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成功商务英语写作  下
成功商务英语写作  下

成功商务英语写作 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)科林著
  • 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787301179185
  • 页数:692 页
《成功商务英语写作 下》目录

PART Ⅰ:Backgrounds 背景 1

Chapter 1:Getting Started:Writing and Your Career 起步 3

Writing—An Essential Job Skill 写作——必不可少的工作技能 3

Writing for the Global Marketplace 面向全球市场的写作 6

Competing for International Business 竞争国际业务 6

Communicating with Global Audiences:Seeing the World Through Their Eyes 与国际客户沟通:从他们的视角看世界 6

Cultural Diversity at Home 公司内部的文化多样性 8

Using International English 使用国际英语 8

Four Keys to Effective Writing 有效写作的四个关键因素 8

Identifying Your Audience 确定目标读者 10

Establishing Your Purpose 建立写作目标 15

Formulating Your Message 构建信息 16

Selecting Your Style and Tone 选择风格和语气 18

Characteristics ofJob-Related Writing 职场写作的特点 20

1.Providing Practical Information 提供实用信息 20

2.Giving Facts,Not Impressions 提供事实,而非印象 21

3.Providing Visuals to Clarify and Condense Information 通过视觉手段阐明和浓缩信息 21

4.Giving Accurate Measurements 提供精确的计量单位 23

5.Stating Responsibilities Precisely 明确职责 24

6.Persuading and Offering Recommendations 说服和提供建议 24

Ethical Writing in the Workplace 符合道德规范的职场写作 27

Ethical Requirements on the Job 职场中的道德要求 29

International Readers and Ethics 国际读者和道德标准 29

Employers Insist On and Monitor Ethical Behavior 雇主坚持并监督员工的职业道德 30

Some Guidelines to Help You Reach Ethical Decisions 有助于达成道德决策的几条准则 31

Ethical Dilemmas 道德困境 33

Writing Ethically on the Job 符合职业道德的写作 34

Successful Employees Are Successful Writers 成功的雇员也是成功的写作者 36

Revision Checklist 37

Exercises 38

Chapter 2:The Writing Process at Work 写作过程 43

What Writing Is and Is Not 写作是什么,不是什么 43

What Writing Is 写作是什么 43

What Writing Is Not 写作不是什么 44

The Writing Process 写作过程 44

Researching 调研 44

Planning 策划 45

Drafting 起草 50

Revising 修改 55

Editing 编辑 59

Chapter 3:Collaborative Writing and Meetings at Work 合作写作及会议要点 76

Teamwork Is Crucial to Business Success 团队合作是业务成功的关键 76

Advantages of Collaborative Writing 合作写作的优势 78

Collaborative Writing and the Writing Process 合作写作和写作过程 80

Case Study:Collaborative Editing 案例研究:合作编辑 81

Guidelines for Setting Up a Successful Writing Group 建立一支成功的写作团队的准则 83

Ten Proven Ways to Be a Valuable Team Player 成为有价值的团队成员的十条准则 84

Sources of Conflict in Collaborative Groups and How to Solve Them 合作团队中的冲突起因及解决方案 85

Common Problems,Practical Solutions 常见问题和切实可行的解决方案 85

Models for Collaboration 合作模式 87

Cooperative Model 协作模式 88

Sequential Model 序列模式 88

Functional Model 功能模式 88

Integrated Model 综合模式 91

Case Study:Evolution of a Collaboratively Written Document 案例研究:合作写作文件的形成 91

First Draft 第一稿 93

Subsequent Drafts 后续稿 95

Final Copy 最终稿 97

Computer-Supported Collaboration 电脑辅助的合作 97

Advantages of Computer-Supported Collaboration 电脑辅助的合作的优势 99

Types of Groupware 群件的类型 100

Models for Computer-Supported Collaboration 电脑辅助的合作模式 105

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Computer-Supported Collaboration 如何避免电脑辅助合作中的错误 106

Meetings 会议 107

Planning a Meeting 策划会议 107

Creating an Agenda 设计议程 108

Observing Courtesy at a Group Meeting 在会议中遵守礼仪 109

Writing the Minutes 做会议记录 110

Taking Notes 做笔记 113

Revision Checklist 114

Exercises 115

PART Ⅱ:Correspondence 信函 119

Chapter 4:Writing Routine Business Correspondence:Memos,Faxes,E-Mails,I Ms,and Blogs 写作日常商务信函 121

What Memos,Faxes,E-Mails,IMs,and Blog Posts Have in Common 备忘录、传真、电子邮件、即时通讯、博客的共同点 121

