广告、促销与整合营销传播 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)肯尼思·E·克洛,(美)唐纳德·巴克著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787302238836
- 页数:451 页
1 Integrated Marketing Communications 2
Ron Jon Surf Shop:IMC and Brand Building Go to the Beach 2
Overview 4
Communication and IMC Programs 6
Integrated Marketing Communications 8
An Integrated Marketing Communications Plan 9
IMC Components and the Design of this Book 10
The IMC Foundation 10
Advertising Tools 11
IMC Media Tools 11
Promotional Tools 11
Integration Tools 12
Refining the IMC Program 12
The Value of IMC Plans 13
Information Technology 13
Changes in Channel Power 14
Increases in Competition 15
Brand Parity 16
Integration of Information 16
Decline in the Effectiveness of Television Advertising 17
International Implications 17
2 Corporate Image and Brand Management 24
Gucci:One Strong Brand Works with Others 24
Overview 25
Corporate Image 26
Components of a Corporate Image 26
The Role of a Corporate Image—Consumer Perspective 27
The Role of a Corporate Image—Business-to-Business Perspective 28
The Role of a Corporate Image—Company Perspective 29
Promoting the Desired Image 30
Creating the Right Image 30
Rejuvenating an Image 31
Changing an Image 31
Corporate Name 32
Corporate Logos 33
Branding 34
Developing a Strong Brand Name 34
Brand Equity 35
Steps to Building Brand Equity 36
Measuring Brand Equity 37
Brand Extensions and Flanker Brands 38
Co-Branding 40
Private Brands 41
Packaging 43
New Trends in Packaging 44
Labels 45
Positioning 45
Other Elements of Positioning 47
Ethical Issues in Brand Management 48
International Implications 49
3 Buyer Behaviors 56
Apple's iPhone:Dialing Up New Customers 56
Overview 58
Consumer Purchasing Process 58
Information Search 59
Internal Search 59
External Search 59
Consumer Attitudes 61
Consumer Values 63
Cognitive Mapping 64
Evaluation of Alternatives 66
The Evoked Set Method 66
The Multiattribute Approach 67
Affect Referral 68
Trends in the Consumer Buying Environment 69
Age Complexity 69
Gender Complexity 69
Individualism 69
Active,Busy Lifestyles 70
Cocooning 70
Changes in Family Units 71
Pleasure Pursuits 71
Health Emphasis 71
Business-to-Business Buyer Behavior 72
Factors Affecting Members of Business Buying Centers 73
Organizational Influences 73
Individual Factors 73
Types of Business-to-Business Sales 75
The Business-to-Business Buying Process 76
Identification of Needs 76
Establishment of Specifications 77
Identification of Vendors 77
Vendor Evaluation 77
Vendor Selection 78
Negotiation of Terms 78
Postpurchase Evaluation 78
Dual Channel Marketing 78
International Implications 80
4 Promotions Opportunity Analysis 88
PETsMART:It's a Dog's Life(which ain't half bad) 88
Overview 90
Promotions Opportunity Analysis 90
Communication Market Analysis 91
Competitors 91
Opportunities 91
Target Markets 92
Customers 92
Product Positioning 93
Establishing Marketing Communications Objectives 93
Establishing a Communications Budget 94
Types of Budgets 96
The Percentage of Sales Method 96
The Meet-the-Competition Method 97
The"What We Can Afford"Method 97
The Objective and Task Method 97
Payout Planning 97
Quantitative Models 98
Budgeting Expenditures 98
Preparing Promotional Strategies 99
Matching Tactics with Strategies 100
Market Segmentation 101
Market Segmentation by Consumer Groups 101
Segments Based on Demographics 102
Psychographics 104
Segments Based on Generations 105
Segmentation by Geographic Area 106
Geodemographic Segmentation 106
Benefit Segmentation 107
Usage Segmentation 107
Business-to-Business Segmentation 108
Segmentation by Industry 108
Segmentation by Size 109
Segmentation by Geographic Location 109
Segmentation by Product Usage 109
Segmentation by Customer Value 110
International Implications 110
5 Advertising Management 118
The Anatomy of a Perfect Pushup 118
Overview 119
Overview of Advertising Management 121
Advertising and the IMC Process 121
Choosing an Advertising Agency 122
Decision Variables 123
External Advertising Agencies 124
Choosing an Agency 125
Goal Setting 125
Selection Criteria 125
Reference Requests 127
Creative Pitch 127
Agency Selection 128
Advertising Planning and Research 129
The Roles of Advertising Account Executives 130
The Roles of Creatives 130
Advertising Campaign Management 131
Communication Market Analysis 131
Advertising Goals 132
Building Brand Image 132
Providing Information 133
Persuasion 133
