4.Shaping of Agriculture 98

Ⅱ.Foundation in Remote Ancient Times 101

1.Superb Metallurgy 102

2.Advanced Architecture 106

3.Exquisite Silk 108

4.Progressive Shipmaking 110

5.Records of Exmanination of Craftsmen-The Earliest Technical Monograph of China and the World 115

6.Foundation of Arithmetics 117

7.Emergence of Celestial Study 121

8.Birth of Geoscience 125

9.Advent of Agnculture 129

10.Shaping of Chinese Traditional Medicine 132

Ⅲ.Accomplishments In Middle Ancient Time 137

1.Four Great Inventions 138

2.Porcelain Famous Home and Abroad 146

3.Adoption of Six Cartographical Rules 149

4.Shaping of the Grand Canal 150

5.Scientific Contribution of Zhang Heng 153

6.Scientific Contribution of Zu Chongzhi 156

7.Scientific Contribution of Shen Kuo 159

8.Scientific Contribution of Guo Shoujing 163

9.Four Great Mathematical Masters during Song and Yuan Dynasties 167

10.Four Great Agricultural Masters dunng Song and Yuan Dynasties 169

11.Four Great Medicinal Masters During Jin and Yuan Dynasties 172

Ⅳ.Accomplishment in Late Ancient Times 177

1.Discovery of Twelve Tone Equal Temperament 178

2.Brilliant Navigation and Technology 181

3.Magnificent Palatial Buildings 184

4.The World-Renowned Horticulture 188

5.The Wonder of the Great Wall 191

6.Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen 194

7.Complete Encyclopedia of Agricultural Administration by Xu Guangqi 195

8.Xu Xiake's Travelogue by Xu Xiake 199

9.Exploitation of the Works of Nature by Song Yingxing 201

Closing 204

附录 Appendix 207