Memos 备忘录 122

Memo Protocol 备忘录协议 122

E-Mail or Hard Copy? 用电子邮件还是纸质信函? 124

Memo Audience,Style,and Tone 备忘录的读者、风格和语气 124

Memo Format 备忘录的格式 127

Strategies for Organizing a Memo 撰写备忘录的策略 129

Routing Memos 发送备忘录 129

Faxes 传真 130

Guidelines for Sending Faxes 发送传真的准则 130

E-Mail 电子邮件 131

Business E-Mail Versus Personal E-Mail 商业电子邮件与个人电子邮件 131

E-Mails Are Legal Records 电子邮件是有法律效力的记录 132

Guidelines for Using E-Mail 使用电子邮件的准则 134

When Not to Use E-Mail 何时不宜使用电子邮件 140

Instant Messages(IMs)for Business Use 商业用途的即时通信 140

When to Use IMs Versus E-Mails 即时通信与电子邮件的取舍 140

Guidelines on Using IMs in the Workplace 职场上使用即时通信的准则 142

Blogs 博客 142

Guidelines for Writing Internal Blogs 撰写内部博客的准则 143

Guidelines for Writing External Blogs 撰写外部博客的准则 145

Revision Checklist 149

Exercises 150

Chapter 5:Writing Letters:Some Basics for Audiences Worldwide 信函写作 153

Letters in the Age ofthe Internet 互联网时代的信函 153

Letter Formats 信函格式 154

Full Block Format 齐头格式 154

Modified Block Format 折中格式 154

Continuing Pages 连续页 157

Parts of a Letter 信函的组成部分 157

Date Line 日期 157

Inside Address 信内地址 157

Salutation 称呼语 159

Body of the Letter 信函主体 159

Complimentary Close 信末客套语 159

Signature 签名 160

Enclosure(s) Line 随信附件提示语 160

Copy Notation 抄送 160

The Appearance ofYour Letter 信函的外观 161

Organizing a Standard Business Letter 如何撰写标准的商业信函 162

Making a Good Impression on Your Reader 给读者留下良好印象 164

Achieving the“You Attitude”:Four Guidelines 树立以读者为中心的态度:四条准则 165

International Business Correspondence 国际商业通信 170

Guidelines for Communicating with International Readers 与国际读者沟通应遵循的准则 173

Respecting Your Readet's Nationality and Ethnic/Racial Heritage 尊重读者的国家、民族和种族习惯 181

Case Study:Writing to a Client from a Different Culture 案例研究:致信给不同文化背景的客户 183

Two Versions of a Sales Letter 两个版本的销售信函 183

Chapter 6:Types of Business Letters 商务信函类型 195

Formulating Your Message 组织编排信息 195

The Four Most Common Types of Business Letters 四种最常见的商务信函 196

Inquiry Letters 咨询函 197

Special Request Letters 特殊要求函 197

Sales Letters 销售信函 201

Preliminary Guidelines 做好准备工作 201

The Four A's of Sales Letters 有效销售信函的四个A 203

Customer Relations Letters 客户关系信函 207

Diplomacy and Reader Psychology 交际策略和读者心理 207

The Customers Always Write 客户总是写信 208

Planning Your Customer Relations Letters—Preliminary Guidelines 设计客户关系信函——准备步骤 208

Follow-Up Letters 跟进信 212

Complaint Letters 投诉信 212

Adjustment Letters 答复信 218

Refusal-of-Credit Letters 回绝信 226

Collection Letters 收款信 228

Sending Letter-Quality Messages:Final Advice to Seal Your Success 撰写高质量的信函:助您迈向成功的几点建议 233

Chapter 7:How to Get a Job:Searches,Dossiers,Portfolios,Résumés,Letters,and Interviews 求职 241