Supporting Marketing Efforts 133
Encouraging Action 134
The Advertising Budget 134
Media Selection 135
The Creative Brief 135
The Objective 135
The Target Audience 136
The Message Theme 137
The Support 137
The Constraints 137
International Implications 138
6 Advertising Design:Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals 146
Ecko Enterprises:Dressing the Hip Hop World and Beyond 146
Overview 148
The Creative Brief 148
Advertising Theory 149
Hierarchy of Effects 149
Means-End Theory 150
Leverage Points 151
Verbal and Visual Images 152
Types of Advertising Appeals 153
Fear 154
Humor 155
Sex 157
Musical Appeals 162
Rational Appeals 164
Emotional Appeals 165
Scarcity Appeals 167
The Structure of an Advertisement 167
International Implications 169
7 Advertising Design:Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks 176
Dove's Social and Fashion Advertising 176
Overview 177
Message Strategies 178
Cognitive Strategies 178
Affective Strategies 181
Conative Strategies 182
Executional Frameworks 183
Animation 183
Slice-of-Life 184
Dramatization 185
Testimonials 185
Authoritative 186
Demonstration 186
Fantasy 187
Informative 188
Sources and Spokespersons 188
Source Characteristics 190
Matching Source Types and Characteristics 192
Creating an Advertisement 194
Advertising Effectiveness 195
Beating Ad Clutter 197
International Implications 198
8 Traditional Media Channels 208
M&M's:The Sweet Task of Media Selection 208
Overview 210
Media Strategy 210
Media Planning 211
Media Planners 212
Media Buyers 213
Advertising Objectives 213
Achieving Advertising Objectives 216
Recency Theory 217
Media Selection 219
Television 219
Radio 222
Outdoor Advertising 224
Magazines 226
Newspapers 228
Media Mix 230
Media Selection in Business-to-Business Markets 231
International Implications 233
9 E-active Marketing 242
How Google Has Changed Our Language 242
Overview 243
E-Commerce 244
E-Commerce Components 245
E-Commerce Incentives 246
Financial Incentives 246
Convenience Incentives 247
Value-Added Incentives 248
Consumer Concerns with E-Commerce 249
Seller Opportunism 249
Security Issues 249
Privacy Issues 250
Purchasing Habits 250
Business-to-Business E-Commerce 251
Interactive Marketing 251
Online Advertising 253
Forms of Online Advertising 253
The Impact of Online Advertising 253
Brand Spiraling 253
Blogs 254
Reactions to Negative Comments 254
Company-Sponsored Blogging 255
Online Social Networks 255
Developing a Social Network Presence 256
Consumer-Generated Advertising 256
Consumer-Generated Reviews 257
E-Mail 258
Integration with Other Channels 258
Web Analytics 258
Monitoring Future Actions 259
E-Mail Newsletters 259
Advertising on Other Newsletters 259
Search Engine Optimization 260
Viral Marketing 260
Web Site Design Issues 262
International Implications 262
Shipping Issues 262
Payment Methods 263
Communication Issues 263
Technology Issues 263
10 Alternative Marketing 270
Red Bull's Buzz 270
Overview 271
Alternative Media Programs 272
Buzz Marketing 272
Consumers Who Like a Brand 273
Sponsored Consumers 273
Company Employees 273
Buzz Marketing Stages 274
Buzz Marketing Preconditions 274
Guerilla Marketing 274
Product Placements and Branded Entertainment 276
Product Placements 276
Branded Entertainment 276
Achieving Success with Individual Consumers 277
Company Tactics 277
The Media's Perspective 278
Lifestyle Marketing 278
Alternative Media Venues 279
Video Game Advertising 279
Benefits of Video Game Advertising 280
Disadvantages of Video Game Advertising 280
Cinema Advertising 280
In-Tunnel Subway Advertising 280
Parking Lot Advertising 281
Escalator Advertising 281
Airline In-Flight Advertising 281
Leaflets and Brochures 281
Carry-Home Menus 281
Carry-Home Bag Advertising 282
Advertising on Clothing 282
Mall Signs 282
Kiosks 282
In-Store Marketing 282
New In-Store Marketing Tactics 283
Point-of-Purchase Tactics 284
Designing Effective POP 284
Measuring POP Effectiveness 285
Combination Approaches 286
Brand Communities 286
International Implications 288
11 Database and Direct Response Marketing 296
Levi Strauss&Co.:Using Quality Information to Build Relationships 296
Overview 298
Database Marketing 298
Building a Data Warehouse 299
E-Mail and Internet Data 300
Purchase and Communication Histories 300
Personal Preference Profiles 300
Customer Information Companies 301
Geocoding 301
Database Coding and Analysis 301
Lifetime Value Analysis 301
RFM Analysis 302
Data Mining 303
