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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:H.D.FONG
  • 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787100089586
  • 页数:357 页

Ⅰ.History and localization 1

A.History 1

B.Localization 15

1.Cotton centres 15

2.Factors for localization 17

Ⅱ.Raw cotton:Ⅰ 21

A.Production 21

1.Factors in cotton culture 21

2.Area and crop 23

3.Crop yield 25

4.Improvement 28

5.Anti-adulteration 29

6.Standardization 33

B.Consumption 36

C.Import and export 37

1.Early history 37

2.Development since 1867 41

3.Origin and destination 44

4.Varieties of foreign cotton and cotton bales 48

5.Transport 50

6.Passing through the Customs 50

7.Financing 52

8.Traders and trading 53

Ⅲ.Raw cotton:Ⅱ 55

D.Marketing 55

1.Cotton markets and merchants in Hopei 55

2.Spot trading in Shanghai 58

3.Future trading in Shanghai 63

4.Trade associations 67

5.Packing and warehousing 68

6.Transport and taxation 70

7.Financing 73

8.Price movements 74

Ⅳ.Manufacturing and marketing 77

A.Manufacturing 77

1.Processes 77

2.Machinery 79

3.Costings 87

4.Efficiency 89

B.Marketing 99

1.Cotton goods 99

2.The dealers 103

3.Trading methods 104

4.Price movement 105

Ⅴ.Labor:Ⅰ 111

A.Extent and character 111

1.Number of cotton workers,1912-1930 111

2.Nativity,age,sex,height and weight of cotton workers 115

B.Labor conditions 118

1.Employment and labor mobility 118

2.Wages and standard of living 127

3.Hours of work 141

4.Child and woman labor 145

5.Industrial accident and sickness 151

Ⅵ.Labor:Ⅱ 159

A.Labor organization 159

1.Labor unions 159

2.Labor disputes 162

B.Labor legislation 174

1.Labor conditions 174

2.Labor unions and disputes 179

C.Welfare work 181

1.Living accommodations 181

2.Education and recreation 185

3.Savings 187

Ⅶ.Industrial organization 190

A.Introduction 190

B.Technical size and size distribution 194

C.Financial size and size distribution 205

D.Tendency towards integration 218

E.Financial statements analyzed 220

F.Employers'associations 227

Ⅷ.Handloom weaving 230

A.Extent and distribution 230

B.Industrial organization 232

C.Looms and cloths described 234

D.Marketing methods 238

Ⅸ.Import and export 243

A.Import 243

1.Early import 243

2.Import since 1867 246

3.Origin and destination of import,1905-1929 250

4.Effects of Anti-Japanese boycotts 255

5.Classification of cotton piece goods imported 257

6.Methods of distribution 261

B.Export 271

1.Early export 271

2.Export since 1867 276

3.Origin and destination of export,1913-1929 281

Ⅹ.Prospect and retrospect 287

A.Summary of China's cotton industry and trade 287

1.History and localization 287

2.Industrial organization 288

3.Raw cotton 290

4.Labor 294

5.Manufacturing and marketing 299

6.Imports and exports 302

B.Comparative position of China's cotton industry 309

C.Factors affecting development 316

Bibliography 321

Index 331

Errata 356

A Revised List of Cotton mills in China,1930……Inside back cover Afterword 357


1.China's import of raw cotton compared with import of cotton yarn and thread,1867-1930(1913=100)(logarithmic)(See Table 1) 3

2.Growth of spindles and looms in China according to nationality of ownership,1896-1930(1913=100)(See Table 2) 9

3.Distribution of cotton mill statistics in China according to nationality of ownership,1925 and 1930(in percentages)(See Table 4b) 12

4.Distribution of cotton spindles in China by cities,1918-1930(in percentages)(See Table 5b) 15

5.Map of cotton production in China,annual average,1925-1929(See Table 6a) 22

6.Distribution of cotton production in China by provinces,1918-1929(See Table 6a) 25

7.Import of Indian cotton into Canton,1785-1833(See Table 10) 38

8.China's cotton import and export,1867-1930(See Table 11a) 43

9.Distribution of China's cotton import by origin and destination,1929(in percentages)(See Table 12) 45

10.Distribution of China's cotton export by origin and destination,1929(in percentages)(See Table 13) 47

11.Prices of raw cotton in Shanghai and Tientsin,1913-1931(1926=100)(See Table 15) 75

12.Distribution of China's import of textile machinery by origin,1911-1930 (See Table 18) 82

13.Distribution of China's import of textile machinery by destination,1911-1930(See Table 19) 85

14.Semi-monthly fluctuations of the spindle output per day or night shift among Tientsin cotton mills,1929(See Table 24) 97

15.Prices of native cotton yarn in Shanghai and Tientsin,1913-1931(1926=100)(See Tables 27-28) 108