Steps the Employer Takes to Hire 雇主招聘的步骤 241

Steps to Follow to Get Hired 应聘成功的步骤 242

Analyzing Your Strengths and Restricting Your Job Search 分析你的优势,限定你的工作搜索范围 243

Looking in the Right Places for a Job 在正确的地方找工作 243

Dossiers and Career Portfolios/Webfolios 档案和职业文件夹/网上文件夹 246

Dossiers 档案 247

Career Portfolios/Webfolios 职业文件夹/网上文件夹 248

Preparing a Résumé 准备简历 251

What Employers Like to See in a Résumé 雇主喜欢在简历中看到什么 251

The Process of Writing Your Résumé 写简历的步骤 253

Parts of a Résumé 简历的组成部分 254

Organizing Your Résumé 组织简历 261

The Online Résumé 在线简历 266

Letters of Application 求职信 273

How Application Letters and Résumés Differ 求职信与简历的不同之处 273

Writing the Letter of Application 如何写求职信 273

Going to an Interview 参加面试 281

Preparing for the Interview 为面试做准备 281

Questions to Expect at Your Interview 面试中可能会被问到的问题 282

What Do I Say About Salary? 如何谈薪水的问题 283

Questions You May Ask the Interviewer(s) 你可以向面试者提的问题 283

What Interviewer(s) Can't Ask You 面试者不能问你的问题 283

Ten Interview Dos and Don'ts 面试中的十项行为准则 284

The Follow-Up Letter 后续信 286

Accepting or Declining a Job Offer 接受或拒绝一个工作机会 286

Searching for the Right Job Pays 寻找正确的工作令你受益无穷 286

PART Ⅲ:Gathering and Summarizing Information 搜集和总结信息 295

Chapter 8:Doing Research and Documentation on the Job 工作中的研究和归档 297

Some Research Scenarios 一些研究的场景 298

The Differences Between School and Workplace Research 学校和职场所做研究的差异 299

Characteristics of Effective Workplace Research 有效的职场研究的特点 300

The Research Process 研究过程 301

Two Types of Research:Primary and Secondary 两种类型的研究:初级研究和二级研究 303

Case Study:Primary and Secondary Research in the Real World 案例研究:现实世界中的初级和二级研究 305

