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财政干部英语培训教程  第2册
财政干部英语培训教程  第2册

财政干部英语培训教程 第2册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:财政部干部教育中心,财政部国际司组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:经济科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7505843265
  • 页数:425 页
《财政干部英语培训教程 第2册》目录

Unit One Excerpts of Government Work Reports 1

Passage A 1

Summary of Premier Zhu Rongji's Government Work Report 1

Passage B 11

Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets for 2002 and on the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2003(excerpts) 11

Passage C 19

Premier Wen Jiabao Elaborates on the Tasks of the New Govemment 19

Technique in Translation 26

Unit Two Sustainable Development 29

Passage A 29

Remarks by the President of the United States on the Environment 29

Passage B 35

The Quality of Growth 35

Passage C 40

Urbanization and Sustainable Development 40

Technique in Translation 46

Unit Three Macro-economic Policy 49

Passage A 49

Fiscal Policy 49

Passage B 55

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area 55

Passage C 63

China's Deficit within Safe Limits 63

Technique in Translation 70

Unit Four Finance and Taxation Reform 74

Passage A 74

China's Finance and Taxation Refotrm and Fiscal Regulation 74

Passage B 84

President Bush Taking Action to Strengthen America's Economy 84

Passage C 90

The Current Chinese Taxation System and Its Categories 90

Technique in Translation 98

Unit Five Expenses on Social Development 100

Passage A 100

The State Financial Measures and the Achievements in Carrying Out the Strategy of Invigorating China Through Science,Technology and Education 100

Passage B 108

Should Education Be Commercialized? 108

Passage C 115

TRIPS and Public Health 115

Technique in Translation 120

Unit Six Social Security 123

Passage A 123

China's Social Security System Reform 123

Passage B 136

Labor and Social Security in China—Development in the Early Period of the 21st Century 136

Passage C 143

Employment After WTO Accession 143

Technique in Translation 150

Unit Seven Expenses on Agriculture 153

Passage A 153

The Comprehensive Agricultural Development 153

Passage B 165

Chinese Farmers at a Crossroad 165

Passage C 172

Agricultural Policies and Trade 172

Technique in Translation 179

Unit Eight Finance 182

Passage A 182

The China Banking Regulatory Commission 182

Passage B 190

The People's Bank of China and Its Policy Objectives 190

Passage C 195

The Scapegoating of China 195

Technique in Translation 201

Unit Nine Trade 205

Passage A 205

China's Accession to the WTO(Ⅰ) 205

Passage B 214

China's Accession to the WTO(Ⅱ) 214

Passage C 222

China's Accession to the WTO(Ⅲ) 222

Technique in Translation 229

Unit Ten Accounting 233

Passage A 233

The People's Republic of China Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises:Basic Standard 233

Passage B 246

Working System of Statement of Final Accounts 246

Passage C 254

The International Accounting Standards Board 254

Technique in Translation 260

Unit Eleven Government Financial Management Information System(GFMIS) 264

Passage A 264

A Brief Introduction to GFMIS 264

Passage B 273

Credit Management System 273

Passage C 280

Protecting Intellectual Property 280

Technique in Translation 286

Unit Twelve Government Procurement 291

Passage A 291

The Administration of Government Procurement 291

Passage B 301

China's Government Procurement 301

Passage C 308

EU Public Procurement Pilot Project(excerpts) 308

Technique in Translation 316

Unit Thirteen Globalization in Economy 320

Passage A 320

ASEAN-China Economic Relations 320

Passage B 326

Statement by the Hon.Jin Renqing,Governor of the Bank for the People's Republic of China,at the Joint Annual Discussion 326

Passage C 332

Sharing the Benefits of China's Growth 332

Technique in Translation 338

Unit Fourteen International Financial Organizations 341

Passage A 341

The World Bank Group 341

Passage B 349

The International Monetary Fund 349

Passage C 355

The Asian Development Bank 355

Technique in Translation 361

Unit Fifteen Economic Cooperation Organizations 364

Passage A 364

APEC:A Forum For the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 364

Passage B 374

Asia-Pacific Economy 374

Passage C 388

Asian-European Economic Cooperation 388

Technique in Translation 396

Vocabulary 399