16.Prices of native cotton cloth in Shanghai and Tientsin,1913-1931(1926=100)(See Table 30) 109

17.Distribution of factory workers in nine provinces of China,by industries,1930(See Table 32) 111

18.Distribution of cotton mill workers in China by cities,1924,1927 and 1930 (See Table 33) 114

19.Age distribution of cotton mill workers in Shanghai and Tientsin(See Table 35) 117

20.Monthly fluctuations of workers'attendance in a Tientsin cotton mill,1928-1929(average payroll number=100)(See Table 37) 123

21.Distribution of cotton mill workers in Tientsin by length of stay,1930(See Table 38) 125

22.Wages of cotton workers in Shanghai and Tientsin compared,1929(See Table 44) 132

23.Distribution of the income of cotton worker's family in Shanghai and Tientsin compared(in percentages)(See Table 46) 136

24.Distribution of the expenditure of cotton worker's family in Shanghai and Tientsin compared(in percentages)(See Table 47) 138

25.Distribution of man,woman and child labor in China's cotton manufacturing centres,1930(See Table 51) 148

26.Distribution of the nature of accidents and sickness among cotton mill workers in Shanghai(in percentages)(See Table 55) 154

27.Monthly fluctuations of the number of patients to the various departments of a Tientsin cotton mill hospital,July 1928 to June,1929(See Table 57) 156

28.Sex distribution of the organized cotton workers in leading centres,1930(in percentages)(See Table 58) 160

29.Labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills, 1918-1929(See Table 60) 163

30.Distribution of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills according to subject matters and results,1918-1929(See Table 62) 167

31.Distribution of cotton mills in China by workers and power capacity per mill,1930(See Tables 79-80) 198

32.Distribution of cotton mills in China by spindles,cotton consumption and yarn output per mill,1930(See Tables 81-83) 201

33.Distribution of cotton mills in China by looms and cloth output per mill,1930(See Tables 84-85) 205

34.Distribution of cotton mills in China by capital investment per mill,1930(See Tables 87-89) 212

35.Distribution of cotton mills in China by capital investment per mill,1930(See Table 90) 216

36.Percentage of mills already integrated in China's cotton industry,1930(See Table 92b) 218

37.Rates of net profit for Tientsin cotton mills compared,1919-1928(See Table 93) 222

38.Value of China's cotton goods import and total import compared,1867-1930(1913=100)(See Table 100) 247

39.Distribution of China's import of cotton goods by origin and destination,1905,1913 and 1929(See Tables 101 and 104) 251

40.China's import of cotton piece goods from Japan compared with China's total import from Japan,1907-1930(1913=100(See Table 105) 257

41.China's gross import of cotton piece goods classified by groups,1923-1930 (See Table 106) 259

42.Export of nankeens from Canton,1786-1833(See Table 108a) 275

43.Value and quantity of China's export of nankeens,1867-1930(1913=100)(See Table 110a) 277

44.China's export of cotton goods classified by groups,1905-1930(See Table 111) 279

45.Distribution of China's export of cotton goods by origin and destination,1913,1920 and 1929(See Tables 113 and 115) 282

46.Distribution of China's import of native cotton goods by ports,1913,1920 and 1929(See Table 114) 284

47.Distribution of China's import of native cotton goods by groups,1913,1920 and 1929(See Table 114) 284

48.Growth of cotton spindles in leading countries of the world,1920-1931(1913=100)(See Table 116) 309

49.Cotton spindles per 1,000 population in leading countries of the world,1931(See Table 117) 311

50.Percentage distribution of cotton spindles and power looms in the world by countries(See Tables 117 and 121) 313

51.Cotton power looms per 1,000,000 population in leading countries of the world,1927(See Table 121) 315


1.Net import of raw cotton,cotton yarn and thread into China,1867-1930 (1913=100) 2

2.Cotton spindles and looms in China classified by nationality of ownership,1890-1930 8

3.Estimates on the number of cotton spindles in China,1889-1930 10

4a.Cotton mill statistics in China classified by nationality of ownership,1924-1930(in absolute figures) 13

4b.Cotton mill statistics in China classified by nationality of ownership,1924-1930(in percentages) 14

5a.Geographical distribution of spindles in China's cotton industry,1918-1930(in absolute figures) 16

5b.Geographical distribution of operating spindles in China's cotton industry,1918-1930(in percentages) 17

6a.Cotton production in China,1918-1930,by provinces(in absolute figures) 26

6b.Cotton production in China,1918-1930,by provinces(in percentages) 26

7.Cotton yield in China,1919-1929 27

8.Results of testing for 18 kinds of Chinese cotton,1930 35

9.Supply of and demand for raw cotton in China,1919-1929 37

10.Import of Indian cotton into Canton by vessels of different flags,1785-1833 39