Primary Research 初级研究 310

Direct Observation,Site Visits,and Tests 直接观察、现场访问和测试 310

Interviews and Focus Groups 采访和焦点小组 311

Surveys 调查 318

Secondary Research 二级研究 325

Libraries 图书馆 325

Periodical Databases 期刊数据库 330

Reference Materials 参考材料 334

Internet Searches 互联网搜索 340

Evaluating Websites 评估网站 346

Note Taking 做笔记 348

The Importance of Note Taking 做笔记的重要性 348

How to Take Effective Notes 如何有效地做笔记 348

What to Record 记录的内容 349

To Quote or Not to Quote 是否照录原文 350

Documenting Sources 引用文献资料 353

The Ethics of Documentation:Determining What to Cite 引用文献资料的道德规范:决定引用哪些内容 353

Documentation Styles 引用格式 354

What MLA and APA Have in Common MLA和APA的共同点 355

Following MLA Style MLA格式 355

Following APA Style APA格式 365

A Business Research Report 商业研究报告 374

Conclusion 结论 389

Revision Checklist 389

Exercises 390

Chapter 9:Summarizing Information at Work 总结工作中的信息 398

The Importance ofSummaries in Business 工作中总结的重要性 398

Contents of a Summary 总结的内容 399

What to Include in a Summary 总结中应包括什么 400

What to Omit from a Summary 总结中应避免什么 400

Preparing a Summary 准备一份总结报告 401

Case Study:Summarizing an Original Article 案例研究:总结一篇文章 403

Executive Su mmaries 执行摘要 408

What Managers Want to See in an Executive Summary 经理们想在摘要中看到什么 408

Organization of an Executive Summary 执行摘要的组织结构 412

Evaluative Summaries 评价报告 412

Guidelines for Writing a Successful Evaluative Summary 撰写成功的评价报告的准则 413

Evaluating the Content 对内容的评价 414

Evaluating the Style 对形式的评价 414

Abstracts 摘要 417

Differences Between a Summary and an Abstract 总结与摘要的区别 417

Writing the Informative Abstract 撰写告知性的摘要 419

Writing the Descriptive Abstract 撰写描述性的摘要 420

Writing Successful News Releases 撰写成功的新闻稿 420

Subjects Appropriate for News Releases 适用于新闻稿的主题 420

News Releases About Bad News 有关坏消息的新闻稿 422

Topics That Do Not Warrant a News Release 不适合用于新闻稿的话题 423

Organization of a News Release 新闻稿的组织结构 423

Style and Tone of a News Release 新闻稿的风格和语气 427

Revision Checklist 427

Exercises 428

PART Ⅳ:Preparing Documents and Visuals 准备文件及视图资料 435

Chapter 10:Designing Clear Visuals 设计清晰的视图 437

Visual Thinking in the Workplace 职场中的视觉化思考 437

The Purpose of Visuals 运用视图的目的 438

Types of Visuals and Their Functions 视图的类型及其功能 439

Choosing Effective Visuals 选择有效的视图 439

Ineffective Visuals:What Not to Do 无效的视图:不应做什么 443

Inserting and Writing About Visuals:Some Guidelines 如何插入和描述视图 444

Identify Your Visuals 标注和说明视图 444

Cite the Source for Visuals 注明视图来源 445

Insert Your Visuals Appropriately 在适当位置插入视图 445

Introduce Your Visuals 介绍视图 447

Interpret Your Visuals 说明视图 447

Two Categories of Visuals:Tables and Figures 视图分为两种:表和图 448

Tables 表 448

Parts of a Table 表的构成 448

Guidelines for Using Tables 使用表格的准则 449

Figures 图 451

Graphs 曲线图 451

Charts 饼图、条形图、柱状图、组织结构图和流程图 455

Maps 地图 463

Photographs 照片 464

Drawings 图画 469

Clip Art 剪贴画 470

Using Visuals Ethically 使用视图须符合道德规范 472

Guidelines for Using Visuals Ethically 使用视图的道德规范 474

Using Appropriate Visuals for International Audiences 针对国际读者使用适当的视图 479

Visuals Do Not Always Translate from One Culture to Another 视图并不能在不同文化间通用 479

Guidelines for Using Visuals for International Audiences 针对国际读者使用视图的准则 480

Conclusion 结论 482

Chapter 11:Designing Successful Documents and Websites 设计成功的文件及网站 491

Organizing Information Visually 以视觉角度组织信息 491

Characteristics of Effective Design 有效设计的特点 492

Desktop Publishing 桌面出版 493

Type 字体 493

Templates 模板 493

Graphics 图形 494

Before Choosing a Design 选择版式设计前应注意的问题 495

The ABCs of Print Document Design 打印文件的基本知识 496

Page Layout 页面设置 496

Typography 版面样式 501

Graphics 图形 505

Using Color 颜色的使用 506

Poor Document Design:What Not to Do 糟糕的文件设计:不应做什么 507

Writing For and Designing Websites 编写和设计网站 508

The Organization of a Website—The Basics 网站的组织结构:基本知识 508

Web Versus Paper Pages 网页与纸页的差异 509

Web Versus Print Readers 网页浏览者与传统读者的差异 510

Case Study:Converting a Print Document into a Website 案例研究:将打印文件转换至网页 510

Guidelines for Designing and Writing a Successful Homepage 如何设计和编写成功的主页 512

Creating Storyboards for Websites and Other Documents 为网站和其他文件创建故事板 518

Four Rules ofEffective Page Design:A Wrap-Up 有效的页面设计的四条准则 520

Chapter 12:Writing Instructions and Procedures 撰写说明书及章程 526

Instructions and Your Job 说明书与你的工作 526

Why Instructions Are Important 说明书的重要性 526

Safety 安全性 527

Efficiency 有效性 528

Convenience 方便性 528

The Variety of Instructions:A Brief Overview 说明书的多样性 528

Assessing and Meeting Your Audience's Needs 评估并满足读者的需求 528

