中国当代对外政治话语 建构模式与社会变迁PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:尤泽顺著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787030297518
- 页数:238 页
Chapter 1 Political Discourse and Foreign-oriented Political Discourse 1
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 From political rhetoric to political discourse analysis 1
1.2 Political discourse and foreign-oriented political discourse 5
1.3 Critical studies of political discourse 9
1.4 Key terms in political discourse analysis 17
1.4.1 Discourse 17
1.4.2 Critical 19
1.4.3 Ideology 23
1.5 Discourse as social,cognitive,and historical process 26
1.5.1 Discourse as social process 27
1.5.2 Discourse as cognitive process 30
1.5.3 Discourse as historical process 33
1.6 Procedures and strategies of analysis 34
1.7 Organization of the book 37
Chapter 2 Discursive Construction of Chinese Foreign Policy in the Annual Work Report to the NPC 41
2.0 Introduction 41
2.1 Critical studies of foreign policy discourse 42
2.2 The AWR and its FPS 44
2.3 Theoretical framework and analytical methods 45
2.3.1 CDA and foreign policy studies 45
2.3.2 Discourse practice as social practice and cognitive process 46
2.3.3 Procedures and strategies of analysis 48
2.3.4 Topical analysis,schematic analysis,and lexical analysis 48
2.4 Detailed analysis 51
2.4.1 An analysis of Year 1993 report 52
2.4.2 Diachronic analysis of the FPSs in the AWRs 60
2.5 Discussion 72
2.5.1 The construction of foreign policy in the AWR 73
2.5.2 The changes of discourse in the AWR 74
2.5.3 The interaction between policy discourse and social reality 75
2.5.4 China's foreign policy constructed discursively in the AWR 76
2.6 Summary 78
Chapter 3 Historical Discourse and the Ideological Construction of China's"Peaceful Rise" 80
3.0 Introduction 80
3.1 Controversies over"peaceful rise" 81
3.2 "Peaceful rise"discourse as social,cognitive,and historical process 84
3.3 The image and construction model of"peaceful rise" 86
3.3.1 The image of"peaceful rise" 87
3.3.2 The construction model of"peaceful rise" 91
3.4 Discussion 94
3.5 Summary 97
Chapter 4 "Engagement"and the Construction of Solidarity Between China and Others in the"Peaceful Rise"Discourse 99
4.0 Introduction 99
4.1 Critical discourse studies of political speeches 99
4.2 China's"peaceful rise"and inter-state relations 101
4.3 Theoretical framework and analytical strategies 103
4.3.1 CDA and Engagement 104
4.3.2 Interpersonal relations and inter-state relations 106
4.3.3 Engagement as construction resources and as analytical strategies 111
4.4 Detailed analysis 113
4.4.1 General distribution of Engagement resources 114
4.4.2 Entertain 115
4.4.3 Acknowledge and distance 117
4.4.4 Deny and counter 119
4.4.5 Pronounce,endorse,and concur 120
4.4.6 Cooperative use of Heteroglossic Engagement 123
4.5 Discussion 125
4.6 Summary 127
Chapter 5 The Identity Construction of ASEAN and the China-ASEAN Relations 129
5.0 Introduction 129
5.1 Language and identity in the international theory and in CDA 130
5.2 China-ASEAN relations and China's discursive construction of ASEAN 133
5.3 Identity construction discourse as social,cognitive,and historical process 136
5.3.1 Identity construction discourse as social,cognitive,and historical process 136
5.3.2 News headlines as analytical strategy 137
5.4 Detailed analysis 139
5.4.1 Different identities constructed for ASEAN 139
5.4.2 Diachronic changes of ASEAN's identities 149
5.5 Discussion 151
5.5.1 Society,history and identity construction 152
5.5.2 Cognition,identity construction,and China-ASEAN relations 153
5.5.3 CDA and the constructivism and poststructuralism in IR 155
5.6 Summary 155
Chapter 6 "Harmony"and Chinese Spring Festival Celebration Abroad 157
6.0 Introduction 157
6.1 Chinese spring festival celebration and its cultural implications 158
6.2 Theoretical framework for the analysis 160
6.3 Detailed analysis 163
6.3.1 Lexical reiteration 164
6.3.2 The selective use of pronoun we/they 166
6.3.3 Cultural symbol depicting 169
6.3.4 Social activity description 171
6.4 Discussion 176
6.5 Summary 179
Chapter 7 Tension Between the Educational Identity and the Marketized Discourse of"Confucius Institutes" 180
7.0 Introduction 180
7.1 Modernity and the expansion of the marketized discourse 180
7.2 "Confucius Institutes"and its identity construction 184
7.3 Theoretical framework and strategies for the analysis 186
7.3.1 Discourse,society and identity construction 186
7.3.2 Three-dimensional model of discourse analysis 187
7.3.3 Strategies of textual analysis 188
7.4 Detailed analysis 188
7.4.1 Marketized metaphors 188
7.4.2 Advertised language 192
7.4.3 Standardization of discourse 197
7.4.4 Professionalization of discourse 200
7.5 Discussion 204
7.5.1 The initial drive to construct a cultural educational identity for the institutes 204
7.5.2 The consequence of the marketization trend in the identity construction effort 206
7.5.3 The theoretical implications 208
7.6 Summary 208
Bibliography 210
2.1 Total Chinese characters in the AWRs and the FPSs 52
2.2 Schemata of the FPS in Year 1993 report 55
2.3 The 10 most frequently-occurred words in Year 1993 report 58
2.4 Words associated to general rules of Chinese foreign policy 58
2.5 Words associated to major international events in the previous year(s) 59
2.6 Topic variations of the FPSs in the AWR during 1993-2007 61
2.7 Schematic variations of the FPSs in the AWRs during 1993-2007 64
2.8 The 10 most frequently-occurred words in the FPSs during 1993-2007 67
2.9 Variations of words associated closely to rules of Chinese foreign policy in all the FPSs during 1993-2007 68
2.10 Words associated to major international events or China's policy changes in all the FPSs during 1993-2007 70
3.1 The relevant propositions concerning"peaceful rise" 88
3.2 The image of Zheng's"peaceful rise" 90
4.1 Titles of Zheng's speeches and other people's articles 102
4.2 An overview of heteroglossic engagement 113
4.3 The tag scheme and the sample text extract tagged 114
4.4 General distribution of the engagement 115
5.1 The occurrences of the identities constructed for ASEAN in the headlines 148
5.2 The occurrences of the identities constructed for ASEAN in the pre-1997 and the post-1997 151
6.1 Frequency of words highly relevant to Chinese harmony 167
6.2 The manipulative use of we,they and their substitutions 171
6.3 Chinese and non-Chinese cultural symbols in the texts 173
6.4 Text extracts in relation to official involvements 175
6.5 Text extracts in relation to non-governmental group's engagement 176
6.6 Text extracts showing "holiday sale" in the West during the Festival 177
6.7 Text extracts showing ordinary people's participation 178
7.1 Marketized metaphors used in the text 194
List of Figures 56
2.1 Cognitive schemata of the FPS in Year 1993 report 56
2.2 The percentage of the FPSs in the AWRs 60
4.1 Interpersonal and inter-state relations 108
4.2 Writers/speakers and readers/listeners 109
4.3 Relations bewteen people and states 109
4.4 Shift of inter-state to interpersonal relations 110
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