11a.China's foreign trade in raw cotton,1867-1930 42

11b.China's foreign trade in raw cotton,1867-1930(by five-year periods) 44

12.China's import of raw cotton classified by origin and destination,1912-1930 46

13.China's export of raw cotton classified by origin and destination,1912-1930 48

14.Amount of cotton imported into Tientsin by the three means of transport,1921-1931 71

15.Prices of raw cotton in Shanghai and Tientsin,1913-1931 76

16.Distribution of spinning and weaving machines in Shanghai cotton mills,1929 78

17.The spindles and looms of cotton mills in Kiangsu in 1918 classified by the name of manufacturer and the year of the mills establishment 80

18.China's gross import of textile machinery classified by origin,1911-1930 84

19.China's net import of textile machinery classified by destination,1911-1930 86

20.Analysis of the cost for yarn and cloth at Mill B,Tientsin,1929 88

21.Analysis of the cost per bale of yarn in Shanghai mills,1929 88

22a.A comparison of efficiency between Chinese and Japanese owned mills in China,1930 93

22b.A comparison of efficiency between Chinese and Japanese owned mills in China,1930 94

23.Spindle output in Shanghai and Tientsin cotton mills,1928-1929 95

24.Semi-monthly averages of spindle or loom output per shift of 12 hours,Tientsin cotton mills,1928-1929 96

25.Loom output in Shanghai cotton mills,1929 99

26.Amount of cotton yarn transacted and delivered at Chinese Cotton Goods Exchange,January to June,1926 105

27.Prices of native cotton yarn in Shanghai,1922-1931 106

28.Prices of native cotton yarn in Tientsin,1913-1931 107

29.Price relatives of native cotton yarn and index numbers of wholesale prices compared,1913-1931(1926=100) 110

30.Prices of native cotton cloth in Shanghai and Tientsin,1913-1931 110

31.Cotton factory workers in China,1912-1920 112

32.Distribution of factory workers in nine provinces of China by industries,1930 113

33.Cotton mill workers in China classified by cities,1924-1930 114

34.Shanghai and Tientsin cotton mill workers classified by nativity 115

35.Age distribution of workers in cotton mills in Shanghai,Tsingtao and Tientsin 116

36.A comparison of reasons for workers'separations in Shanghai and Tientsin cotton mills,1929 122

37.Workers'attendance in a Tientsin cotton mill,1928-1929 123

38.Workers in Tientsin cotton mills classified by length of stay,1930 126

39.Length of stay of workers in aJapanese cotton mill in Shanghai,1928(in percentages) 126

40.Average daily wage rates for workers in a Tientsin cotton mill,1929 128

41.Average daily wages for the day shift workers in a Tientsin cotton mill,1929 129

42.Average daily wage rates in Shanghai cotton spinning mills,1929 130

43.Average daily wage rates in Shanghai cotton weaving mills,1929 131

44.Average daily wage rates for workers in Shanghai and Tientsin cotton mills,1929 131

45a.Average monthly earnings of cotton workers in Tientsin,1929 134

45b.Average monthly earnings of cotton workers in Shanghai,1929 135

46a.Average amount and percentage distribution of income per family per month by income groups for the cotton workers in Shanghai 137

46b.Average amount and percentage distribution of income per family per year by income groups for the cotton workers in Tientsin 137

47a.Average amount and percent distribution of the monthly expenditure of the families of cotton workers in Shanghai 139

47b.Average amount and percent distribution of theannual expenditure of the families of cotton workers in Tientsin 140

48.A comparison of output and wages under the 12-hour(or two shift)and 8-hour(or three shift)sy stem in Pao Cheng Mill,Tientsin,January 1 to April 15,1930 144

49.Child and woman labor in Chinese factory industries in 28 cities,1930 145

50a.Child and woman labor in China's cotton industry,1930,classified by branches and localities(in absolute figures) 146

50b.Child and woman labor in China's cotton industry,1930,classified by branches and localities(in percentages) 147

51.Distribution of man,woman and child labor in China's cotton industry by cities,1930 149

52.Occupational distribution of man,woman and child labor in Shanghai and Tientsin cotton mills 150

53.Distribution of 880 cotton mill workers by accident and sickness,Shanghai 151

54.Percentage distribution of the location of injury arising from accidents among cotton mill workers,Shanghai 152

55.Percentage distribution of the nature of accidents and sickness among cotton mill workers,Shanghai 153

56.The patients and visits to the worker's hospital of a Tientsin cotton mill classified by departments,July 1928 to June 1929 155

57.Monthly fluctuations of the patients and visits to the workers' hospital of a Tientsin cotton mill,July 1928 to June 1929 157

58.Organized labor in China's cotton industry classified by branches and localities,1930 161

59.Monthly distribution of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills,1918-1929 163

60.Labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills,1918-1829 164

61.The number of workers involved in labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills,1918-1929 165