Key Questions to Ask About Your Audience 确定读者需求的几个关键问题 529

Writing Instructions for International Audiences 为国际读者撰写说明书 530

Two Case Studies on Meeting Your Audience's Needs 有关如何满足读者需求的两个案例研究 532

The Process of Writing Instructions 撰写说明书的过程 533

Plan Your Steps 计划操作步骤 533

Do a Trial Run 做一次试运行 536

Write and Test Your Draft 写作并测试你的草稿 536

Revise and Edit 修改和编辑 536

Using the Right Style 使用正确的文体 537

Using Visuals Effectively 有效地使用视图 538

Guidelines for Using Visuals in Instructions 在说明书中使用视图的准则 538

The Five Parts of Instructions 说明书的五个部分 539

Introduction 介绍 539

List of Equipment and Materials 设备和材料清单 541

Steps for Your Instructions 说明书的步骤 542

Warnings,Cautions,and Notes 警告、注意和说明 544

Conclusion 结论 546

Model of Full Set of Instructions 全套说明书的范例 546

Writing Procedures for Policies and Regulations 撰写有关政策和规章的章程 554

Some Examples of Procedures 一些章程的举例 554

Meeting the Needs of Your Marketplace 满足市场需求 554

Some Final Advice 几点建议 555

Revision Checklist 558

Exercises 558

Chapter 13:Writing Winning Proposals 写作具有竞争力的提案 561

Writing Successful Proposals 撰写成功的提案 561

Characteristics of Proposals 提案的特点 562

Proposals Vary in Size and Scope 提案的篇幅和范围各有不同 562

Proposals Are Persuasive Plans 提案是有说服力的计划 563

Proposals Frequently Are Collaborative Efforts 提案常常是团队合作的成果 563

Types of Proposals 提案的类型 564

Solicited Proposals and Requests for Proposals 征求提案和提案要求 564

Unsolicited Proposals 非征求提案 565

Internal and External Proposals 内部和外部提案 569

Guidelines for Writing a Successful Proposal 撰写成功的提案的准则 570

Internal Proposals 内部提案 573

Typical Topics for Internal Proposals 内部提案的常见主题 573

Following Corporate Policy 遵循企业政策 578

Ethically Resolving and Anticipating Readers'Problems 合理预见和解决目标读者的问题 578

Organization of an Internal Proposal 内部提案的组织结构 579

Sales Proposals 销售提案 581

The Audience and Its Needs 目标读者及其需求 581

Organizing a Sales Proposal 如何构建销售提案 581

Proposals for Research Reports 申请撰写研究报告的提案 587

Organization of a Proposal for a Research Report 申请撰写研究报告的提案的组织结构 587

A Final Reminder 几点提示 592

Revision Checklist 592

Exercises 593

Chapter 14:Writing Effective Short Reports 写作有效的短篇报告 599

Types of Short Reports 短篇报告的类型 599

Guidelines for Writing Short Reports 写作短篇报告的准则 601

Do the Necessary Research 进行必要的调研 601

Anticipate How an Audience Will Use Your Report 预先考虑读者将如何使用你的报告 602

Be Objective and Ethical 保持客观,遵守道德规范 603

Organize Carefully 审慎地谋篇布局 604

Write Clearly and Concisely 写作应清晰简明 604

Use an Appropriate Format and Visuals 使用适当的格式和视图 605

Case Study:A Poor and an Effective Short Report 案例研究:拙劣的短篇报告和有效的短篇报告 606

Periodic Reports 定期报告 610

Sales Reports 销售报告 610

Progress Reports 进度报告 610

Audience and Length for a Progress Report 进度报告的读者和长度 611

Frequency of Progress Reports 进度报告的频度 616

Parts of a Progress Report 进度报告的组成部分 616

Trip/Travel Reports 旅行报告 617

Questions Trip/Travel Reports Answer 旅行报告所回答的问题 617

Common Types of Trip/Travel Reports 旅行报告的常见类型 618

Test Reports 测试报告 625

Questions Your Report Needs to Answer 测试报告需回答的问题 625

Case Study:Two Sample Test Reports 案例研究:两份测试报告样本 625

Incident Reports 事故报告 629

When to Submit an Incident Report 何时应提交事故报告 630

Parts of an Incident Report 事故报告的组成部分 630

Protecting Yourself Legally 合法地保护自己 632

Short Reports:Some Final Thoughts 有关短篇报告的几点提议 633

Revision Checklist 634

Exercises 634

Chapter 15:Writing Careful Long Reports 仔细写作长篇报告 638

How a Long Report Differs from a Short Report 长篇报告与短篇报告的差异 638

Scope 范围 639

Research 研究 639

Format 格式 641

Timetable 时间 641

Audience 读者 641

Collaborative Effort 合作 641

The Process of Writing a Long Report 撰写长篇报告的过程 642

Parts of a Long Report 长篇报告的组成部分 643

Front Matter 前文 643

Text of the Report 报告正文 647

Back Matter 附属资料 651

A Model Long Report 长篇报告范例 651

Final Words of Advice About Long Reports 有关长篇报告的几点建议 668

Revision Checklist 668

Exercises 669

Chapter 16:Making Successful Presentations at Work 职场中的成功演示 670

Types of Presentations 演示的类型 670

Informal Briefings 非正式情况介绍会 670

Guidelines for Preparing Informal Briefings 如何准备非正式介绍会 671

Using Telephones and Cell Phones Effectively 有效使用电话和手机 671

Telephone Etiquette 电话礼仪 671

Formal Presentations 正式演示 673

Analyzing Your Audience 分析你的听众 673

The Parts of Formal Presentations 正式演示的组成部分 675

Presentation Software 演示软件 680

Noncomputerized Presentations 没有电脑的演示 683

Rehearsing Your Presentation 预演演示 684

Delivering Your Presentation 进行演示 685

Evaluating Presentations 评估演示 688

Revision Checklist 691

Exercises 691