Database-Driven Marketing Communications 304
Identification Codes 305
Customer Profile Information 305
In-Bound Telemarketing 305
Trawling 306
Lifetime Value Segments 306
Database-Driven Marketing Programs 307
Permission Marketing 307
Frequency Programs 309
Customer Relationship Management 311
Direct Response Marketing 312
Direct Mail 313
Types of Lists 313
Advantages of Direct Mail 314
Disadvantages of Direct Mail 314
Catalogs 314
Direct Response Media 315
Internet 315
Alternative Media 315
Telemarketing 316
International Implications 316
12 Sales Promotions 324
Sales Promotions and More Hook Fans 324
Overview 326
Consumer Promotions 326
Coupons 327
Coupon Distribution 328
Types of Coupons 328
Problems with Coupons 329
Premiums 330
Types of Premiums 330
Keys to Successful Premium Programs 331
Contests and Sweepstakes 331
Contests 332
Sweepstakes 332
Components of Prizes 332
Goals of Contests and Sweepstakes 333
Refunds and Rebates 333
Sampling 334
Types of Samples 335
Benefits of Sampling 335
Problems with Sampling 335
Successful Sampling Programs 336
Bonus Packs 336
Types of Bonus Packs 336
Benefits of Bonus Packs 336
Problems with Bonus Packs 337
Price-Offs 337
Benefits of Price-Offs 337
Problems with Price-Offs 338
Overlays and Tie-Ins 338
Planning for Consumer Promotions 338
Trade Promotions 340
Trade Allowances 340
Trade Contests 342
Trade Incentives 343
Trade Shows 345
Concerns with Trade Promotions 347
International Implications 348
13 Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs 354
Everyone's Wild About Harry 354
Overview 355
Public Relations 356
Internal Versus External Public Relations 356
Public Relations Tools 356
Public Relations Functions 357
Identifying Stakeholders 357
Internal Stakeholders 358
External Stakeholders 358
Assessing Corporate Reputation 359
Auditing Corporate Social Responsibility 360
Creating Positive Image-Building Activities 360
Cause-Related Marketing 361
Green Marketing and Pro-Environmental Activities 363
Preventing or Reducing Image Damage 364
Proactive Prevention Strategies 365
Reactive Damage-Control Strategies 365
Sponsorships 368
Forms of Sponsorships 368
Choosing Sponsorships 369
Sponsorship Objectives 370
Event Marketing 370
Determining Objectives 371
Matching the Event to Publics 371
Promoting the Event 371
Advertising at the Event 371
Tracking Results 372
Cross-Promotions 372
International Implications 373
14 Regulations and Ethical Concerns 382
A Salty Situation 382
Overview 383
Marketing Communications Regulations 384
Governmental Regulatory Agencies 384
The Federal Trade Commission 385
Unfair and Deceptive Marketing Practices 385
Deception Versus Puffery 385
Substantiation of Marketing Claims 386
How Investigations Begin 387
Consent Orders 388
Administrative Complaints 388
Courts and Legal Channels 388
Corrective Advertising 389
Trade Regulation Rulings 389
Industry Oversight of Marketing Practices 390
Council of Better Business Bureaus 390
National Advertising Division 390
National Advertising Review Board 391
Children's Advertising Review Unit 391
Ethics and Social Responsibility 392
Ethics and Advertising 393
Perpetuating Stereotypes 393
Advertising Unsafe Products 394
Offensive Advertisements 394
Advertising to Children 395
Marketing and Ethics 395
Brand Infringement 395
Medical Marketing and Advertising 396
Giffs and Bribery in Business-to-Business Marketing Programs 396
Internet Marketing:Spamming and Cookies 397
Responding to Ethical Challenges 397
Ethical Frameworks 398
Social Responsibility 399
Social Responsibility Perspectives 399
Ethics Programs 400
Ethics Training Programs 400
Codes of Ethics 400
Ethics Consulting Systems 401
International Implications 401
15 Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program 408
Pretesting for Effectiveness:The New High-Tech World of Advertising Design 408
Overview 409
Matching Methods with IMC Objectives 410
Message Evaluations 411
Concept Testing 412
Copytesting 413
Recall Tests 414
Recognition Tests 416
Attitude and Opinion Tests 417
Emotional Reaction Tests 418
Physiological Arousal Tests 419
Persuasion Analysis 420
Evaluation Criteria 421
Behavioral Evaluations 423
Sales and Response Rates 423
Online Metrics 425
Test Markets 426
Purchase Simulation Tests 428
Evaluating Public Relations Activities 428
Evaluating the Overall IMC Program 430
International Implications 431
Subject Index 439
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