- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨佳主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国纺织出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787506470889
- 页数:276 页
Chapter 1 天上不会掉下玫瑰来The Farmer and His Sons 3
The Carter and Hercules 5
Precious Hands 6
A Wealthy Man 8
The Hare and the Tortoise 9
The Two Gardeners 10
The Hunter and the Woodman 12
The Ant and the Grasshopper 13
The Shipwreck of Simonides 15
The Lark and Her Young Ones 17
Deep Spring 19
Zeus and Snake 20
Chapter 2 要敢于,更要善于Clever Monkey 23
The Fawn and His Father 26
The river and the Rock 27
The Sparrow and the Elephant 29
The Load 31
Three Philosophers 33
The Goat and the Fox 34
A Silly Village Headman 35
The Monkeys and the Bell 37
The Fox and the Lion 39
The Sick Rabbit 41
The Musical Donkey 43
Chapter 3 多种鲜花,少栽荆棘The Beautiful Heart 47
The Rich Man 49
The Squirrel and the Lion 50
The Horse,Hunter and Stag 52
The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox 54
The Brother and the Sister 56
The Beggar and the Miser 57
Fairy Butterfly 59
The Old Woman and the Physician 61
The Fox and the Stork 63
Colorful Shades of Gray 65
Chapter 4 心怀感恩,懂得珍惜The Old Man in a Basket 69
The Grateful Lion 71
The Ass,the Ox and the Birds 73
The Dove and the Ant 74
The Farmer and the Eagle 75
The Donkey and His Shadow 76
The Shepherd Boy and the Lion 78
The Wise Monkey 80
The Cock and the Pearl 82
The Travelers and the Plane-Tree 83
A Bird in the Hand 84
The Hart and the Vine 85
Chapter 5 众人拾柴火焰高Three Good Friends 89
The Father and His Sons 91
The Bird in the Snare 92
The Four Oxen and the Lion 93
The Lion and the Tiger 94
Rainbow 96
The Ass and the Mule 98
The Hunter and the Doves 100
The Belly and the Members 103
The Lion and the Bear 106
Chapter 6 结交一些高质量的益友The Mouse,the Frog,and the Hawk 109
The Sick Stag 110
The Lion and the Dolphin 111
The Sick Kite 112
The Farmer and the Stork 113
The Crow and the Buffalo 114
The Dog and the Hare 117
The Bear and the Two Travelers 118
The Ass,the Fox,and the Lion 119
The Lazy Donkey 120
The Lion and the Mouse 122
The Dog in the Manger 123
Chapter 7 小心点,别被人给骗了The Fox and the Cicada 127
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 128
The Fox and the Crow 129
The Farmer and the Fox 131
The Cat and the Birds 132
The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf 133
The Thief and the Innkeeper 134
The Fox without a Tail 136
The Merchant and His Friend 137
The Horse and the Groom 140
Chapter 8 每一个挫折都隐含上天的礼物An Optimist 143
Eagles in a Storm 144
The Fishermen 145
Fate 146
An Ancient Banyan 148
The Obstacle in Our Path 150
The Eyebrow Story 151
Angels 153
Chapter 9 屡败屡战,永不言弃The Little Boy and Fortune 157
Frog in a Milk-Pail 158
The Crane and the Crab 159
The Smart Hunter 162
The Boy and the Nettles 164
The Gnat and the Lion 165
Chopsticks 166
The Water Sprite and the Pearl 168
The Fox in the Ice 169
Chapter 10 成熟的麦穗总是低着头The Frog and the Ox 173
The Bald Knight 174
Goose 175
The Wolf and His Shadow 176
Men and Lions 178
The Boasting Traveler 179
The Lamp 180
The Mischievous Dog 181
The Peddler and His Ass 182
The Grasshopper and the Owl 184
Chapter 11 宽广的胸怀可以成就自己The Fox and the Lion 187
The Philosopher,the Ants,and Mercury 188
The Wind and the Sun 190
The Secret of Happiness 191
The Rose Bush and the Apple Tree 193
The Sparrow and the Hare 194
The Penguin and the Patty Cake Doll 195
The Horse and the Stag 196
The Bird with Two Heads 197
Chapter 12 有爱的青春了无遗憾The Lion in Love 201
Jupiter and the Monkey 203
Butterfly and Shell 204
Love and Time 206
Yee and Lan 208
Two Pigs 211
Roseand Night 212
The Butterfly and the Scorpion 214
The Ax and the Saw 216
Chapter 13 婚姻是一门长相厮守的学问The Man and His Two Sweethearts 219
The Two Travelers and the Axe 220
The Marriage Well 221
The Hurds 223
The Marriage of a Mouse 225
The Canary and the Cat 227
A Lion Tamer Woman 228
The Drunken Husband and His Wife 230
The Fatal Marriage 232
Chapter 14 贪婪是最真实的贫穷Honesty Is the Best Policy 235
A Wildcat Stealing Chicken 237
The Golden Chain 239
The Unhappy King 241
Fortune and the Beggar 242
The Boy and the Filberts 245
Jackal and Arrow 246
A widow and the Golden Goose 248
The Day Death Came to Town 250
The Fishman's Reward 253
The Boy and the Nuts 256
Chapter 15 有一种毒药叫完美A Heart's-Ease 259
Love of a Life Time 261
The Peacock and Juno 263
Clever Stick 264
The Man,the Horse,the Ox and the Dog 266
The Tortoise and the Eagle 268
The Rose and the Amaranth 269
The Frogs Desiring a King 270
The Grinder the Son and the Donkey 272
The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree 274
The Hart and the Hunter 275
The Circle That Lost a Wedge 276
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