62.An analysis of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills by subject matters and results,1918-1929 166

63.Distribution of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills according to the number of workers involved,1918-1929 169

64.Distribution of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills according to duration,1918-1929 169

65.Distribution of labor strikes in Shanghai cotton mills according to man-days lost,1918-1929 169

66.The number of man-days lost in Shanghai cotton mill strikes,1918-1929 170

67.Monthly distribution of labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills,1925-1931 171

68.Labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills,1925-1931 171

69.The number of workers involved in labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills,1925-1931 172

70.An analysis of labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills by subject matters and results,1925-1931 172

71.Distribution of labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills according to the number of workers involved,1925-1931 173

72.Distribution of labor disputes in Tientsin cotton mills according to duration,1925-1931 173

73.Distribution of labor strikes in Tientsin cotton mills according to man-days lost,1925-1931 173

74.The number of man-days lost in Tientsin cotton mill strikes,1925-1931 174

75.Forms and amounts of borrowing for the families of cotton mill workers in Shanghai 188

76.Forms and amounts of lending for the families of cotton mill workers in Shanghai 188

77.Revised statistics of cotton mills in China,1930 193

78.Size distribution of cotton mills in China,1930 195

79.Cotton mills in China classified by the number of workers per mill,1930 197

80.Cotton mills in China classified by the amount of power capacity per mill,1930 197

81.Cotton mills in China classified by the number of spindles per mill,1930 199

82.Cotton mills in China classified by cotton consumption per mill,1930 202

83.Cotton mills in China classified by yarn output per mill,1930 202

84.Cotton mills in China classified by the number of looms per mill,1930 204

85.Cotton mills in China classified by cloth output per mill,1930 204

86.40 Chinese owned mills classified by capital investment per spindle,1930 206

87.74 Chinese owned mills classified by capital investment per mill,1930 209

88.Japanese owned mills classified by capital investment per mill,1930 213

89.Cotton mills in China classified by size of capital investment and geographical distribution,1930 214

90.Cotton mills in China classified by size and nationality of capital investment,1930 215

91.The mean,median and mode size of capital investment of cotton mills in China,1930 218

92a.Statistics on 14 cotton mills in China having two or more plants each,1930,distributed by individual mills 217

92b.Statistics on 14 cotton mills in China having two or more plants each,1930,distributed by items 219

93.Capital,surplus,dividends and profits in Tientsin cotton mills,1919-1929 223

94.Fixed assets and reserves for depreciation in Tientsin cotton mills,1919-1929 225

95.Fixed assets and paid-up capital for Tientsin cotton mills,1919-1929 226

96.Ratio of current assets to current liabilities for Tientsin cotton mills,1919-1929 226

97.Yarn and thread statistics for China,1913 and 1930 230

98.Original export of native cotton piece goods fromChinese ports,1930 231

99.China's import of cotton manufactures by ships of different flags,1790-1833 246

100.Net import of cotton manufactures into China,1867-1930 248

101.Distribution of China's import of cotton goods according to origin,1905,1913,and 1929 249

102.Export of cotton piece goods from Great Britain to China(including Hongkong),1909-1930 252

103.United Kingdom exports of cotton piece goods,1909-1930 253

104.Distribution of China's import of cotton goods according to destination,1905,1913 and 1929 254

105.China's import of cotton piece goods and all commodities from Japan compared,1907-1930 258

106.China's gross import of cotton piece goods classified by items,1923-1930 260

107.China's import of cotton goods,1905,1913 and 1929 261

108a.Export of nankeens from Canton by ships of different flags,1786-1833 273

108b.Canton's export of nankeens by ships of other than English and American flags,1764-1832 275

109.Destination of nankeens exported from Canton by American ships,1819-1832 276

110a.China's export of nankeens to foreign countries,1867-1930 278

110b.China's export of nankeens to foreign countries,1867-1930(by quinquennial periods) 278

111.China's export of cotton goods to foreign countries,classified by groups,1905-1930 280

112.Statistics on the export of cotton goods from China,1913,1920 and 1929 281

113.Original export of cotton goods from China classified by origin,1913,1920 and 1929 283

114.Net import of native cotton goods into Chinese ports,1913,1920 and 1929 285

115.China's export of cotton goods classified by destination,1913,1920 and 1929 285

116.Distribution of raw cotton spinning spindles in the world,1913-1931 310

117.Distribution of raw cotton spinning spindles per 1,000 population in the world,1931 312

118.Consumption of cotton,per thousand spindles,by countries,1922-1927 313

119.Raw cotton spinning spindles and their consumption of raw cotton in China and the world compared,1924-1926 314

120.Estimated number of looms in India,Japan,Great Britain and the United States,1900-1926(1913=100) 314

121.Distribution of cotton power looms per million population in the world,1927 316
